Thursday, May 22, 2008
Parish Wide Picnic - June 1, 2008
The sponsoring committees will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, chips & drinks for the occasion. We would appreciate if attending families and individuals would donate salads, side dishes and desserts. Linda Stewart, chair of the Parish Life Committee, will post a list of what is needed and a sign-up sheet. Please email Linda ( or call (443-203-6774) her with your questions, or just to let her know if you are attending. For parents of children attending church school that day, be advised that we will keep the younger children for their fellowship meeting between 11 and noon; while the older middle school and high school students will be asked to help with set-up.
Eleven o’clock parishioners are advised to wear picnic clothes to church that day, as the croquet and potato sack races could get a little strenuous! Come out for some fun, to meet new people, to welcome our new assistant.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Christian Formation Strategic Plan Team - May 25, 2008
A meeting will be held after the 11 AM service on May 25, 2008 for those interested in participating on the Christion Formation Strategic Planning Team. Location to be determined. If you are interested please contact Doug Ellmore, Sr. via phone or email. A team blog site has been setup at
The Christian Formation Committee was asked in February to create a strategic plan for christian formation. In March, the Christian Formation Committee discussed issues and ideas for creating the strategic plan. In April we presented a framework to the Vestry.
We are now organizing a team of 8 to 12 members. The draft scope for the strategic planning team is as follows:
- Christian Education for "All Ages"
- Youth and Young Adult Pastoral Care
- Youth Groups
- Christian Youth Service Learning and Leadership
The tentative framework for the processes is as follows:
1. Solicit membership for the team, with an understanding of a commitment for 1-4 hours per week during peak periods from June to November.
2. Hold a formal Church Service to Commission the team and its members on June 1st.
3. Organize and hold 10 or more facilitated focus groups. With Parish membership during the summer, starting first with general topics and then later specific topics for more in depth discussions.
4. Formalize a draft outline of the strategic plan goals and objectives.
5. Gather input on the draft from a few final focus groups.
6. Finalize the plan.
7. Formally deliver the plan to the Parish. We are coming to the end of the school season, which means Parish membership will be taking vacations. Therefore, given the framework of the process, the season of activities before us, it only seemed reasonable to me for the team to have as a goal to work to deliver a high quality and completely communicated plan just before Thanksgiving 2008.
This timeline gives us time to solicit the broadest parish input, time to develop and formalize measurable goals and objectives, and time to define the required resources before the peak of the budget process.
To ensure sustained success, I've proposed that a Vestry member be appointed to continually monitor the execution over the lifespan of the plan.
While this may seem to be a lengthy process, I have also proposed that when and where there is early Parish consensus to implement ideas along the way, the team should introduce and help facilitate the implementation of such recommendations sooner than later, with an understanding that the full plan must capture the strategic view of all goals, objectives and activities within the scope of the team.
If you have a deep interest and time to help us with our mission, I pray you will consider joining our team. You may contact me, Doug Ellmore, Sr. by email at
Peace in Christ,
Doug Ellmore, Sr.
Katie McGlaughlin Fund Raiser - May 18, 2008
Assistant Rector’s House Walk Through - May 25, 2008
The house will be open after the 8:00 a.m. service at St. Mark’s and the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services at St. James’ for the members of the Parish to see the house and all that has been done to have it ready for the arrival of our new Assistant Rector, Amanda Finkenbinder.
Amanda will be moving into the Assistant Rector’s house on May 26th and will begin her duties with St. James’ on June 1st. At the time of the walk-through, we will have a basket available so anyone who wishes to make a contribution toward a Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift certificate for Amanda, may do so. There will also be a welcome card for everyone to sign.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Blood Drive - May 14, 2008
Parish Sponsors Needed for Cub Scout Pack 840 And Boy Scout Troop 840
EfM: Education for Ministry
EfM: Education for Ministry Classes Every Christian receives the call to Christ’s ministry at baptism, EfM (Education for Ministry) provides the basics of a theological education in order to develop knowledge and confidence about the ministry we all share.
You will find that EfM deepens your faith and your understanding of our Christian heritage, provides you with a new confidence to be Christ’s minister, teaches you how to think theologically, and provides the support of a small group of friends throughout the process. EfM is for the laity of the church. It is a distance-learning program of the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. Participants commit one year at a time to meet regularly in seminars led by a trained mentor to study the Bible, church history, and twentieth century theology.
Completion of the entire EfM program takes four years, and there is a cost for each year. Continuing education credits are also available. The seminars follow an academic year and will begin in September. We hope to conduct one seminar during the day and another in the evening or on the weekend.
We are seeking those interested in this kind of serious religious study – St. James’ members or others. For more information, please contact Linda Stewart ( or 443-203-6774) or Marjie Mack ( or 410-956-4351). A general information session will be scheduled soon.
Feed A Family For Life
Maryland Episcopal Cursillo Weekend #96 - November 6-9, 2008
Family Fellowship Night - May 16, 2008
Women’s Monthly Breakfast - June 14, 2008
Brunch for the Parish - June 15, 2008
Help Lighthouse Shelter - May 21, 2008
St. James’ Women’s Book Club - 3rd Tuesdays
Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship Due May 31, 2008
Library Committee - May 19, 2008
Crafts Table at the Spring Dinner
Parish Wide Picnic - June 1, 2008
The sponsoring committees will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, chips & drinks for the occasion. We would appreciate if attending families and individuals would donate salads, side dishes and desserts. Linda Stewart, chair of the Parish Life Committee, will post a list of what is needed and a sign-up sheet. Please email Linda ( or call (443-203-6774) her with your questions, or just to let her know if you are attending. For parents of children attending church school that day, be advised that we will keep the younger children for their fellowship meeting between 11 and noon; while the older middle school and high school students will be asked to help with set-up. Eleven o’clock parishioners are advised to wear picnic clothes to church that day, as the croquet and potato sack races could get a little strenuous! Come out for some fun, to meet new people, to welcome our new assistant.
Spring Ingathering - May 28, 2008
Please help with Amanda’s Garden
Cursillo Ultreya - May 23, 2008
Nurse Practitioner Visiting J2A - May 18, 2008
Middle School Teachers Needed for 2008-2009 School Year & Beyond
Spring Dinner Is Rapidly Approaching
We have had many parishioners who have graciously volunteered their time and talents to help with the dinner. But we can always use more help! Please call Wendy Crawford at 410-741-5679 or Peggy Horn at 410-867-7499 and they will put you in touch with the appropriate person.
See you on May 17th!
Women of St. James’ Parish Meeting Highlights
Wendy reported that the plans for the Spring Dinner were on track. She is still in need of volunteers for various areas. We made arrangements for the purchase and delivery of the potatoes, slaw, hams and crabmeat for the dinner.
Peggy discussed the plans for the May 4th Confirmation reception. Several of the women volunteered to help and/or bring food.
The women decided that the next meeting will be held Sunday, June 1 after the 11:00 am service at which time they will finalize the plans for the June 15th Brunch.
Worship and Music Committee Meeting - May 12, 2008
Acknowledgement Graduates - June 8, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Parish Life Committee Members Needed For Newcomers Program
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Parish Wide Picnic! - June 1st, 2008
The sponsoring committees will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, chips & drinks for the occasion. We would appreciate if attending families and individuals would donate salads, side dishes and desserts. Linda Stewart, chair of the Parish Life Committee, will post a list of what is needed and a sign-up sheet. Please email ( or call (443-203-6774) Linda with your questions, or just to let her know if you are attending.
For parents of kids attending church school that day, be advised that we will keep the younger children for their fellowship meeting between 11 and noon; while the older middle school and high school students will be asked to help with set-up. Eleven o-clock parishioners are advised to wear picnic clothes to church that day, as the croquet and potato sack races could get a little strenuous!
Come out for some fun, to meet new people, to welcome our new assistant and to say thanks to our deacon.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Regional Confirmation - May 5, 2008
The following people will be confirmed: Kenneth Donald Arthur, Sandra Kay Brigman Ashley, Casey Margaret Buffaloe, Dwayne Ray Crawford, Julie Marie Crawford, Wendy Marie Crawford, Hailey Morgan Davis, Zachary Sunderland Dowell, Brittney Lynn Foster, William Douglas Galebach, Catherine DeVote Garretson, Robert Grey Hoffman, Pierce Sanborn Hurlbutt, James “Jay” Henry Hurtt VI, Madeline “Maddie” Ray Hurtt, Margaret Connolly Johnson, Woodruff Barnes Johnson, Jr., Dawn Louise Kilheffer, Anna Dearing Milbradt, Allison Jane Parker, George Anthony Pickart, William Anthony Pickart, Tyler Wayne Poss, and Katelyn Jessica Rozenbroek.
The following individuals will be received from the Roman Catholic Church: Lucy Lee Dorr Arthur and Jeffrey William Parker.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Hike with Arundel Habitat for Humanity - May 17, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Help Prepare Lighthouse Shelter Bag Lunches - May 21, 2008
Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship - May 31, 2008
Yard Sale 8 AM to 2 PM - May 3, 2008
SAA Lions Club Red Cross Blood Drive - May 14, 2008
EfM - Education for Ministry
Old Athletic Shoes for Ghana for pick up or more information.