Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Upcoming Youth Events

With the birth of our Savior just around the corner, December is a month chalked full of events! Please mark your calendars now for these upcoming activities!

All youth from 6th-12th grades are invited to join us on our annual Christmas shopping spree on Dec. 7th at 12:00. We will meet at the church for lunch followed by shopping!

LUNCH WITH SANTA~December 13th
Lunch with Santa will take place in the parish hall from 12:30-2:30. All children are welcome! Sign-up sheets can be found throughout the Christian Education building!

Please join us for our annual Christmas caroling extravaganza! We will meet at the church following the 11:00 service for lunch followed by caroling! Everyone is invited!!

WINTER JUBILEE~December 28th-30th
Attention 6th-12th graders: Winter Jubilee is just around the corner. The diocesan retreat will take place at the Bishop Claggett Center. Cost is $125 (scholarships are available). Registration forms are outside of Amanda's office. Sign up today! If you have any questions please contact Amanda at

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Salvation Army Carol Sing - December 10, 2008

Salvation Army Carol Sing will be held on December 10 beginning with fellowship at 6 p.m., pot-luck supper at 6:30 p.m., and carol sing at 7:30 p.m. A free-will offering will be received and the toys presented.

Women’s Monthly Breakfast - December 13, 2008

The Women’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again on December 13 at 8:30. Bring something to do (or not) and join us. Any contribution to breakfast is welcome, but not necessary. Store-bought is encouraged. Contact: Linda Stewart – 443-203-6774.

Men’s Monthly Breakfast - December 20, 2008

The Men’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again on December 20 at 7:30 a.m. in the parish hall. The meal is free and there’s always good conversation. All men of the parish are invited.

“It’s a Wonderful Life” at Southern HS - December 5 & 6, 2008

Southern High School is putting on “It’s a Wonderful Life” on Friday, December 5 at 7 p.m. and on Saturday, December 6 at 2 and 7 p.m.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Observing Veterans Day at 9 AM Service - November 15, 2008

"We are going to observe Veterans Day at the nine o'clock service this Sunday, November 15th. All Veterans are welcome to the service which will feature patriotic hymns, and coffee hour immediately following. American flags will be placed on the graves of veterans resting in our cemetery."

If anyone has any questions they can call Claire Pickart or JoEllen Kelly.

Young Adult Group Singers

The “Young Adult Group,” singers from Friendship United Methodist Church, will be here this Sunday to sing at the 9 and 11 a.m. services. We have enjoyed their music in the past and are looking forward to enjoying them today.

January Shell Submissions

Shell Information, needs to be sent to by December 15. PLEASE NOTE: The next “Shell” will be for the month of January.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Safeway Stores Club Card Program

St. James' Church is now enrolled in the Safeway Stores Club Card program. All you have to do is designate St. James' as your recipient, and each month Safeway will donate a portion of your purchases directly to our Christian Education programs.

St. James' designation code is 1036858.

Three ways to sign up:

1) Bring your Safeway Club Card to church on Sunday: registration forms will be available during coffee hour,

2) Register at the customer service counter at your local Safeway store, or

3) Do it on-line: Go to Register. Enter the designation code--1036858 Fill in name, address, phone number, and Club Card number.

Once you have designated St. James' as your recipient, Safeway will donate up to 3% of your purchases to our Christian Education programs. This is an easy way to provide extra financial support for our classes and Youth Group activities during our Year of Christian Education.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

St. James' Web Site Calendar Help Needed!

Webmaster Douglas Ellmore would like some help with managing the Google calendar on the St. James' Web site. It is a pretty easy task if you know how to use email and surf the web, you can help with this online ministry.

The task requires reading the weekly bulletin and updating the online Google Calendar entries, then taking the monthly calendar from the Shell and updating the online Google Calendar. This takes about 1 hour per week. A training session can be provided, but is likely not needed. Yes, it is that easy!!!!

If you can help, please contact Douglas Ellmore, Sr. via email at

St. Stephen’s Holiday Bazaar and Silent Auction

St. Stephen’s Holiday Bazaar and Silent Auction will be held Saturday November 15th, 2008 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Crafts and holiday decorations, theme baskets, baked goods, etc. Lunch (chicken salad sandwiches, chili dogs, etc.).

Silent Auction items include: Toby’s Dinner Theater ticket, Kilarney Restaurant certificate, Ravens memorabilia, Jasper’s Restaurant certificate, etc.

Goodness Gracious

GOODNESS GRACIOUS will be taking place from January 5th to February 9th. We will be studying “JOY” from the Book of PHILIPPIANS. (The joy God has for us is more than a feeling of pleasure. It is characterized by an inner well of strength. It is a joy that cannot be shaken by our circumstances, regardless of how difficult they may become.)

Format: I will do some teaching, use lots of personal input (from my somewhat colorful background), for illustration of various principles. We will learn a lot from each other, by group participation, and discussion. The object, though, is to search and find what God offers us through His goodness and grace. And it’s all surprisingly relevant, humorous, helpful and practical for facing those everyday situations.

Time: Monday 12-2 p.m. and Monday 7-9 p.m. (if there are enough participants).

Course Material: This will be ordered at the close of the registration period (Dec. 7th), and handed out January 5th at an informal “kick off.”

Please contact: Nan Lewis to register or ask questions. 410-867-6059 or

Annual Meeting - January 11, 2009

The Annual Meeting of our parish will be held on Sunday, January 11, 2009. In preparation for this meeting, we will be holding Leadership Exploration Workshops on Saturday, November 22, from 10 a.m. until 12 noon in the library and also on Monday, November 24, from 7:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. You can attend either one or the other. Anyone who wishes to explore a possible calling to serve God either now or in the future as a Vestry member, Committee chair, Convention delegate or officer of the Vestry is invited to come to one of the workshops. We are asking you to RSVP so that we may have materials and refreshments for you. You may speak to any of the clergy or to one of the members of the Vestry who is rotating off (K. Donald Arthur, Susanne H. Smith, and Linda B. Stewart) for information or to RSVP.

Attention Teens!

Come Rock the 9 AM Fellowship by leading the Praise music. If you are interested in singing or playing contemporary Christian music during the 9 AM fellowship service – then WE NEED YOU. Please contact either Brooke Steuart –, Cynthia Steuart – or Brenda Boucher –

Atrium Fellowship for December

The Atrium Fellowship for December will be held on December 7 from 11:30 – 1:30. We will be making Christmas ornaments and decorating cookies. Contact Sharon McGlaughlin 301-261-9441.

Christmas Pageant 2008

Christmas Pageant 2008!! Attn: EVERYONE!!! It’s that time again to begin preparations for this year’s Christmas pageant!

If you are interested in sharing your time, gifts, and talents in making this year’s Christmas pageant the event to remember, please call Sharon McGlaughlin 410-991-6041 or Brooke Steuart 301-980-3920. Rehearsals will begin soon, so stay tuned for more details.

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings are available in a box in the foyer between the two buildings at St. James’ labeled “Stockings.” If we run out of stockings, you are welcome to put items in a bag and label it “boy” or “girl” with the appropriate age. When you have filled the stocking (or bag), you may place it in that same box in the foyer.

All stockings must be in by Sunday, December 7th. Some suggested items for the stockings are: small toys, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, comb, socks, scarves, hats, mittens, jewelry, stickers, books, small games, small play dough, school supplies, etc. Please do not wrap your items as they have to be able to see them for safety reasons. Please feel free to contact Nola Meyers with any additional questions at 410-798-4969 or

Come Sing the ‘Messiah’

Come Sing the ‘Messiah’ and prepare for Christmas on the first Sunday of Advent at 4 p.m., November 30, by singing the first section of Handel’s oratorio at St. James’ Church. A candlelight reception hosted by the Women of St. James’ Parish follows and features Trixie Ryan’s Famous Chili.

Michael S. Ryan directs the impromptu chorus and guest soloists with the help of a chamber ensemble, organ and trumpet. Singers bring a score, a snack or dessert. Some scores will be available for loan or purchase at $10. Although singers will have priority in seating, listeners are also welcome. Free will offering. Call Val Hymes at 410-224-2478 or email for additional information.

Women of St. James’ Parish

The next meeting of the Women of St. James’ Parish is scheduled for Sunday November 16, 2008 after the 11:00 a.m. service. We will be making preparations for the holiday season including final plans for the box lunches for the Salem Avery House Holiday House Tour fundraiser (Dec. 6), the Messiah Sing-along (Nov. 30), Salvation Army Carol Sing (Dec. 10), the Angel Tree, and gifts for our very special people (clergy). All women of St. James’ Parish are invited and encouraged to attend! Please come. This is an exciting time, and we need your ideas and support.

Thanksgiving Day Eucharist at 10 a.m.

On Thanksgiving Day we will gather again for the Eucharist at 10 a.m. The offering received from the Thanksgiving Day envelopes will go toward the purchase of toys and gifts for needy children and will be presented to the Salvation Army at the Carol Sing on December 10.

Young Adult Group Singer from Friendship United Methodist Church

The “Young Adult Group,” singers from Friendship United Methodist Church, will be here Sunday Nov. 16, 2008 to sing at the 9 and 11 a.m. services. We have enjoyed their music in the past.

Fundraiser for the Women of St. James’ Parish

As a fundraiser for the Women of St. James’ Parish, we are making box lunches for the Salem Avery House Holiday House Tour on December 6. We will be needing help in the kitchen at 9 a.m. on Friday, December 5, and again on Saturday, December 6. If you are available to help on either of these days, even for just an hour or so, please call Linda Brown at 410-867-2965 or Peggy Horn at 410-867-7499. We are also going to need help with cleanup after the Messiah Sing-along on November 30, and again after the Salvation Army Carol Sing on December 10. If you are available to help, please call Peggy Horn.

The Scallop Shell and the Sword

Surely we are all familiar with the Saint James’ seal, found throughout our Church and Parish Hall, and in our parish communications. Now, you can find the two most recognizable symbols from the St. James’ seal featured prominently on the newly designed “St. James’ Cross.”

The limited edition silver cross is currently available for purchase, with proceeds dedicated to support the St. James’ Celebration and Youth Choirs. The simple, yet elegant design features both the scallop shell (a biblical symbol for pilgrimage) and the sword (representing St. James, who was executed for refusing to render to Caesar).

The new “St. James’ Cross” will be sold during the coffee hour on Nov. 16 for $65 each, and is available either as a necklace or a lapel pin.

The tasteful and artistic design was created by St. James’ member and jeweler, Claude Dickinson. Those who purchase the St. James’ cross could find that it will become a keepsake for members and friends of the parish to cherish for generations. It likewise will serve as a wonderful way to raise money for the beautiful music at St. James

Please send in your pledge for 2009!

Already, we have received 144 pledges totaling $306,000. In order to balance our budget, we need additional pledges. Please give this your prayerful thought.

Time Is Running Out!

Don’t miss your chance to own a beautiful, heirloom quality, hand-quilted, Christmas Tree Skirt created and donated by Barbara Howard! Second Place winner will receive four tickets to our Annual Spring Crab Cake and Ham Dinner. Drawing will be held NEXT SUNDAY at the 10 a.m. Coffee Hour. The Christmas Tree Skirt is displayed on a table in the Parish Hall during coffee hour. What a unique Christmas gift this would make for someone special! Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.