Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Consecration of the XIV Bishop of Maryland - June 28, 2008
You may read more at .
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Fund Raising Update
The Outreach Committee’s Yard Sale provided enough funds to send $2000 to the Lighthouse Shelter in Annapolis.
The African Team Ministries Sale raised $1800. Thank everyone for their generosity.
The United Thank Offering (UTO) proceeds totaled $429.25.
Youth Groups' Crop Walk earned more than $220.
Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship Awarded to Cody L. Buffaloe
Highlights of May 2008 Vestry Meeting
2. Consecration of Bishop-Elect Eugene Sutton will be June 28 at the National Cathedral.
3. Thank you to all who have worked so hard getting the Assistant Rector’s home renovated.
4. As of April 30, 2008 we are $21,632.73 in the black.
5. Checking account operating balance is $32,697.82.
6. The inventory of St. Mark’s and St. James’is near completion. Still working on the balance sheet.
7. Exterior entrance to the Rector’s home is nearly complete.
8. Buildings and Grounds met with Realistic Builders in Annapolis about fixing the cornices in the Church.
9. Getting quotes from heating companies to replace baseboard heating in the parish hall.
10. Outreach Committee sponsored a Yard Sale and cleared $2000.
11. Parish Life Committee is having a church picnic on June 1st
12. The Editor of the “Shell” wants to retire and we need a new Editor.
13. Both of the choirs will sing at the Thanksgiving Day service.
14. The Spring Dinner went very well and the Women cleared almost $7000.
Vestry Meets on June 16, 2008
Sunday Brunch on June 15, 2008
July/August Shell Information Due June 15, 2008
PLEASE NOTE: The next “Shell” will be for the months of July/August.
New Acolyte and Refresher Training - August 11-12, 2008
All currently serving acolytes and those wishing to join the acolyte team are strongly encouraged to attend.
Rising first graders are welcome to be trained to carry the Gospel book or the church school banner.
Youth may join at any time through their senior year in high school. Most acolytes find this a wonderful ministry and a great way to serve their church. Parents must recognize that when their child is scheduled to serve, it is the parents' duty to see that the child is at church ready to participate at the appointed hour.
Contact: JoEllen Kelly at
Disasters in Burma and China
Want to learn how to help out with the recent terrible disasters in Burma and China? The Anglican Communion is just about everywhere in the world, and that means that we have sisters and brothers already on the ground in these stricken areas, whose work we are supporting right now.
Over the past weeks, we have been privileged, through Episcopal Relief and Development’s partnering with churches there, to embody God’s love for people in Burma and in China whose lives have been shattered. What is God doing about it? We ourselves are the answer to that one. To make a donation, visit or telephone 1-800-334-7626.
Vacation Bible School - July 7-11
We are asking each family to donate $ 5.00 and a white tee shirt for each child attending. The tee shirt will be returned to the child with a logo on it to be worn during Vacation Bible School. The registration and health forms are found outside of each Atrium or online in the complete announcement above.
Contact Sharon McGlaughlin at 301-261-9441 or Sharon Angel at 410-798-0037 for additional information.
Maryland Episcopal Cursillo Weekend #96
Feed A Family For Life
Family Fellowship Night on June 20
Women’s Monthly Breakfast on June 14 at 8:30
Lighthouse Shelter Help Needed on 3rd Thursdays
St. James’ Women’s Book Club
Parish Life Committee Members Needed for Newcomers’ Program
Sunday School Restarts September 7, 2008
If you are interested in being on the Christian Formation Committee, Christian Formation Strategic Planning Team, or involved in anyway with these programs, please contact Steve Dorsey at 410-867-3679.
Camp Amazing Grace Needs Sleeping Bags For The Children
Middle School Teachers Needed for 2008-2009 School Year & Beyond
Summer Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed!
We are in need of volunteers to provide a simple coffee hour starting June 22nd. There will be a signup sheet in the Parish Hall on the bulletin board. We have had a wonderful and dedicated group of volunteers providing a delicious coffee hour since September, and they are taking a break for the summer.
Please consider volunteering, as we have all “grown” accustomed to our Sunday goodies. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Stewart, 443-203-6774, or email to
Parish Picnic
A special thank you to Steve Dorsey and Jerry McGlaughlin for enduring the heat of the day as well as the grills that they manned to provide the hamburgers and hot dogs.