Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christmas Baskets for South County Families in Need!

St. James' Parish and Friendship United Methodist Church will be distributing groceries for 70 Christmas dinners plus books and toys for needy families in our community on Saturday, December 19th from 7AM to 10:30AM. This is a great family service opportunity! Youth should plan to participate from 8:30AM to 10:30AM.

Donations of frozen turkeys (10-12 pounds) are needed as well as cash contributions to purchase the other food items. Frozen turkeys need to be placed in the St James' Parish freezers no later than Wednesday, December 16th, so we will know how many additional will need to be purchased. Donations of new toys and books will be distributed for the children.

For additional information, please contact Linda Rines at Linda.Rines@comcast.net and sign up to help!