Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Goodness Gracious

GOODNESS GRACIOUS will be taking place from January 5th to February 9th. We will be studying “JOY” from the Book of PHILIPPIANS. (The joy God has for us is more than a feeling of pleasure. It is characterized by an inner well of strength. It is a joy that cannot be shaken by our circumstances, regardless of how difficult they may become.)

Format: I will do some teaching, use lots of personal input (from my somewhat colorful background), for illustration of various principles. We will learn a lot from each other, by group participation, and discussion. The object, though, is to search and find what God offers us through His goodness and grace. And it’s all surprisingly relevant, humorous, helpful and practical for facing those everyday situations.

Time: Monday 12-2 p.m. and Monday 7-9 p.m. (if there are enough participants).

Course Material: This will be ordered at the close of the registration period (Dec. 7th), and handed out January 5th at an informal “kick off.”

Please contact: Nan Lewis to register or ask questions. 410-867-6059 or