EfM will again meet as a wonderful joint group with students and mentors from both St. James’ Parish, Lothian and Christ Church, West River. This year, Education for Ministry (EfM) has new textbooks with color photos and charts that will be a great addition to the program and can be easily replaced as necessary.
EfM enables us to dig deeper into the Christian faith, studying the Bible, Church history, and theological ideas, as well as reflecting on connecting our faith with our life experiences. EfM is a nondenominational program of the School of Theology at The University of the South, Sewanee, TN, and is sponsored by the Diocese of Maryland.
To join the group, or for more information about EfM, please contact Marjie Mack (mmack3108@comcast.net) or Shelly Collinson (nofrenchyvonne@hotmail.com).