On Wednesdays this fall, Fr. Joe and Sharon McGlaughlin will be leading a class that takes us back to the foundations of our faith, starting with the Creation story, moving through the Biblical stories of Israel and Jesus and the Apostles, following through two thousand years of Church history and leading us to our own Anglican tradition in the present day.
Maybe you're relatively new to our community, and feel like you want to get a little more grounded in the stories of our faith. Maybe you've been part of our parish all your life, but are looking for a chance to see your faith in a new light and live it out in a new way. No book to read or homework to do: this is just a time for us to see God together in the histories that have brought us to the present day.
We'll begin on Zoom at 7 p.m. on September 15th (look at the Weekly Update email for the link), and assessing throughout the Fall whether the pandemic will permit us to begin meeting in person.
Please contact Sharon at
sharon.mcglaughlin1692@gmail.com or Fr. Joe+ at
joe.lenow@stjameslothian.com if you have questions or would like more information.