Thursday, October 27, 2022

Amazing Grays Luncheon, November 2

     The Amazing Grays are invited to lunch on Wednesday, November 2 at 11:30 am in the Parish Hall. This is our first in-person gathering since the pandemic. We have a special mystery chef who has promised a menu that will be a delight to the senses.
     Come and greet our chef, share a great meal followed by a short program. Of course, there will be lots and lots of conversation. Please RSVP to the church office by Monday, October 31 so that we know how many are planning on coming.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

All Saints' Chili Cookoff - November 6

Whether you're a chili traditionalist or an experimental chef, this is your chance to feed the parish and bring glory to your favorite recipe! Come prepared with a steaming pot of chili on Sunday, November 6, and we'll eat it together after the 10am service to celebrate the Feast of All Saints. Bring your "A" game!

Monday, October 17, 2022

St. James' Trunk or Treat, October 30

On Sunday, October 30, we will have a Trunk or Treat event. We need you to decorate your trunk or back of your car for Halloween and pass out candy. You can sign up to participate at the following link: We would like about 26 participants. We plan to have a grill with hamburgers and hot dogs. Hours - 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Please contact Paula at or Sharon at for more information.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

All Saints' Memorial - November 6

On All Saints' Sunday (November 6), we will continue the ancient practice of praying in worship for those who have died. Please notify the church office of the full name of your friend or family member whom you would like to be included by Monday, October 31st.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Coffee Hour Signup

We need volunteers to sign up for an occasional Sunday to bring a few food items to set out on a table, make the coffee, and then wrap up any leftovers after everyone has enjoyed the fellowship. The sign-up sheet and the instructions are located on the bulletin board outside the Parish Office, or you can call the Parish Office at 410-867-2838 and ask to have your name(s) added to the list for a specific date. A sign-up sheet for November is on the bulletin board. Thank you for enabling our fellowship!