Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Paint & Prayer Group, Starting June 30

We will be offering a new opportunity for Christian Formation - a Paint and Prayer group will begin meeting every other Wednesday evening at 7:00PM in Ticknor Hall beginning June 30. Materials will be provided. More details will follow. For more information contact Laura Miller at lmbirdwatcher@live.com.

Monday, June 21, 2021

New Bible Study Begins June 27!

Beginning Sunday, June 27 at 7:00PM, we'll be gathering together to study the Book of Judith, one of the Deuterocanonical books of the Bible/books of the Apocrypha (we'll be talking about what that means on June 27!). Check to make sure your Bible has the Book of Judith in it — if not, Fr. Joe recommends the HarperCollins Study Bible, the New Oxford Annotated Bible, or any Bible that's advertised as including the Apocrypha.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

New 20s/30s Group Forming :).

It's summer, and after the year we've all had, it's time for a night out! Are you just starting out a new career, and looking to get to know some folks in the area? Just married, and looking to meet some folks at the same stage of life? Have a kid or three at home, and want a chance to put that new babysitter to work? This is the group for you! On June 24 at 7PM, we'll be meeting up at JessieJay's for some Latin cooking, beverages, and good conversation. All are welcome — bring some friends!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Summer Choir, Starting June 20!

The Summer Choir is regathering for our indoor worship on June 20! Maybe you're a member of the choir of long standing, or maybe you've never sung with the choir before and want to give it a try. The Summer Choir is open to anyone—we're just excited to gather together and lift our voices in worship! Practices are at 9AM, right before our 10AM worship, starting June 20. We hope to see you there!