Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Proposed Amendment to the St. James' Parish By-Laws

The St. James' Parish By-Laws need to be amended and will be ratified by parishioners during the Annual Parish Celebration on January 30, 2011. Specifically, two minor changes are required in the Audit Section of Article V-Fiscal Matters. The first modification indicates that "up to" three parishioners may now serve on the Audit Committee. Formerly, a total of three parishioners, not including the Treasurer, served on the Audit Committee. The second change requires the audit be submitted to the Vestry "by September 30th" instead of sixty days following the close of the fiscal year. If you have any questions, pleased contact James Dowell at dowellFarm@Verizon.Net.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

2011 Flower Charts

The St. James' Church and St. Mark's Chapel Flower Charts for 2011 are posted in the Church and the Chapel. If you are interested in giving flowers in memory of or in celebration of someone's birthday, please sign your name next to the date that you would like to do this. The cost of the flowers at St. Mark's is $25 per Sunday. Someone will contact you when you sign up. Altar Guild members purchase, arrange, and place flowers on the altar. If you sign up for at St. James' Church, Lillie Barrett,, will contact you in advance of your date. The cost of the flowers at St. James' Church is $50 per Sunday.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

St. James' Parish Annual Christmas Caroling, December 19th

The St. James' Parish Annual Christmas Caroling will take place on Sunday, December 19th, at 2 p.m.

Please join us for a fun afternoon of neighborhood caroling. We'll be singing for some of our homebound friends as well.

Please sign up outside Amanda's office. Everyone of every age is welcome!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lunch with Santa, December 11th

Santa will be coming to St. James' Parish on Saturday, December 11th from 12 Noon to 3 p.m.!

This will be an outreach activity, and we will be inviting less fortunate youngsters from our community to share the gift of generosity and Jesus’ loving presence.

Children ages 3 years through the 5th grade are invited to join us for lunch, games, crafts, and a visit from Santa and his helper who will hand out goody bags to the children of our Parish and gifts for the children attending from the community.

Please sign up outside of Amanda’s office and join us for lots of fun!

Salvation Army Sing-along, December 8th

Get in the spirit of Christmas with a Sing-Along! A potluck dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Sing-Along at 7:30 p.m. in the Church. During the Sing-Along, the toys from the shopping trip on December 5th will be presented to the Salvation Army for distribution to needy children.

Everyone of every age is invited to attend!