Thursday, June 21, 2012

St. James' Outreach - Did You Know?

Did you know the loose offering on the first Sunday of the month goes to the discretionary fund to help those in need? Without your help, we would not be able to assist them. Even a small amount means so much to those, who often have had their utilities turned off or have no one else to turn to. In order to make the money in the discretionary fund last through the entire month and help the most people possible, we only help each person once in a six-month period for up to $200. Our Parish Administrator coordinates with other local parishes and keeps the records.

The Outreach Committee recently took on coordinating volunteers from the Parish to help the clients on Thursday mornings with their bills, food from the SCAN food bank, and referrals to other organizations and agencies for further help. We also make sure they know about the Food Bank, and distribute prayer shawls. Donations are accepted anytime, not just on the first Sunday. Donations may be cash or checks payable to St. James' with Discretionary Fund on the memo line. For more information or to volunteer, contact Nola Meyers or Shay Hall, co-chairs of the Outreach Committee.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Choir and Annual Note Reading Course

Once again it's time for SUMMER CHOIR! Show up in church at 9 a.m. for rehearsal and you pass the audition! Bring your kids and house guests. The Summer Choir sings at the 10 a.m. Service, and everyone is welcome to participate!

Additionally, again this year the St. James’ Parish Music Director is teaching a summer note reading class. Anyone seriously interested in the annual NOTE READING COURSE (5 weeks, 2 evenings per week, all work done in class, $10 for workbook) should contact Michael Ryan at Class begins in mid July.