Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Souper Bowl Sunday, February 2nd
On Sunday, February 2nd, millions of Americans will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. Please join young people around the country as they demonstrate God’s love by loving their neighbors through the Souper Bowl of Caring. St. James' Parish Youth will be standing at the doors after the service collecting donations in large soup bowls and will later do a "Supermarket Sweep" to purchase groceries for the SCAN Food Bank. Please support their efforts!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Donations for Charlotte Hall Veterans Home
A box has been placed in the foyer between the offices and the Education Building. We are collecting warm socks, slippers, hats & scarves and gloves for men and women. Also, collecting tennis balls for the bottom of walkers. Items will be picked up at the end of each month by coordinator, Carole McGee Turner, McGee07@comcast.net.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Annual Celebration Thank You
The Vestry agreed that 2014 will celebrate the theme "Year of the Bible". Appreciation was expressed to the three outgoing Vestry members = Mary V. "Ginny" Miles, Janet P. Oakley and Trevor J. Perkins, for their hard work and dedication over their three-year term, and the Interim Junior Warden Calvin Horn who has agreed to remain in office. A great "Thank you" to Senior Warden K. Donald Arthur for his faithful and dedicated service. It was announced that the new Senior Warden is Nancy G. Horkan. The Rector administered the Oath of Office to the new Senior Warden and the three new members of the Vestry, (Gregory K. O. Davis, Thomas K. Hagigh and Linda L. Rines). The Rector expressed appreciation to Dawn+ and Kerry+ for their wonderful gifts and how meaningful it is that there is diversity among all three of the clergy.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Second Sunday Potluck following the 5:30 PM Eucharist
Starting Sunday, February 9th, we will have Second Sunday Potluck following the 5:30pm service. If you feel moved to join in fellowship after the service, please bring your favorite salad, entree, soup, or desert to share. The potluck dinner will begin after the service, from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. The service itself is an informal, "Come As You Are Gathering" for Holy Eucharist. Please join us - this service is designed to meet your need to be in relationship with God through worship. The 45 minute service will be held in St. James' Church.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Volunteers Needed for Youth Sundays
On the second Sunday of the month, the 9:00 AM worship service is designated as Youth Sunday. During this service, the youth of the parish serve as Greeters, Ushers, Readers, and Litanists. We are in need of volunteers for this important and meaningful role in parish life. Those children and youth who volunteer will be trained and ushers will serve with an adult mentor. If you feel your child would be interested in serving, please contact the Rev. Dawn Campbell by e-mail at dawncampbell@stjameslothian.com. You can also click here to sign your child up.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Becoming a Counter
Anyone interested in helping count the offering after the services "becoming a counter" we are really short-handed. Please call Janet or Liz Sutherland at 410-867-2838.
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