Wednesday, December 26, 2018

New Worship Schedule Begins in January 2019

Beginning on January 6, 2019, St. James' Parish will hold three services instead of four – 8:00 AM at St. Mark's Chapel; 10:00 AM at St. James' Church; and 5:30 PM at St. James' Church.

With the departure of Associate Rector Anne Nicholson+ at the end of 2018, the logistical challenges of meeting the current four service schedule with one priest would be prohibitive. After serious consultation with many parishioners, the Vestry determined that combining the 9:00 and 11:00 AM services would best serve the Parish at this time. Also starting on January 6, our Church School will begin classes at 9:30 AM. Classes will end by 10:30 AM, and students will join their families in the 10:00 AM service at that time.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Farewell Reception for the Rev. Anne Nicholson, December 30

St. James' Parish will be hosting a reception to say our fond farewell to the Rev. Anne Nicholson on Sunday December 30 after the combined 10:00 AM service. Please join us, and as you are able, please sign up for food items using the link below and have them in the parish kitchen by 8:30 AM on Sunday. There is also a link included to sign up to help out in the kitchen. Thank you!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Greening The Church, December 23

Please join us on Sunday, December 23 at 12:30 PM and help decorate St. James' Church for Christmas! We need everyone's help, and you’ll have lots of fun! For additional information, please contact Lillie Barrett at

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Monday, December 10, 2018

Parish Christmas Caroling!, December 16

The St. James' Parish Chancel & Celebration Choirs invite you to join them for Christmas Caroling at Greenstreet Gardens on Sunday, December 16th at 1:00 PM. For more information, please contact Parish Music Director, Marie Harrison at

Friday, December 7, 2018

Children's Christmas Pageant

This year's Children's Christmas Pageant will be performed at the 3:00 PM Children's Service in St. James' Church on Christmas Eve! Rehearsals for the traditional Nativity Pageant will be held during Sunday Church School with the final rehearsal on Sunday, December 23. There are both speaking and non-speaking roles. For more information, please contact Laura Miller at All children are welcome to participate in this fun and meaningful event!

Monday, December 3, 2018

2018 Christmas Dinners, December 22

St. James' Parish and Friendship United Methodist Church will be providing approximately 75 Christmas dinners for needy families in our community on Saturday, December 22 from 7:30 AM to 10:30 PM. Donations of frozen turkeys (10-12 pounds) are needed as well as cash contributions to purchase the other food items for the baskets. Frozen turkeys can be placed in the St. James’ Parish freezers no later than Wednesday, December 19 so we will know how many additional will need to be purchased. For additional information, or to volunteer, please contact Cindy Carrier at

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sing Out for Others!, Salvation Army Carol Sing, December 9

Please bring the children and join with the Salvation Army's Brass Ensemble Sunday, December 9 (note the NEW date) to help less fortunate families and enjoy singing Christmas carols. The Carol Sing will be held at 3:00 PM in St. James' Church. The carols are accompanied by the Salvation Army Brass Ensemble and Patricia Tyndall on the organ.

But the focus of the night is the youth group's presentation of the toys and a gift of money to the officers of the Salvation Army. The money for the gifts comes from the Thanksgiving offering, the free-will offering at the Messiah Sing-Along, and from the sponsors who cover all the expenses of both events. You can help by making a financial donation for purchase of the toys (drop a check off at the Parish Office), or you can donate toys yourself! Just bring them to the Ticknor Parish Hall by December 7. Join us for fun, fellowship, and lots of Christmas caroling to benefit the important work of the Salvation Army!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Lunch with Santa!, December 8

Santa will be coming to St. James' Parish on Saturday, December 8 from Noon to 2:00 PM! Parish children ages 1 – 11 years old, are invited to join us for lunch, games, crafts, and a visit from Santa and his helper who will hand out a surprise to the children attending. This activity is a chance to reach out to our community and those who are less fortunate.

Please sign up on the Youth Bulletin Board. For additional information, please contact Sharon McGlaughlin at

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Workshop: History of St. James' Parish POSTPONED

The Perspectives on Congregational Life workshops focusing on the History of St. James' Parish originally scheduled for December 1 and 2 has been postponed until January. We will post new dates for the workshop here and in the weekly bulletin when they become available.

Hear Ye Hear Ye - Library Trip to Byers' Choice

The Library Committee is sponsoring a day trip to Byers' Choice, Chalfont, Pennsylvania on December 11. We will be leaving St. James' at 7:00 AM and arriving at Byers' around 10:30 AM. You will have approximately 2 hours at Byers'. We will leave for lunch at the Cock n' Bull at Peddlers Village at 12:30 PM. After lunch, you will have free time to tour or shop at Peddlers Village. We will leave for home at 5:00 PM, arriving around 8 PM. Cost is $120 which includes bus, lunch, and gratuities. For reservations, please contact Lillie Barrett at

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Workshop: History of St. James' Parish, December 1 and December 2

We will take an opportunity to explore the History of St. James' Parish, reflecting on the parish history, as experienced by different people entering at different points in their personal and our corporate lifetime. This workshop will focus more heavily on the lived experience of the members of the congregation than on specific events, although those too are very important and will be captured on a large scale! Saturday's session will start at 9 AM and be done by noon; Sunday's session will start at 2 PM and be done by 5 PM.

Monday, November 19, 2018

2018 Thanksgiving Food Baskets, THANK YOU!

Thank you to everyone who donated time and treasure to help make this year's Thanksgiving holiday basket ministry a success. We were able to provide dinners to 75 families!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Wreaths Across America at St. James' Parish

This is the third year St. James' Parish will participate in the Wreaths Across America program. Worcester Wreath Company donates seven wreaths to every location, one for each branch of the military, and for POW/MIAs. However, the hope is that every veteran receives one, and for that we are accepting donations. We were able to get every veteran buried in the St. James' Parish churchyard a wreath the last two years and are hoping we can continue that tradition.

St. James' Parish is in need of 115 wreaths to place on gravesites in the churchyard. If you are interested in sponsoring a wreath, please place a check or cash in any collection plate and be sure to mark it for "Wreaths Across America." Donation amounts are: $15 (for 1 wreath); $30 (2 wreaths); $75 (5 wreaths); or $150 (10 wreaths). All donations are tax deductible, and the deadline to donate is December 2.

Please also join us for a wreath ceremony on December 16th after the 11 AM Service. For additional information or to volunteer to help, please contact Ashley at

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Thanksgiving Day Service

The Thanksgiving Day Eucharist will take place in St. James' Church on November 22, at 10 AM. The offering received from the Thanksgiving Day envelopes will be presented to the Salvation Army at the Carol Sing on December 6 to be used to purchase toys and gifts for needy children. Please join us on Thanksgiving morning!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Workshop: Images of Ministry, November 17 and November 18

We will explore a way of thinking about the different expressions of ministry that every church does in varying degrees, and we will create a graphic depiction of the Images of Ministry that are prevalent at St James' in the early Winter of 2018. Saturday's session will start at 9 AM and be done by noon; Sunday's session will start at 2 PM and be done by 5 PM.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Workshop: New Member Ministry, November 10 and November 11

Every congregation wants to experience the benefits of growth, but Evangelism, or New Member Ministry can sometimes be a bit challenging for many Episcopalians. This workshop will offer some helpful perspectives on the process (yes, there is one!). It will also give us an opportunity to see how we think St James' adds up, and what we can do about it. Saturday's session will start at 9 AM and be done by noon; Sunday's session will start at 2 PM and be done by 5 PM.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Salvation Army Stockings

Salvation Army Stockings are now available. These stockings benefit local area children who are in need. This is a great opportunity to make a difference in a child's life - and we need YOUR help! You can pick up stockings from the box in the foyer between the Parish Hall and the Education Building. Please leave your filled stockings there along with any extra items (placed in a grocery bag). Please do not include any fruit or candy and do not wrap the items (they will just have to be unwrapped before they can be given to the children). And, don't forget to label your stocking (or bag!) so we know for whom it is intended (boy, age 6-8 years; girl, age 10-12 years, etc.).

Please remember that stockings must be returned to the church no later than Sunday, December 2. For additional information, please contact Nola Meyers at

Monday, October 29, 2018

2018 Holiday Food Baskets, November 17

St. James' Parish and Friendship United Methodist Church will be distributing groceries for 70 Thanksgiving dinners to be given to needy families in our community on Saturday, November 17 from 7-11 AM. This is a great family service opportunity! Youth should plan to participate from 8:30-10:30 AM. Donations of frozen turkeys (10-12 pounds) are needed as well as cash contributions to purchase the other food items for the Thanksgiving baskets. Frozen turkeys need to be placed in the St James' Parish freezers no later than Wednesday, November 14 so we will know how many additional will need to be purchased. For additional information, or to volunteer to help, please contact Cindy Carrier at

Monday, October 22, 2018

All Saints Sunday Prayers for the Deceased, November 4

On All Saints Sunday (November 4), St. James' Parish will have a combined 10 AM service which will combine several liturgical elements important for that day and our common life as a community of faith. We will observe the culmination of the Stewardship Campaign with the Pledge ingathering – an opportunity for each person or family to place their pledge card on the altar; we will reaffirm our own Baptismal Covenants (in lieu of the Nicene Creed); and we will use Eucharistic Prayer D, which incorporates the Prayers of the People within the Eucharistic Prayer.

One feature of that will be the reading of the Necrology, or remembrance of those of our extended community who have died since the last All Saints Sunday, November 5, 2017. Please notify the church office of the full Christian Name of your friend or family member whom you would like to be included by Monday, October 29.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Workshop: Congregational Life Cycle, October 28 and November 3

Congregations, like individuals and organizations, experience different stages of the Life Cycle, and evolve different cultures and behaviors at each step. We will explore two different Life Cycle models, both of which have proven to be very valuable in thinking about congregational life, and (especially) the type of leadership that is necessary at different places in the life cycle. Saturday's session will start at 9 AM and be done by noon; Sunday's session will start at 2 PM and be done by 5 PM.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Parish Leadership Workshop, November 14

The 2019 Annual Parish Celebration will be held on January 27. At that time, three members will be rotating off the Vestry and will be replaced with new parishioners. There is also at least one partial term vacancy on the Vestry. In addition to a Vestry Open House at the November 19 meeting, a Leadership Workshop has been scheduled in order to provide information to those who might be interested in learning more about what it is like to serve in a leadership position on the Vestry or as the parish representative to the Southern Maryland Regional Council or the Diocesan Convention.

The workshop will be held in the Parish Library on Wednesday, November 14 at 7:00 PM, with an additional session scheduled in response to demand. Interested persons need attend only one of these sessions. Please give prayerful thought to a call to serve. For additional information, or to register for one of the workshops. please contact the Rev. John Keydel at or 410-867-2838.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Workshop: Congregational Size & Culture, October 20 and October 21

The first Perspectives on Congregational Life workshop on Saturday, October 20 and Sunday, October 21 will address the topic of Congregational Size & Culture - the well proven observation that different sized congregations develop different kinds of culture, and we will explore many of the implications of these different sizes and cultures. Saturday's session will start at 9 AM and be done by noon; Sunday's session will start at 2 PM and be done by 5 PM.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Flu Shot Clinic, October 28

St. James' Parish wants you to stay healthy this winter and will offer the opportunity to get your flu shot on Sunday, October 28 between 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM. We urge you to take advantage of this opportunity by signing up on the Parish Life Bulletin Board or calling the Parish office. We need a ballpark figure so that CVS knows how much serum to bring. With a Medicare card or most health insurances, the shot will be free. Standard and Senior (65+) doses will be available.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Blessing of the Animals, October 7

There will be a Blessing of the Animals service Sunday, October 7 at 4:00 PM near the labyrinth at St. James' Church. Everyone and their pets are welcome to attend! Please remember that all pets should be either on a leash or in a carrier.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fall Dinner - We Need YOUR Support!

St. James' Parish will hold the annual Fall Oyster and Country Ham Dinner and Festival on Saturday, October 13, from 1-5 PM. The menu will once again feature fried oysters, country and honey-baked ham, potatoes au gratin, homemade coleslaw, green beans, rolls and biscuits. The event will also feature a bake shoppe, garden shoppe, antique car show, attic treasure sales, and a book stall.

Sponsored by The Women of St. James' Parish, the dinner is one of the largest fundraisers for the Parish with the proceeds supporting the WSJP’s generous financial pledge to the parish. Please donate your time and talents to support the event. Financial donations to help offset the cost of food for the dinners are appreciated and can be given to Peggy Tucker, Lillie Barrett, or Lesa Easer. We also need donations of baked goods, attic treasure items, plants, books and DVDs (see announcement in the newsletter for details).

For more information, to volunteer to help, or to make a financial donation, please contact Lesa Eser at or Lillie Barrett at

Friday, September 28, 2018

The Order of the Daughters of the King - Discernment Class

The All Saints in Prayer Chapter of The Order of the Daughters of the King welcomes all women from the Episcopal churches in the greater Annapolis area. There is a 12-session discernment class for women who are interested in learning more about the Order during which they reflect and discern their calling to join the order. Following the discernment class, those who desire to become members are invited to participate in an ordination service and make their vow. The vow is a restatement of our baptismal and confirmation promises. An informational meeting will be held at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, Annapolis, MD, at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, October 2, 2018, to answer questions about the Order and the upcoming discernment class.

We find the Order of the Daughters of the King to be a haven in a busy world – a place to be together in Christ’s love. We invite you to join us! For more information, please contact chapter president Pam Roth at or Pamela Blyth at

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Messiah Sing-Along - Sponsors Needed!

Sponsors are now being sought for our 32nd Annual Messiah Sing-Along to be held 4 PM on Sunday, November 25. Our sponsors make it possible for all donations collected at the Sing-Along and the December Salvation Army Carol Sing to be added to our parish-wide Thanksgiving Offering, all of which is donated to the Salvation Army in support of their ministries in the community. Sponsors will be recognized in the printed program. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact St. James' Parish Music Director, Marie Harrison, at

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Adult Choir Rehearsals Resume September 19

St. James' Parish offers two adult choirs – the Chancel Choir and the Celebration Choir – both are comprised of volunteer singers. No special musical ability or great singing voice is required to participate in the choirs! The Chancel Choir sings at the 11 AM service and features traditional music. The Celebration Choir sings at the 9 AM service choosing more contemporary praise music. Both choirs enjoy singing spirit-filled music that blesses them and lifts up the congregation!

Fall Choir rehearsals will resume on Wednesday, September 19 at 6:30 PM (Celebration Choir) and at 7:30 PM (Chancel Choir). For more information about choir activities, please contact Parish Music Director, Marie Harrison, at

Monday, September 3, 2018

Sunday Church School Resumes September 23

Sunday Church School is held each Sunday during the school year at St. James' Parish immediately following the 9 AM service. You can register your youth online at Once you submit the form, you will receive a confirmation email. All children and youth, ages 3 to 18 are invited to attend Sunday Church School! For additional information about the Sunday Church School program, please contact Sharon McGlaughlin at

Saturday, September 1, 2018

EfM Group Starts in September!

The Education for Ministry (EfM) program will again meet as a wonderful joint group open to participants from both St. James' Parish, Lothian, and Christ Church, West River. EfM enables participants to dig deeper into the Christian faith by studying the Bible, Church history, and theological ideas, as well as reflecting on ways to connect our faith with our life experiences. EfM is a nondenominational program of the School of Theology at The University of the South, and is sponsored by the Diocese of Maryland. The registration fee is $375. For more information, please contact Shelly Collinson at

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Recognition Coffee Hour, September 2

On September 2, after the 10:00 AM service, there will be a festive coffee hour recognizing Michael Ryan's 30-year ministry as Music Director. All are welcome!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Reading Camp Photos

See all the Reading Camp photos on Facebook on our page Reading Camp South County and enjoy! See our wonderful teen and adult volunteers, as well as all the activities. Maybe you might want to help in some capacity next year—praying, gathering books, helping with food, donating money, teaching, teen reading buddies, games, arts and crafts? Contact Paula Davis at for more details.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Safeguarding God's Children Workshop, July 19

This training is being offered at St. James' on Thursday, July 19, from 7:00-9:00 PM for Reading Camp volunteers and all volunteers who work with children and youth. Any parishioner is welcome to attend since this workshop provides participants with the information they need to protect the children they know and care for in their personal lives and in the ministries in which they serve. The program is based on the philosophy that if every adult can protect just one child, they will forever change one life. If we can all change one life, together we will make a difference in this generation of children. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Nancy Horkan at no later than July 15 so that we will know how many handouts to prepare.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Episcopal Night at Camden Yards - Orioles vs. Tampa Bay Rays, July 27, 7:05 PM

Enjoy an evening of baseball, fellowship and old-fashioned fun at Camden Yards on July 27. Game starts at 7:05 PM! All are Welcome! (yes, we really mean ALL) Invite you long-time church members, newcomers, friends, relatives, neighbors, copier repair guy, and anyone else who would enjoy an afternoon of baseball. Click here to purchase your tickets online or download a single page PDF flyer with ticket purchasing instructions.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

St. James' Parish Teachers' Retreat. Saturday June 30, 2018

If you are a current teacher, have been a teacher in the past, or have always wondered if teaching in the Sunday School (or the adult programs) is for you, we invite you to attend a one-day teachers' retreat to discuss, explore and help set priorities for the 2018-19 program year. The event will discuss Christian Formation for all ages (Sunday School, Youth Programs, and Adult Classes). Kate Riley, Youth Missioner for the Diocese, will be joining us to present new material and facilitate this important event. Please RSVP by June 27 at; we need at least 15 people to make this a productive event! We will provide a continental breakfast and lunch.

Monday, June 4, 2018

SUMMER Schedule Means SUMMER Choir!

Music is an important part of our worship experience, and we make every effort to provide it to our congregations during the summer months. Beginning on June 10, just show up in church at 9 AM on any given Sunday and practice an anthem to sing for the Service at 10 AM. Everyone is invited to participate - either on a regular or a one-time basis. This is a great time to try singing in the choir... and, it's fun! Music is selected depending on the group we have on each Sunday. Everyone is welcome to participate!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

The 5:30 Service Lives On!

Rumors to the contrary notwithstanding, the 5:30 Sunday Evening Service has NOT been cancelled, but will continue as a casual and creative opportunity for worship. In addition to continuing its trademark relaxed style, we will also use it as an opportunity to utilize various liturgical forms, possibly drawing from the Celtic, New Zealand and other forms of eucharistic ministry. Sound interesting? Come and participate!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Outreach Committee - Children's Breakfast Club

In 2011 Mt. Zion UMC began its Breakfast Club Ministry for the purpose of providing bagged breakfast meals to children in our southern end of Anne Arundel County. These children attend Lothian and Tracy’s elementary schools, and often the only meals they get during their day is through the free or reduced breakfasts and lunches provided at their school. We are excited that The Breakfast Club has now become a ministry of four churches in our community. We anticipate feeding about 200 children Monday through Friday for seven weeks, beginning June 11.

Funding for the Breakfast Club Ministry comes from special church offerings, personal and business donations, and church monetary donations. All donations are appreciated, and we are praying that you see this as an important ministry to which God is calling us. For more information, to volunteer to help pack lunches or assist with scheduling volunteers, or to make a financial donation, please contact Nola Meyers at

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Church Calendar & Scheduling Rooms

To schedule a meeting, confirm a room for a meeting, or rent the Ticknor Parish Hall, please always check the parish website first to see if the date and room are available. Then email your request to, and it will be added to the calendar on a first-come basis. A printed copy of the current Church Calendar is posted on the door opposite the Parish office.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

New Handicap Ramp at St. Mark's

The handicap ramp at St. Mark's was recently replaced through a generous gift from Mr. S. Hamilton Chaney. Mr. Chaney is our neighbor at St. Mark’s in Tracys Landing as he owns and operates Herrington Harbour Marina Resorts & Yacht Centers. Our thanks and appreciation to Mr. Chaney.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Graduation Celebration

We will be celebrating our graduates at the 9:00 AM service on June 3rd. If you or your loved one is graduating from high school, college, or graduate school this year, please email their name to The Rev. Anne Nicholson at

Friday, May 11, 2018

All Ages Fellowship - Roller Skating, May 20!

Join us for Roller Skating on Sunday, May 20th from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM! Parental supervision is required for children in Pre-K through 5th grade. Youth in 6th through 12th grade must complete a Registration Form and a signed permission slip (available in the office). For additional information, please contact Sharon McGlaughlin at Join us for lots of fun!!

Monday, April 16, 2018

We Need YOUR Support! Spring Dinner, May 19

Please donate your time, your talents to support the event. Financial donations to help offset the cost of food for the dinners are appreciated and can be given to Peggy Tucker. We also need donations of baked goods, attic treasure items, plants, books and DVDs.

•  Baked Goods - Donations Please be sure to make a note of the ingredients that you use in your baking. People of all ages suffer from food allergies. We want to avoid any problems which may be caused by ingredients such as nuts, milk products, eggs or wheat.
•  Attic Treasures - Gather up all those unwanted, gently used items that you have been meaning to get rid of in the attic and the basement. Attic Treasures is the perfect place for these items to find new homes.
•  Plants - Please bring your newly divided house plants and perennials to the Parish Hall any time the week before the dinner. Please leave them outside by the North Portico.
•  Book Stall - Please consider donating your gently used books and DVDs. Just leave your donations in the designated box located in the Parish Library.

For more information, to volunteer to help, or to make a financial donation, please contact Lesa Eser at, or Lillie Barrett at .

Monday, April 9, 2018

2018 Reading Camp - We Need YOUR Help!

It is time to assemble our team for the 2017 year. Camp will be held July 30th - August 3rd at St. James' Parish. We need several kinds of volunteers. To run the instructional groups, we need teachers current or retired. We also need adults who were not teachers, and we need several teenagers.

There is no expense to the students who attend camp. However, the camp costs about $8,000, which is about $200 per student. We exist only on donations! You can donate to either the general camp fund or to a specific area of our budget (ask our coordinator for details). You can also donate $200 and sponsor a child for the camp. Checks should be written to St. James' Parish with "Reading Camp donation" on the memo line. For more information, please contact Reading Camp Coordinator Paula Davis at

Monday, April 2, 2018

All Ages Fellowship - Laser Tag! April 8, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Join us for Laser Tag! Parental supervision is required for children in Pre-K through 5th grade. Youth in 6th through 12th grade must complete a Registration Form and a signed permission slip (available in the office). For additional information, please contact Sharon McGlaughlin at Join us for lots of fun!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Easter Egg Hunt, April 1, 10 AM

Children through 5th grade are invited to join in the St. James' Parish Easter Egg Hunt 10 AM Easter Day, in the churchyard. Bring your basket and meet in your church school classroom. Come join in the fun & and Watch for the Bunny!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Lenten Program scheduled for 3/20 CANCELED

Lenten Program – Session 5 Acts and the Epistles, scheduled for 3/20 is canceled due to inclement weather.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Lenten Program – Session 5

Acts and the Epistles
St. James' Parish Hall, March 20
6:00 PM Fellowship
6:30 PM Potluck Supper
7:00 PM Program

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Easter Food Baskets - Your Help Needed

St. James' Parish and Friendship United Methodist Church will continue our partnership to provide groceries for Easter dinners to approximately 70 local families in need. We hope you will generously donate your Time on Saturday, March 31 from 7 AM to 10:30 AM, Treasure (cash donations for groceries or a 10-12 pound ham (labeled) in the Parish Hall refrigerator by Wednesday, March 28th) and/or Talent (join us for a fun time loading grocery bags and sharing chocolate bunnies). For additional information, to volunteer to help, or to identify a family in need, please contact Cindy Carrier at

Friday, March 9, 2018

Lenten Program – Session 4

The Gospels/Incarnation
St. James' Parish Hall, March 13
6:00 PM Fellowship
6:30 PM Potluck Supper
7:00 PM Program

Sunday, March 4, 2018

All Ages Fellowship - Lunch, Movie, and Popcorn!

Sunday, March 11, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Join us for in the Parish Hall for lunch, a movie, and popcorn!. Parental supervision is required for children in Pre-K through 5th grade. Youth in 6th through 12th grade must complete a Youth Fellowship Registration Form and a signed permission slip (available in the office). For additional information, please contact Sharon McGlaughlin at

Friday, March 2, 2018

Lenten Program – Session 3

The Hebrew Scriptures and Set Your GPS to Zion
St. James' Parish Hall, March 6
6:00 PM Fellowship
6:30 PM Potluck Supper
7:00 PM Program

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Youth Service Projects

The youth in the J2A class would like to provide a ministry of service to parishioners in need of a little help on a project at home. If you are in need of a little assistance, please contact Jacqueline Wilding and/or Kaitlin Wilding

Sunday, February 25, 2018

2018 Reading Camp Volunteers Needed!

Last year we had the rewarding experience of running a camp designed to help underachieving students improve readings skills. It is time to assemble our team for the 2018 year. Camp will be held July 30th - August 3rd at St. James' Parish. We need several kinds of volunteers. To run the instructional groups, we need teachers current or retired. We also need adults who were not teachers, and we need several teenagers.

If you helped last year and are able and willing to help again, please let us know. If you didn't help but wish to join the team, welcome! For more information or sign up to help, please contact Paula Davis at

Friday, February 23, 2018

Lenten Program – Session 2

The Hebrew Scriptures and Learning Lectio Divina
St. James' Parish Hall, February 27
6:00 PM Fellowship
6:30 PM Potluck Supper
7:00 PM Program

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Hand-painted Wooden Easter Eggs

Once again, Barbara Howard's beautiful hand-painted wooden Easter Eggs will be for sale during the Coffee Hours beginning February 25! Proceeds from these beautiful eggs, which are offered for only $10 each, support the many important ministries of the St. James' Parish Outreach Committee. Through your generous support, we hope to top last year's contribution! For additional information, please contact Barbara Howard at

Friday, February 16, 2018

Lenten Program – Session 1

The Big Overview
St. James' Parish Hall, February 20
6:00 PM Fellowship
6:30 PM Potluck Supper
7:00 PM Program

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Interim Rector

The Vestry is happy to announce that the Rev. John F. Keydel, Jr., has accepted our call to serve as St. James' Interim Rector. He will begin his ministry at St. James' on May 1st. the Rev. John Keydel has just completed an interim assignment at Christ Church, St. Michael's, Maryland. He is considered an expert in the field of interim ministry and will be invaluable in guiding us through the search process.

Monday, February 5, 2018

St. James' Parish Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Please join us on February 13th for fellowship at 6 PM & dinner from 6:30 - 8 PM. Freewill donations at the dinner will support the Christian Formation Committee.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

All Ages Fellowship - Annual Ice Skating Outing!

Join us Sunday, February 11, from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM for ice or roller skating (depending on the rink schedules) beginning with lunch in the Parish Hall. Parental supervision is required for children in Pre-K through 5th grade. Youth in 6th through 12th grade must complete a Youth Fellowship Registration Form and a signed permission slip (available in the office). For additional information, please contact Sharon McGlaughlin at Join us for lots of fun!

Also save the dates: March 11 - Lunch, Movie, and Popcorn! April 8 - Skyzone or Laser Tag!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Souper Bowl Sunday - February 4

On Sunday, February 4th, millions of Americans will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be parties with abundant food, friendship and fellowship. At the same time, there will be other people worrying about staying warm, finding shelter and a warm meal. Please join young people around the country as they demonstrate God's love by loving their neighbors through the Souper Bowl of Caring. St. James' Parish Youth will be standing at the doors after the service collecting donations in large soup bowls. They will donate the money collected and work at the Soup Kitchen.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Acolyte Training, January 21

Anyone who is currently an acolyte or who is considering becoming an acolyte please join us in St. James' Church on Sunday, January 21 between the 9 AM and 11 AM services! All are welcome!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Safeguarding God's Children, January 20

St. James' Parish will host a Safeguarding God's Children training session on January 20th, from 9:00AM-12:30PM. This training is open to people from other parishes to attend; this training is mandatory for all vestry members, Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, and anyone who works with youth. For more information or to RSVP, please contact The Rev. Anne Nicholson at

Sunday, January 7, 2018

St. Mark's Chapel - Altar Guild Volunteers Needed!

St. Mark's Altar Guild needs additional help setting up the altar for the 8 AM service. Volunteers serve on a rotating schedule, one Sunday per month, doing set up and altar flowers. Duties can be shared with another person. If you would be willing to set up the altar, but would rather not arrange the flowers, that could be arranged as well. For additional information, please contact Linda Britt at

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Ordination of Transitional Deacons - January 13

Congratulations to Lisa A. Bornt, L. Scott Lipscomb, and Patti L. Sachs who will be ordained Transitional Deacons on Saturday, January 13, at 11 a.m. in the Cathedral of the Incarnation, 4 East University Parkway, Baltimore, Maryland 21218.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

$3,273 Donated to The Salvation Army!

Thanks to the generosity of the sponsors who covered event costs, all of the contributions received from the offerings at the Thanksgiving Day service, the Messiah Sing-Along, and the Salvation Army's Carol Sing-Along, were donated to support the work of the Salvation Army. This is the highest total raised and donated to the Salvation Army from St. James' Parish! Thanks to everyone for their generous support!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Christmas Messiah Sing-Along - Watch on YouTube!

Thanks to Scott Hymes, Severn Media, who videotaped the 31st Annual Messiah Sing-Along held November 26, 2017, and posted it to YouTube. Those unable to attend, can enjoy viewing the event online at