Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Youth Fellowship, October 11

Attention all 6th-12th graders: On Sunday October 11th we will have youth group. Join us for a game of Bigger and Better beginning at 12:30. Haven’t heard of Bigger and Better? All the more reason to come on out! See you then!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Input Solicited for Horizons Gathering

Do you have any thoughts on what the Diocese of Maryland should be doing to serve God? A group of people from the diocese will be gathering on October 3, 2009, and February 27, 2010, to pray, reflect, and discern the goals and vision for the Diocese of Maryland. This challenge was presented to the diocese at the convention last May by Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton. The following questions will be addressed at the Horizons Gathering:
  • What is God calling us to do as the Diocese of Maryland?
  • What might God's vision for our future look like?
  • What passions and gifts could you, your congregation, or ministry bring to this vision?
Horizons Gathering Reflection materials are available on the diocesan website for anyone to read: There may be smaller regional gatherings between these two sessions as well for more opportunities for participation. The plan is to present a report at diocesan convention in May 2010.

Your input is welcome! If you would like to share it, please address it to Marjie Mack - and/or Bill Ticknor+ -

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Children’s Fellowship, October 4

Our first Children’s Fellowship for the beginning school year is fast approaching. All youth from the littlest to age 12 are invited to attend a great outdoor experience in God’s Creation!! We will be taking a hike at Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, located in Prince Frederick, MD. We will leave St. James’ at approximately 11:30 a.m. and will be eating lunch at the park. We will take a short hike and play nature bingo, hug a few trees along the way and maybe see some snakes (in tanks of course)!! Please bring a bag lunch. Snacks and drinks will be provided. For more information, please contact Sted or Jen Wolf -

Thursday, September 24, 2009

CPR Certification and AED Training

The Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Committee is pleased to announce the purchase of 3 ZOLL AED Plus Automated External Defibrillators. The members of St. James’ Parish have generously given contributions for two of the devices. The third AED and funds for training essential staff were graciously donated with Memorial Funds and will be honored with a mounted plaque. They will be installed at St. Mark’s Chapel, St. James’ Church and the St. James’ Parish Hall.

The Zoll AED is highly recommended for its ease of use, innovative electrodes and voice prompting to help the inexperienced user. While we pray we never have to use it, it is a device that everyone should have an opportunity to be given in the St. James’ Parish Hall starting Monday morning, October 5. Mary Houlihan, a certified CPR and AED instructor, has graciously offered her services at a greatly discounted rate of $35.00 per person. She limited her class size to 12 people at a time. Each class will take approximately 2-3 hours with hands-on training using Rescue Annie and the AED. We will extend the number of nights the course is offered as the classes are filled. The sign-up sheets are posted in the Parish Hall. Please call Woody or Nancy Wooddell at 410-867-1570 with any questions.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Blessing of the Animals, October 4 at 2 pm

The Blessing of Animals will take place on Sunday, October 4, at 2 pm at St. James’ Church. Everyone and their pets are welcome to attend. Please remember that all pets should be either on a leash or in a carrier.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Fall Festival Oysters and Country Ham Dinner is approaching very quickly!

The Women of St. James' Parish depend on the dinners as our most important fundraisers. The dinners would not be so successful without the wonderful support we experience from our parishioners. We need help in the kitchen beginning on Wednesday, September 30th , and Friday is a big day for setting up. We also need quality white elephants, many crafts, perennials for the plant sale (please mark what they are and color, if possible), baked goods for the Bake Shop, home canned goods for the Country Store, and jewelry for the Jewel Box. Another need that is new this year is for someone to donate gallons of water which we will use to make the iced tea. Please contact Wendy Crawford, the dinner chair, or Peggy Horn to volunteer. The women thank you for your help.

Fall Bulb Sale

The Fall Bulb Sale sponsored by the Women of St. James' Parish is in full swing. Brochures are available and will be distributed after the services on Sunday. Orders will be accepted through October 4th, the day after the Fall Festival Oysters and Country Ham Dinner. A manilla envelope is attached to the Women of St. James’ Parish bulletin board next to the church office for your orders. Checks only, no cash, please. Orders will be available for pick up the following Sunday, October 11th. October is the perfect month for planting these bulbs which will provide wonderful color and enjoyment next spring! The Women thank you for your support and know you will enjoy these bulbs for many years.