Thursday, October 29, 2009

Christmas Boxes for Seafarers

Many seafarers are at sea for many months and not able to be home with family for the holidays. The Women of St. James’ Parish are asking for your help to provide Christmas Boxes which will be distributed by the Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center to the many men who find themselves in this situation for the holidays. We are planning to fill at least 25 boxes, and would be overjoyed to fill many more! This would be a very meaningful family holiday project.

Here is what you need:
  • A medium size shoebox – (Ladies size 8 maybe?)
  • Toiletries that are sealed – Almost all of the seafarers are men.
  • A new warm scarf or hat
  • Some of the following: pens & pads, warm socks or gloves, playing cards, postcards of Baltimore.
  • Each box also must have a paperback Bible which will be provided by the Women of St. James’ Parish and a greeting with our parish’s name and address on it.

Here is what you do:
Put your items in the box and bring it to the parish office to get the Bible and the greeting. Then, wrap the box as a Christmas gift, and bring it to St. James’ by December 13 where it will be kept in a secure place until we deliver them to the Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center.

Please help to make the holidays for the seafarers a bit brighter and warmer with your gift. If you have questions, please contact Peggy Horn at

Friday, October 23, 2009

Atrium Fellowship - Halloween Party, October 30 6-8pm

Atrium Fellowship! All Atrium Classes are invited to the St. James’ Halloween Party from 6-8 pm. Wear your favorite costume and get ready for thrills, chills, and fun! Sign up outside of Amanda’s office if you dare!!!!

Youth Group Lock-In, October 30-31

Our first youth group lock-in of the year. 6th-12th graders will be meeting at the church at 4:00pm Friday to set up for the Halloween party and lock-in. The lock-in will end at 9:00am Saturday. Sign up outside of Amanda’s office!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Horizons Gathering at St. James', October 29 at 6pm

The Horizons Gathering: Nearly 150 people representing churches, clergy and institutions accepted Bishops Sutton's invitation to be part of the newly formed "Horizons Gathering." Their first meeting took place on October 3 at the Bishop Claggett Center. The next step is five regional meetings that are open to all. Join members of the Horizons Gathering and facilitators from the Mission Strategy Group as we discuss the future of the Diocese of Maryland. One of these regional meetings is at St. James’ on Thursday, October 29, at 6 pm. Come see for yourself and give your input! Visit the Horizons Page on the Diocesan website ( to learn more about this exciting time.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Bowling for Jesus!!!, November 1

On Sunday November 1, 2009 we are going to have our monthly Atrium Fellowship for Atrium 1, 2 and 3 (Pre-K to 5th grade). The children will be leaving St. James Parish at 11:15 in order to arrive at Lord Calvert Bowling Alley (Calvert County) by 11:45. The children will be fitted with shoes and can begin bowling at 12:00. Pizza and drinks will be provided for the children and chaperones. We anticipate being back at St. James by 2:30 – 2:45.

Since we have to pay in advance to reserve lanes, we need to have an accurate count of who is attending before the event. In order to participate, we are requesting that you fill out this form and return it to your child’s teacher on or before Sunday October 25, 2009.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Halloweeen Party, October 30 6-8pm

Halloween is just around the corner! This year the youth group will be hosting a Halloween party for the children of the parish on Oct. 30th from 6-8pm, but we need your help! We are looking for these materials: straw bales, jeans (all sizes), shirts, pantyhose, and gloves. If you can donate any of these materials or would like to help in any way we would greatly appreciate it. Please email Amanda at THANK YOU!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Newcomers’ Brunch, October 25

“….extend hospitality to strangers ….” Romans 12:13. On October 25, following the 9 o’clock service, there will be a special brunch to provide everyone an opportunity to meet and greet our newcomers. This is a ministry that all parishioners can participate in – a ministry to make newcomers to St. James’ Parish feel welcome. It would be wonderful if all parishioners, from every worship service, would plan on attending this special event. Donations of food items (breakfast casseroles, etc.) would be appreciated. If you would like to volunteer a dish, please email Susan Dowling at As a congregation, St. James’ strives to welcome newcomers. We offer a caring environment that inspires individuals on their journeys of faith. First and foremost, we all need to work together to make our newcomers feel welcome. Please mark your calendars now to attend this important event!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Labyrinth Update - We can begin!!!

Although our grant request was denied earlier this summer, we are grateful for enough memorial contributions to make a start, hopefully soon! We will begin with our 30’ labyrinth. We have donations of 2 benches, and a few plantings. We would like to be able to add a sidewalk to, and around, the labyrinth and more landscaping. So if you have been waiting to make your contribution, now’s the time!! Make your donation payable to St. James, with “Labyrinth Fund” in the memo line. Thanks for your support!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Young Adult Ministries = 20/30/early 40’s, October 13

Please join us October 13th at 7:00 pm for bible study in the Parish Hall. We will be studying Rob Bell’s DVD series “Everything is Spiritual.” The Young Adult group will meet the second Tuesday of each month for bible study, so mark your calendars today!