Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Time to Update the Parish Photo Directory!

Join us this fall as we update the faces of St. James' and St. Mark's! All parishoners are invited to the parish all on
  • Sunday, October 16th from 10am-1pm
  • Sunday, October 23rd from 10am-1pm
to have your photo taken for the new directory (no vendors involved - we're doing our own directory in-house!). Having an updated Photo Directory not only helps in our efforts to be more welcoming, it also helps parishioners connect with one another.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Planning for the End of Life

On September 18th, The Rev. Charles Cloughen from the Diocese of Maryland preached at St. James' and St. Mark's on end-of-life planning/preparedness. You can access the Diocese of Maryland's guide/workbook Planning for the End of Life at the following link:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blessing of the Animals – October 2nd

There will be a “Blessing of the Animals” service on October 2nd at 4:00 p.m. at the parish. Everyone and their pets are welcome to attend! Please remember that all pets should be either on a leash or in a carrier.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Foyer Groups Now Forming at St. James' Parish

Foyer Groups are a fun and easy way for parishioners to gather together on a regular but informal basis for purely social reasons – to enjoy one another’s company, to strengthen bonds of community, to meet new members and just to get to know other people who share a common interest in Grace but with whom they might not otherwise interact. Foyer Groups provide a means to develop new friendships and deepen old ones and are a way to make our parish feel smaller and warmer.

There is no program or presentation – just casual fellowship and a refreshing meal. Groups are made up of singles, couples, young people, retired folks - a cross section of the parish - and meet once a month in the home of one of the members of the group. The focus is on Christian fellowship, a refreshing meal and relaxed conversation. The groups are put together randomly so that everyone has the opportunity to get to know others in the parish who may be outside their normal circle of acquaintance.

The St. James’ Parish Foyer Groups are now being formed and will begin meeting in October. For more information, or to sign up for a Foyer Group, please click here.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Messiah Sing-Along Sponsors Needed

Sponsors are now being sought for our 25th Annual Messiah Sing-Along on Sunday, November 27th. Our sponsors make it possible for all donations collected at the Sing-Along and the December Salvation Army Carol Sing to be added to our parish-wide Thanksgiving Offering, all of which is donated to the Salvation Army in support of their ministries in the community. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, there is no cost to St. James' Parish for these events; sponsors will be recognized in the printed program. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact St. James' Parish Music Director, Michael Ryan -

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Acolyte Training, September 24-25

Come brush up on your acolyte skills, teach others the tricks of the trade, and learn the importance of this ministry!!! We will meet at the church at 9am on Saturday, Sept. 24th. We'll have a surprise for the acolytes after church on Sunday the 25th. If you’d like to serve God while serving your church, this is the ministry for you! Sign up today outside Amanda's office.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Calling all lectors: (and anyone else interested in reading Scripture during worship)

Proclaiming God’s Word stands at the heart of our worship. Please join us Saturday, September 24th at 9am for a training/refresher course on the public reading of Scripture. We will meet in the choir room. Anyone of any age who is interested in this ministry is encouraged to attend!