Monday, March 31, 2008

Attention Parents of Graduating High School and College Seniors

Do you have a child graduating from high school or college this spring? High school graduates will receive a personalized Bible, and college graduates will receive a personalized Book of Common Prayer from the Parish. These gifts will be presented during the 9:00 service on Sunday, June 8.

Please email Sharon Angel at by March 31 to be sure that your child's gift will be ordered and received in time for this recognition ceremony.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Update on High School Youth Activity - March 30, 2008

The high school youth will NOT be going bowling on Holy Saturday, March 22, as was previously announced in “The Shell.” Instead, there will be a joint Middle/High School Youth gathering on Sunday, March 30 from 11:00 – 1:00.

Combined Middle and High School Youth Group - March 30, 2008

There will be a combined middle school/high school youth group this Sunday, March 30.

We will meet in the high school classroom from 11:30 - 1:30. Lunch will be served. Hope to see you there.

For further information, please don't hesitate to contact Steve Dorsey at 410-867-3679.

Steve Dorsey

Saturday, March 29, 2008

New Diocesan Bishop Election - March 29, 2008

The Electing Convention for the Diocesan Bishop will be held March 29 at St. James’, Lafayette Square, in Baltimore from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Members are encouraged to inform St. James' Parish delegates to the Electing Convention about their Bishop preferences prior to the election. If you have read material about the candidates or attended the walk-about on March 7th at St. James’ (or, one of the other sites), please express your ideas and preferences. Remember, however, that delegates vote their conscience---but your input is sought, considered and valued greatly. Please note that The Very Reverend Peter Eaton (St. John’s Cathedral, Denver) has withdrawn his candidacy.

Please feel free to contact St. James' Parish delegates by e-mail (preferably), by letter, or telephone prior to March 29. Addresses and phone numbers are in the Parish directory.

St. James’ Parish Delegates and email addresses are as follows:

- Rev. Bill Ticknor -
- Deacon Bob McCoy -
- Marjie Mack -
- Charlie Wolf -

The consecration of the new Bishop will be held June 28 at Reid Temple, an AME Church in Glenn Dale in Prince George’s County.

Additional information on the Diocesan Bishop search is available at

Friday, March 28, 2008

Cursillo Ultreya - March 28, 2008

The next Cursillo Ultreya will meet on March 28, 2008. The Ultreya will start at 7 PM with fellowship and then at 7:30 PM with the actual Ultreya.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Parish Life Committee

Newcomers & Fellowship Committee and Pastoral Care Committee are now Parish Life Committee. Linda Stewart is the chair and can be reach via email at

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt - March 23, 2008

Lisa Arneson and Kathy Dickenson have volunteered to Chair the Easter Egg Hunt to be held after the 8:30 AM & 9:15 AM services on Easter Day!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Manresa - March 21, 2008

Can you spare a half day in the next week to help clean and plant Station V at Manresa entrusted to the care of St. James’ Parish? We will walk the Stations of the Cross there on Good Friday at 11:45 a.m. Contact Caroline Chisum if you can help.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Japanese Wrapped Ornaments - April 12, 2008

Learn to make Japanese Wrapped Ornaments! Joy Wiley has graciously volunteered to teach us how to make these beautiful ornaments at the next Women’s Breakfast on April 12. If you are interested in learning how to make Japanese Wrapped Ornaments, you will need to collect the following supplies and bring them with you:

- Lightweight cardboard (file folder)
- Scotch tape
- Ruler
- Glue
- Paper scissors
- Sharp long needle if you have one
- Thread – 1 skein of No. 5 perle cotton will make a 2" ornament. There will be some thread available for use as well.
- 5 Large head pins. There will be some available, but please bring some if you have any.

Please email Joy at or call her at 410-867-8504 if you have questions or to let her know if you will be coming.

Thank you and DON'T forget to mark your calendars!

- The Women of St. James Parish.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

EfM: Education for Ministry

EfM: Education for Ministry Classes Every Christian receives the call to Christ’s ministry at baptism, EfM (Education for Ministry) provides the basics of a theological education in order to develop knowledge and confidence about the ministry we all share.

You will find that EfM deepens your faith and your understanding of our Christian heritage, provides you will a new confidence to be Christ’s minister, teaches you how to think theologically, and provides the support of a small group of friends throughout the process.

EfM is for the laity of the church. It is a distance-learning program of the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. Participants commit one year at a time to meet regularly in seminars led by a trained mentor to study the Bible, church history, and twentieth century theology.

Completion of the entire EfM program takes four years, and there is a cost for each year. Continuing education credits are also available. The seminars follow an academic year and will begin in September. We hope to conduct one seminar during the day and another in the evening or on the weekend.

We are seeking those interested in this kind of serious religious study – St. James’ members or others. For more information, please contact Linda Stewart ( or Marjie Mack ( A general information session will be scheduled soon.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Making Crosses for Palm Sunday - March 15, 2008

We will be making the crosses for Palm Sunday on Saturday, March 15, in the kitchen at St. James’ from 9 AM until Noon. Please come and join us – young and old. All are welcome. The fellowship is great. Any questions, contact Linda Brown.

Men’s Monthly Breakfast - March 15, 2008

The Men’s Breakfast will meet at 7:30 a.m. on March 15 in the Parish Hall. All men of the parish are invited.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Family Fellowship Night - March 14, 2008

The Family Fellowship Night will take place again on March 14. Call Laura Miller for more information or to let her know that you will be attending as they need to know to have enough food.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Highlights of the Women of St. James’ Parish Meeting

The Women of St. James’ Parish met on Saturday, March 8, at 10:00. It had been noted that we need to purchase floor mats for the kitchen to ease the strain of having to stand for long periods of time, especially during dinner preparations. We also became aware of the need for additional refrigeration. Two committees were formed to research the possible solutions to these problems and bring a recommendation to the next meeting.

The group discussed preparations for the Spring Dinner. Flyers will be available by April 1, and we will ask parishioners to take at least one home and post it in a place of business. We also plan to use the internet more for advertising in addition to the more traditional methods.

Several problems concerning the dinners were discussed as well. We need to have a lot more baked goods for the Bake Shoppe, and we need more homemade pies for the pie table in the dining room. The price of a piece of pie at the dinner has been raised to $2.00/slice. In addition, children coming to the Spring Dinner and eating in the dining room with their parents may receive a reduced price for the dinner. This year each waitress/waiter must collect the ticket before serving the dinner.

The Women of St. James’ Parish are also inviting all the committees to set up a display at the dinner to advertise the various ministries that take place at St. James’ Parish. The Parish Life committee has already volunteered to set up a display.

The women voted to host a brunch for the parish on June 15 after the 10:00 o’clock service.

The next meeting will take place on April 20 after the 11:00 o’clock service.

Lenten Luncheon at Friendship United Methodist Chruch - March 12, 2008

A Lenten Luncheon will be held at Friendship U.M. Church on March 12 at 11:45 a.m. Price: $10.

Menu: Fried chicken, ham, etc. For more info. call 301-855-6359.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Food Safety Training Workshop - March 10, 2008

Since food safety is a high priority for all of us, especially those working in our new kitchen, the Women of St. James’ Parish are sponsoring a two-hour Food Safety Training Workshop which will give you valuable information about controlling the spread of harmful bacteria.

Everyone is welcome to attend one of the sessions. The workshops are scheduled for this Thursday from 9:30 – 11:30 am, and next Monday from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

While registration is not required, it would be helpful to know how many plan to attend to ensure that there are enough materials for everyone at the workshop. Please email Peggy Horn at for further information.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Senior High Youth Group Fellowship - March 9, 2008

Senior High Youth Group will be meeting on Sunday from 11 - 1 to go to Sam's club and purchase food with the money collected from the Souper Bowl of Caring Super Bowl Sunday (and eat lunch).

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Women of St. James’ Parish - March 8, 2008

The Women of St. James’ Parish will be meeting after the Women’s Breakfast this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. in the Library. All women are invited and encouraged to attend as we will be discussing plans for the Spring Dinner and ideas for additional fundraisers. Please come and bring your creative ideas!

Women’s Monthly Breakfast - March 8, 2008

The Women’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again Saturday March 8th at 8:30 a.m. in the Family Life Room located downstairs next to Scan. Bring something to do (or not) and join us. Any contribution to breakfast is welcome, but not necessary. Store-bought is encouraged. If you have any questions, contact Linda Stewart (

Ruritan Spaghetti Dinner - March 8, 2008

All You can Eat Spaghetti Dinner sponsored by Lothian Ruritan Club will be held March 8 from 3 – 7 p.m. at Mt. Zion Methodist Church. Adults: $8, Children: $4.

The dinner is to benefit Tony Scoglio, Tom Smith & the family of Maria Turner. For phone numbers, check your Sunday Bulletin or call the Parish Office.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Diocesan Bishop Walk-About, March 7, 2008

In an effort to allow people throughout the Diocese to meet the nominees for the next Diocesan Bishop, four sites have been selected for meet-and-greet sessions commonly known as Walk-Abouts. The format is small-group question-and-answer sessions. To submit questions to be asked of the nominees, write to or to Bishop Walk-About Questions, 4 E. University Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21218. Or give them to the moderators at the Walk-About.

Voting delegates from St. James’ to the Electing Convention are: Bill Ticknor, Bob McCoy, Marjie Mack and Charlie Wolf. Members are encouraged to inform the delegates about their preferences. We will be distributing feedback questionnaires to our members.

The Dicesan Electing Convention will be held on Saturday, March 29, at St. James’, Lafayette Square, in Baltimore from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration as a delegate, alternate, youth member or guest is $35 at

The consecration of the new bishop will be held on June 28 at Reid Temple, an AME church in Glenn Dale in Prince George’s County.

The dates of the Walk-About are as follows:

March 4 - 6:00 to 9:30 PM, All Saints’ Parish, Frederick, MD
March 5 - 6:00 to 9:30 PM, Emmanuel Church, Cumberland, MD
March 7 - 6:00 to 9:30 PM, St. James' Parish, Lothian, MD
March 8 - 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM & 2:30 to 6:00 PM, Trinity, Towson, MD

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Food Safety Workshops - March 6, 2008

Since food safety is a high priority for all of us, especially those working in our new kitchen, the Women of St. James’ Parish are sponsoring a two-hour Food Safety Training Workshop which will give you valuable information about controlling the spread of harmful bacteria.

Everyone is welcome to attend one of the sessions. The workshops are scheduled for this Thursday from 9:30 – 11:30 am, and next Monday from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

While registration is not required, it would be helpful to know how many plan to attend to ensure that there are enough materials for everyone at the workshop. Please email Peggy Horn at for further information.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Life Line Screening - March 5, 2008

Life Line Screening will be available Wednesday, March 5, 2008 in St. James’ Parish Hall. Pre-registration is required by calling 1-800-324-1851.

Screenings are provided for stroke, abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease, and osteoporosis.

You can visit their Web Site:

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March Shell, including Easter Acolyte and Reader Schedule

The March Shell is online as an Adobe PDF File: March_2008_Shell-phone-free.pdf.

The March Acolyte and Reader Schedule is online as an Adobe PDF File: March_2008_Acolyte_and_Reader_Schedule.pdf.

The Easter Acolyte and Reader Schedule is online as an Adobe PDF File: Easter_2008_Acolyte_and_Reader_Schedule.pdf.

A free viewer is available from Adobe at

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lothian Ruritan Club Due March 15, 2008

The Lothian Ruritan Club is sponsoring five $1,000-per-year scholarships, to be awarded to graduating high school seniors. Three scholarships are for one year and are paid in two equal installments. Two scholarships are for two years, $1,000-per year. The scholarships are awarded to students that have demonstrated an interest in community service. Preference is given to students living in South County.

Applications must be received by March 14, 2008. If interested, stop by the Parish Office and pick up an application.

Prison Ministry Sunday Homily - March 2, 2008

On March 2, 2008 Linda L. Rines presented the sermon on Prison Ministry. You may download the Homily as an Adobe PDF file: PrisonMinistryHomilyMar-2-2008.pdf.

A free viewer is available from Adobe at