Thursday, February 5, 2015

Diocesan Meeting, Wednesday, February 11th

On Wednesday, February 11th from 7 PM - 8:30 PM a diocesan meeting will be held at St. James' to discuss the current events regarding Bishop Heather Cook. This meeting is open to all clergy and laity, and is being held to allow clergy and members of our churches time to express their feelings, ask questions, and get information to share with their congregations. Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton will be present to address questions and concerns. Please join us in the parish hall for this time of fellowship, prayer, and discussion.

You can read Bishop Sutton's January 13th pastoral letter to the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland at the following link:

For those outside the parish planning to attend, click here for driving directions.

St. James' Youth - if you plan to attend the meeting, the youth will meet at 6 PM for pizza and a pre-meeting discussion. If your youth is interested in joining the conversation, please notify Dawn+ at prior to the meeting.