Friday, September 11, 2009

The Fall Festival Oysters and Country Ham Dinner is approaching very quickly!

The Women of St. James' Parish depend on the dinners as our most important fundraisers. The dinners would not be so successful without the wonderful support we experience from our parishioners. We need help in the kitchen beginning on Wednesday, September 30th , and Friday is a big day for setting up. We also need quality white elephants, many crafts, perennials for the plant sale (please mark what they are and color, if possible), baked goods for the Bake Shop, home canned goods for the Country Store, and jewelry for the Jewel Box. Another need that is new this year is for someone to donate gallons of water which we will use to make the iced tea. Please contact Wendy Crawford, the dinner chair, or Peggy Horn to volunteer. The women thank you for your help.