Thursday, October 23, 2008

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings will be available beginning next Sunday at all three services. After that date they will be put in a box in the foyer between the two buildings at St. James’ labeled “Stockings.” If we run out of stockings, you are welcome to put items in a bag and label it “boy” or “girl” with the appropriate age. When you have filled the stocking (or bag), you may place it in that same box in the foyer. All stockings must be in by Sunday, December 7th. Some suggested items for the stockings are: small toys, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, comb, socks, scarves, hats, mittens, jewelry, stickers, books, small games, small play dough, school supplies, etc. Please do not wrap your items as they have to be able to see them for safety reasons. Please feel free to contact Nola Meyers with any additional questions at 410-798-4969 or