Thursday, October 23, 2008

St. James’ Parish Stewardship Drive 2009

Every ministry in which we serve and everything we do at St. James’ Parish is possible because of the financial support of our generous parishioners. The Vestry, Officers and Clergy request your prayers and support as our 2009 Stewardship Pledge Campaign is going on.

We need everyone to be sure to return their completed pledge forms No Later than Saturday, November 1. Without your written pledge, the Finance Committee is unable to accurately budget for our Parish to operate in 2009. Thanks to everyone who has submitted their pledge already. Dwayne Crawford, Stewardship Committee

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings will be available beginning next Sunday at all three services. After that date they will be put in a box in the foyer between the two buildings at St. James’ labeled “Stockings.” If we run out of stockings, you are welcome to put items in a bag and label it “boy” or “girl” with the appropriate age. When you have filled the stocking (or bag), you may place it in that same box in the foyer. All stockings must be in by Sunday, December 7th. Some suggested items for the stockings are: small toys, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, comb, socks, scarves, hats, mittens, jewelry, stickers, books, small games, small play dough, school supplies, etc. Please do not wrap your items as they have to be able to see them for safety reasons. Please feel free to contact Nola Meyers with any additional questions at 410-798-4969 or

Monday, October 20, 2008

Clergy Conference - October 19-21, 2008

The clergy will be leaving for their Clergy Conference the afternoon of October 19, 2008 and will return on Tuesday afternoon October 21, 2008.

United Thank Offering (UTO) - October 29, 2008

The United Thank Offering (UTO) Ingathering will be held at St. Luke’s, Eastport on October 29 beginning with registration at 10:30 a.m. and the Eucharist is at 11 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Caroline Chisum 410-257-2208 is our UTO representative, and if you need a blue box or have questions, please call her. You need to empty your blue box, count the proceeds, and then you make your check out to St. James’ Parish and indicate in the memo part of the check that it is for the UTO. Your donations need to be in BY October 26.

Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular

Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular starring the Rockettes on Saturday, December 6, at 1 o’clock at 1st Mariner Arena, Baltimore. Cost: $73 per ticket. Contact Lillie Barrett – 301-855-7829.

St. Stephen’s Annual Fall Dinner - November 1, 2008

St. Stephen’s Annual Fall Dinner will be held November 1 from 3 – 6:30 p.m. Roast Turkey, parsleyed potatoes, green beans, candied sweet potatoes, sauerkraut, apple or pumpkin pie, etc. Carryouts from 3 – 6 p.m. Adult Advance tickets: $15; Adult at the door: $17; Children 5-12 yrs.: $6; Children under 5: free.

Parent Workshop - October 22, 2008

Parent Workshops will be held THIS WEDNESDAY from 6:30 – 8:30 in the Southern Middle School media center. Topics offered will be: Schoolhouse and Cyberbullying: What Can a Parent Do?, Communicating with Your Child’s School: Keeping the Lines Open, and MegaSkills for Success in School and Beyond. Parent only event. RSVP BY Monday, October 13th to Ms. Marlene Arkin at

St. James’ Book Club

The St. James’ Book Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 8 pm at Brooke Steuart’s house 301-855-2842.

Family Fellowship Night - November 14, 2008

The Family Fellowship Night will take place again Friday, November 14. Call Laura Miller 410-798-1826 for more information or to let her know that you will be attending as they need to know to have enough food.

Women’s Monthly Breakfast - November 8, 2008

The Women’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again on Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 8:30. Bring something to do (or not) and join us. Any contribution to breakfast is welcome, but not necessary. Store-bought is encouraged. Contact: Linda Stewart – 443-203-6774.

Men’s Monthly Breakfast - November 15, 2008

The Men’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again November 15 at 7:30 a.m. in the parish hall. The meal is free and there’s always good conversation. All men of the parish are invited.

Women of St. James’ Parish

The Women of St. James’ Parish are preparing bag lunches for the Lighthouse Shelter on the third Wednesday of each month. They will be doing this again November 19. Please call Pat Rehling 410-867-4709 if you can help. Please sign up for desserts for the Lighthouse lunches on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the Rector’s office.

Cursillo Ultreya for October

The Cursillo Ultreya for October will not be held. It will resume in November.

Choir Groups

The Celebration Choir rehearsals are at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday in the Parish Hall. All are invited to join and have a good time.

The Youth Choir rehearsals take place after Church School in the choir room. All children between the ages of 4 and ?? are invited. A lot of good music will be available for all to enjoy.

Senior Choir Rehearsals are held on Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m. in the music room. If you like to sing, come and join us. No experience necessary.

Labyrinth Crusade – Become a POET!!

Join us in honoring the memory of Eileen C. House+ by joining Pals Of Eileen’s Together and contributing to a memorial labyrinth. The labyrinth will be the centerpiece of a larger “healing garden” dedicated to our loved ones. It will have beautiful landscaping and benches for rest and contemplation here on the grounds of St. James’.

The first stage in the project is preparing the site and installing the labyrinth. Our budget for the first stage is $16,000, “a drop in the bucket compared to what she gave us.” We will purchase our labyrinth from the Labyrinth Co., of Baltimore. The “Chelsea a la Chartres” pattern has been chosen for its simplicity and traditional pattern. So let’s TOGETHER make this happen! Make your contribution payable to St. James’ Parish, with Eileen House Memorial Fund in the memo line. And thanks!

Are a CPA or PA?

If you are a CPA or PA, and would like to volunteer your time and talent, the Audit Committee could use your expertise. If interested, please contact Don Collins at 410-867-4826.

Fellowship Potluck Dinner and Wine Tasting Event - October 24, 2008

THIS Friday, October 24th. Our annual campaign will be closing with a Fellowship Potluck Dinner and Wine Tasting Event this Friday, from 6 – 9 p.m. This will be a wonderful evening of fun and family fellowship, with absolutely delicious food supplied by the best cooks around. There are no presentations, just a great Fellowship Dinner event and a very BIG Thank You to you, our loyal St. James’ parishioners. We hope everyone will mark their calendar and join us for this wonderful evening in the company of your fellow St. James’ Parish family.

If you have not made your pledge before then, please bring your completed pledge card with you to the Fellowship Potluck Dinner. You may, if you so choose, place your pledge in the basket on an altar that will be set up in the hall during the meal. Everyone who has already made their pledge prior to this dinner, may do so again symbolically or write a prayer card and place it on the altar. Invite your neighbors, family and friends to join us. This is an all age event and we have special activities planned for the youth. Please RSVP to Dwayne and Wendy at, or call the parish office at 410-867-2838.

St. James’ Parish Stewardship Drive 2009

Every ministry in which we serve and everything we do at St. James’ Parish is possible because of the financial support of our generous parishioners. The Vestry, Officers and Clergy request your prayers and support as our 2009 Stewardship Pledge Campaign is going on.

The Stewardship Pledge letter is found under the links to the left of the web site.


Remember to see one of the several Women of St. James’ Parish who is selling raffle tickets for the Hand-Quilted Christmas Tree Skirt. First Place winner will own a beautiful Hand-Quilted Tree Skirt, donated by Barbara Howard.

Second Place winner will receive four tickets to our Annual Spring Crab Cake and Ham Dinner.

Tickets are only $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. No more than 1,000 tickets will be sold. Drawing will be held on November 16 at the 10 a.m. Coffee Hour. A photo of the quilt is posted on the information board in the hallway of the Parish Hall.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fall Festival Dinner Update

Our Fall Festival Dinner was a great success. The Women of St. James’ Parish extend their thanks to the over 150 volunteers who made it an overwhelming success. We were blessed with beautiful weather and we served 515 diners. Compliments are still being received on the quality of this year’s meal. Because of the help of our Volunteers, we cleared approximately $9,000.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Corn Maze Trip Was Great!

The 2008 Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze Trip was held on SUNDAY, October 19th. Twelve very excited atrium level youth and their families went to Greenstreet Gardens for the Pumpkin Patch and Corn maze. The cost was subsidized by the Christian Education Committee to a maximum cost of $5.00 per child.

We began our adventure in the parish hall for a delicious Pizza lunch which was supplied by the St. James' Parish Stewardship Committee.

Before we left, one of our YAC senior's Charlie Groce gave 16 of our Atrium age children a demonstration of his actual firemans turn-out gear, including letting the children try out his face mask and breathing gear. Charlie is a volunteer at the Dunkirk Fire Dept, and they supplied each child with their own play firemens helmet and bag full of fire prevention materials. (Helping young children learn not to be afraid of firemen while wearing their full protective gear has commonly been identified as a serious need, and teaching young ones not to be afraid is now a national fire prevention training initiative)

Several of our senior high youth joined volunteered to join us for the afternoon including Fireman Charlie Groce, Miss Julie Crawford and Miss Lauren Crawford. Thanks to everyone who made this event such a success, especially Miss Sharon and Mrs Norma. We are already making plans for an even bigger and better Pumpkin Patch Day in 2009 and hope more St. James' family of all ages will join us next year.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Cursillo Ultreya to Meet on October 24, 2008

The Cursillo Ultreya will meet again on Friday, October 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall.

Maryland Episcopal Cursillo Weekend #96 Application Deadline October 13, 2008

Maryland Episcopal Cursillo Weekend #96 - Nancy Horkan is the Rector for MD #96 that will take place November 6-9. Also serving on the team are Marjie Mack, Renée Wilson, Nancy and Woody Wooddell, Pat Arey+, and our rector. Information brochures are available in the rack opposite the parish office and information may be found at If you would like to attend, please speak to the rector. The deadline for applications is October 13.

Men’s Monthly Breakfast - October 18, 2008

The Men’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again Saturday, October 18, at 7:30 a.m. in the parish hall. The meal is free and there’s always good conversation. All men of the parish are invited.

United Thank Offering (UTO) to Meet on October 29, 2008

**The United Thank Offering (UTO) Ingathering will be held at St. Luke’s, Eastport on October 29 beginning with registration at 10:30 a.m. and the Eucharist is at 11 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Caroline Chisum at (410) 257-2208 is our UTO representative, and if you need a blue box or have questions, please call her. You need to empty your blue box, count the proceeds, and then you make your check out to St. James’ Parish and indicate in the memo part of the check that it is for the UTO. Your donations need to be in BY October 26.

The Stewardship Committee Need Your Input!

We Need You, Please Join Us – The Stewardship Committee needs your input. Short hours/excellent working environment and friendly co-workers. Apply within. For more information email Dwayne at, or call 410-257-7009.

Coffee Hour Update!

Coffee Hour – We are going to try something a little different this year concerning the coffee hours so that any newcomers who attend either service will have an opportunity for fellowship with other parishioners. Therefore, we will continue the joint coffee hour (9:00 and 11:00 services) from 10:00 until about 10:45, and have a smaller coffee hour after the 11:00 service, also.

So that both groups would share in the responsibility of the coffee hours, we would like to have 2 people from each service (a total of 4) sign up to provide the refreshments. The people from the 9:00 service would be responsible for setting up and for a part of the clean up at 10:45. The people from the 11:00 service would need to be there a little before 10:00 to add their items to the table and help with the early clean up, reserving a small amount for a brief get-together after the 11:00 service. They would be responsible for finishing the cleanup after this final fellowship time. We hope that enough people will sign up so that no one will need to provide refreshments more than 2 or 3 times between now and when the summer services begin in June.

Please contact Brooke Steuart (9:00) or Peggy Horn (11:00) to sign up or if you have questions. See you at the coffee hour! Brooke Steuart 301-980-3920,; Peggy Horn 410-867-7499, Parish Life Committee, Linda Stewart, Chair

Women of St. James’ Parish to Meet on October 15, 2008

The next meeting of the Women of St. James’ Parish will be held on Wednesday, October 15, at 1 p.m. Please plan to attend as we will be reviewing the success of the Fall Dinner and will be making plans for the events coming up during the holidays.

Discerning Our Call Together: Town Hall Conversations with Bishop Sutton

We are joined in Christ, as one body …

This fall, Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton will hold several town hall conversations with the people of the diocese. Members of the community are invited to join the bishop in a conversation about faith and the role of the Church in society today. He will also urge those attending to consider what God may be calling us to do as faithful followers of Jesus and as members of the Diocese of Maryland. The Town Hall Conversations will begin with Bishop Sutton leading a session of quiet, contemplative prayer. Light refreshments will be served.

In our area the meeting will be Wednesday, October 8, at All Saints’ Church, Sunderland, 6:30 p.m.

CPAs and PAs Needed!

If you are a CPA or PA, and would like to volunteer your time and talent, the Audit Committee could use your expertise. If interested, please contact Don Collins at 410-867-4826.

Raffle at Annual Spring Crab Cake and Ham Dinner!

Remember to see one of the several Women of St. James’ Parish who is selling raffle tickets for the Hand-Quilted Christmas Tree Skirt. First Place winner will own a beautiful Hand-Quilted Tree Skirt, donated by Barbara Howard. Second Place winner will receive four tickets to our Annual Spring Crab Cake and Ham Dinner.

Tickets are only $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. No more than 1,000 tickets will be sold. Drawing will be held on November 16 at the 10 a.m. Coffee Hour. A photo of the quilt is posted on the information board in the hallway of the Parish Hall.