Monday, December 16, 2019

Greening the Church, December 23

Please join us on Monday, December 23 at 10:00AM and help decorate St. James' Church for Christmas! We need everyone's help, and you'll have lots of fun! For additional information, please contact Lillie Barrett at

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Parish Christmas Caroling, December 15

The St. James' Parish Chancel and Celebration Choirs invite you to join them for Christmas Caroling at Greenstreet Gardens on Sunday, December 15 at 1:00PM. For more information, please contact Parish Music Director, Marie Harrison at

2019 Holiday Food Baskets

A huge thanks to everyone who helped assemble and deliver groceries for 80 Thanksgiving dinners to needy families in our community! We'll be distributing another 80 Christmas dinners on Saturday, December 21 from 7-10:30AM, and we need your help, again! This is a great family service opportunity! Youth volunteers are always welcome and should plan to participate from 8:30-10:30AM. We also need donations of hams (10-15 pounds) and cash contributions to purchase the other food items for the Christmas baskets. Please place hams in the St. James' Parish freezers no later than Wednesday, December 18. For additional information, or to volunteer to help, please contact Cindy Carrier at

Friday, November 29, 2019

Lunch with Santa, December 14

Lunch with Santa will be on Saturday, December 14, from noon to 2:00 PM. There will be crafts, a visit with Santa, and lunch for children ages infant to 11 years old. Please contact Sharon McGlaughlin at no later than December 1. She will need the name, age, gender, parent contact information including phone number. Parents are welcome and encouraged to participate!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thanksgiving Day Service

A Thanksgiving Day Eucharist will take place in St. James' Church on November 28, at 10 AM. The offering received from the Thanksgiving Day envelopes will be presented to the Salvation Army at the Carol Sing on December 8 to be used to purchase toys and gifts for needy children. Please join us on Thanksgiving morning!

Monday, November 18, 2019

Salvation Army Stockings

Salvation Army Stockings are now available. Please take one or two to fill. The stockings are due back no later than Sunday, December 8. Please drop off your stocking (or grocery bag) in the Christmas Box in the foyer (between the parish hall and the education building). The stockings benefit local children in need. For more information contact Nola Meyers at

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets

Thank you for your generous donations for the holiday dinner baskets! This year St. James' Parish and Friendship United Methodist are blessed to partner with Chesapeake Cares Food Pantry and Giant Foods to receive dinners complete with turkeys for the Thanksgiving holiday baskets. Please join us on Saturday November 23rd from 7:30 to 10:30 AM in the Parish Hall to help distribute meals to our less fortunate neighbors. This is a wonderful family service opportunity.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Parish Leadership Workshops

The 2020 Annual Parish Celebration will be held on Sunday, January 26. At that time, three members will be rotating off the Vestry and will be replaced with new parishioners. In addition to a Vestry Open House at the November 18 meeting, a Leadership Workshop has been scheduled in order to provide information to those who might be interested in learning more about what it is like to serve in a leadership position on the Vestry or as the parish representative to the Southern Maryland Regional Council or the Diocesan Convention. The workshop will be held in the Parish Library on Wednesday, November 6, 7PM with an additional session scheduled in response to demand. Interested persons need attend only one of these sessions. Please give prayerful thought to a call to serve. For additional information, or to register for one of the workshops. please contact the Rev. John Keydel at or 410-867-2838.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

All Saints Sunday Prayers for the Deceased

On All Saints Sunday (Nov 3), the services at both St Mark's and St James' will combine several liturgical elements important for that day and our common life as a community of faith. We will observe the culmination of the Stewardship Campaign with the Pledge ingathering; we will reaffirm our own Baptismal Covenants; and on that Sunday we will use Eucharistic Prayer D, which incorporates the Prayers of the People within the Eucharistic Prayer. One prominent feature of that service will be the traditional reading of the Necrology, or remembrance of friends, family members and those of our extended community who have died since the last All Saints Sunday. Please notify the church office of the full Christian Name of your friend or family member by October 28.

Friday, October 18, 2019

2019-20 Stewardship Campaign

This year's St. James' Stewardship theme is "Shining Our Light." Click on the link below to read this year's stewardship letter and see how this theme speaks to us as a faith community: 2019-20 Stewardship Cover Letter and Pledge Card. Please take some time and reflect on the letter and the blessings in our lives and Parish. You're invited to bring your pledge with you for a Parish ingathering during the services on November 3.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Blessing of the Animals, October 6

There will be a Blessing of the Animals service on Sunday, October 6 at 4:00 PM near the labyrinth at St. James' Church. Everyone and their pets (on a leash or in a carrier), are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fall Dinner - We Need YOUR Support!

St. James' Parish will hold the annual Fall Oyster and Country Ham Dinner and Festival on Saturday, October 19, from 1-5 PM. The menu will once again feature fried oysters, country and honey-baked ham, potatoes au gratin, homemade coleslaw, green beans, rolls and biscuits. The event will also feature a bake shoppe, garden shoppe, antique car show, attic treasure sales, and a book stall.

Sponsored by The Women of St. James' Parish, the dinner is one of the largest fundraisers for the Parish with the proceeds supporting the WSJP's generous financial pledge to the parish. Please donate your time and talents to support the event. Financial donations to help offset the cost of food for the dinners are appreciated and can be given to Lillie Barrett or Lesa Easer. We also need donations of baked goods, attic treasure items, plants, books and DVDs (see announcement in the newsletter for details).

For more information, to volunteer to help, or to make a financial donation, please contact Lesa Eser at or Lillie Barrett at

Monday, September 16, 2019

Messiah Sing-Along - Sponsors Needed!

Sponsors are now being sought for our 33rd Annual Messiah Sing-Along to be held 4 PM on Sunday, November 24. Our sponsors make it possible for all donations collected at the Sing-Along and the December Salvation Army Carol Sing to be added to our parish-wide Thanksgiving Offering, all of which is donated to the Salvation Army in support of their ministries in the community. Sponsors will be recognized in the printed program. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact St. James' Parish Music Director, Marie Harrison, at

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Desserts for the South County Concert Assoc.

St. James' Parish Outreach Committee will be serving refreshments during intermission at the South County Concert Assoc. on Saturday, September 14th.  We are asking for homemade dessert donations which can be left in the St. James' Parish kitchen by 1:00 PM on Saturday, September 14 and labeled SCCA. For more information about this fundraiser please contact Lucy Arthur at

Friday, September 6, 2019

AED/CPR Class at St. James'

An AED/CPR class conducted by a certified instructor from AAMC will be offered on Wednesday, September 18 at 1:00 PM at St. James' Church. With emphasis on hands-on floor and tabletop learning, this $55.00 class gives you skills needed to save a life. Learn adult and child/infant CPR and more. For more information and to register, please call the parish office at 410-867-2838.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Search Committee Update: Survey Feedback Sunday, September 15

Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out the St. James' Parish Survey! The members of the Search Committee have been analyzing the feedback received from you, the members of our parish. This data as well as other parish information will be used to develop a written Parish Profile – a comprehensive look at the life of our church, how we perceive our church home and our places in it, who we are as the Body of Christ, and who we believe God is calling us to be.

The committee is looking forward to sharing a summary of the survey results after the 10 AM service on Sunday, September 15. We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Come Sing With Us!

The St. James' Parish Choir is comprised of volunteer adult singers. No special musical ability or great singing voice is required to participate in the choir! Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to come together for fun, fellowship, worship, discipleship and ministry - oh, and we sing, too! The Choir enjoys singing both traditional and spirit-filled contemporary praise music that blesses them and lifts up the congregation! Beginning Wednesday, September 4, rehearsals will be held every Wednesdays at 7:30 PM, and on Sunday mornings at 9 AM in St. James' Church prior to the 10 AM service. For more information about Choir activities, please contact Parish Music Director, Marie Harrison, at

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sunday Church School Online Registration Now Open

Online registration for St. James' Sunday School for the 2019-20 school year is now open at

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Reading Camp South County Rocked!

Once again Reading Camp was held at, and supported by, St. James' Parish, as well as other individual and corporate donors! Despite the unexpected absence of Paula Davis (you were missed!), Nancy Horkan and the rest of the staff admirably rose to the occasion and put on a wonderful and meaningful camp for almost 40 children! Our kitchen crew was superb, always serving meals and snacks on time and being such cheerful role models! Whether you donated funds, food, or books, prayed for the campers and staff, volunteered your time as a book buddy, classroom teacher, teen helper, or contributed in some other way, you are appreciated! Please check out the photos of this amazing program on our FaceBook page:

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

St. James' Book Club's Upcoming Reads

St. James' Book Club upcoming reads:

September - "The Tattooist of Auschwitz: A Novel" by Heather Morris
October - "The Tuscan Child" by Rhys Bowen
November - "What Alice Forgot" by Liane Moriarty
December - "Three From Gallilee" by Marjorie Holmes

We generally meet on the third Tuesday of the month. Please join us for lively discussions and great fellowship. Contact for more information.

Monday, August 12, 2019

July Community Assistance

In July, our Community Assistance team was able to help four clients prevent evictions. We also provided funds for 100 gallons of fuel oil and referred another client to Community Action for their energy assistance program. We thank you for your continued support as we try to help our neighbors in need.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Safeguarding God's Children Workshop, July 22

This training is being offered at St. James' on Monday, July 22, from 7:00-9:00 PM for Reading Camp volunteers and all volunteers who work with children and youth. Any parishioner is welcome to attend since this workshop provides participants with the information, they need to protect the children they know and care for in their personal lives and in the ministries in which they serve. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Nancy Horkan at no later than July 17 so that we will know how many handouts to prepare.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Amazing Grays

The results are in! The newly formed St. James' Seniors' group is now officially called the Amazing Grays. Our next luncheon will be on Thursday, August 22 at 11:30. Join us for conversation and singing as we celebrate Christmas in August with cool songs for a hot time. All are welcome. Please RSVP to the church office before August 15 so we know how many to prepare for.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Lay Visitation Program

The Lay Eucharistic Ministry provides the Eucharist and a time for listening and sharing with home-bound or nursing home-bound parishioners who can no longer attend regular services at our parish churches. If you have someone to add to the visitation list, please contact John Verdon at

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Outreach Committee - Breakfast Club Ministry

In 2011 Mt. Zion UMC began its Breakfast Club Ministry for the purpose of providing bagged breakfast meals to children in southern Anne Arundel County. These children attend Lothian and Tracy's elementary schools, and often the only meals they get during their day is through the free or reduced breakfasts and lunches provided at their school. We are excited that The Breakfast Club has now become a ministry of six churches in our community. Last year, we bagged over 10,000 breakfasts, and the need continues to grow! We anticipate feeding children Monday through Friday for nine weeks, beginning June 17 and continuing until August 16.

Funding for the Breakfast Club Ministry comes from special church offerings, personal and business donations, and church monetary donations. All donations are appreciated, and we are praying that you see this as an important ministry to which God is calling us. For more information, to volunteer to help pack lunches or assist with scheduling volunteers, or to make a financial donation, please contact Nola Meyers at

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Come Sing With Us!

The St. James' Parish Choir is comprised of volunteer adult singers. No special musical ability or great singing voice is required to participate in the choir. The Choir enjoys singing both traditional and spirit-filled contemporary praise music! Beginning Sunday, June 9, and continuing throughout the Summer, rehearsals will be held on Sunday mornings at 9 AM in St. James' Church prior to the 10 AM service. For more information about Choir activities, please contact Parish Music Director, Marie Harrison, at

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Welcome Coffee Hour, June 2

The Parish Life Committee will be hosting a special Coffee Hour on June 2 immediately following the 10 AM service to welcome all newcomers to our St. James' Parish family and allow us an opportunity to meet visitors and new members we may not yet have met. Please join us for light refreshments, fellowship and the support of a community brought together by the desire to love one another as Christ loved us.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Spring Auction Donations Needed

The Women of St. James' Parish are sponsoring a live auction on Saturday, May 18, 2019. This event will replace our traditional Spring Dinner. We need donations of quality items, business or restaurant contributions, gift cards, or any special services or talents you may have to make this fundraiser a success. Anyone can donate: neighbors, friends, and family. Donation Request Forms are available at the following link: These forms will also be available in the church library and the back of the Church. There will be a preview of items beginning at 3:00 PM on May 18th and the auction will begin at 4:00 PM. Items can be left in the parish library beginning the week of May 11, 2019. Questions or to schedule items for pickup please contact Lillie Barrett at or Lesa Sipes Eser at

Monday, April 22, 2019

2019 Reading Camp - We Need YOUR Help!

It is time to assemble our team for the 2019 year. Camp will be held August 5 - 9 at St. James' Parish. We need several kinds of volunteers. To run the instructional groups, we need teachers current or retired. We also need adults who were not teachers, and we need several teenagers.

There is no expense to the students who attend camp. However, the camp costs about $8,000, which is about $200 per student. We exist only on donations! You can donate to either the general camp fund or to a specific area of our budget (ask our coordinator for details). You can also donate $200 and sponsor a child for the camp. Checks should be written to St. James' Parish with "Reading Camp donation" on the memo line. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Reading Camp Coordinator Paula Davis at

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Security at St. James' Parish

The Vestry would like you to have information regarding a scenario involving an active shooter. This information will help you if you are ever in active shooter danger here at church or in any area of public assembly.

The model we have selected is called Run-Hide-Fight. We are asking that you take a short class offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) called Active Shooter: What You Can Do. You can access this class on-line at Laminated pocket cards of the protocol can be found in the back of the church and chapel for you to keep and review.

If you have any questions please contact the Senior Warden, JoEllen Kelly at

Monday, April 15, 2019

Help Decorate the Church for Easter!

Please join us and help decorate St. James' Church for Easter on Saturday, April 20, 8:30 AM! We need everyone's help, and you’ll have lots of fun! For additional information, please contact Lillie Barrett at

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Annual Easter Egg Hunt! April 21

Children 3 years (Preschool) through Grade 5, bring your Easter Basket and join us in the St. James' Churchyard at 11 AM for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, and meet the Bunny! We'll have plastic bags if you forget your basket. For additional information, please contact Sharon McGlaughlin at

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Crosses for Palm Sunday

Palm crosses will be made in the Parish Hall kitchen on Saturday, April 13th at 8:30 AM. Everyone is invited to help!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Easter Food Baskets, April 20

St. James' Parish and Friendship United Methodist Church will continue our partnership to provide groceries for Easter dinners to approximately 70 local families in need. We hope you will generously donate your Time on Saturday, April 20th from 7 AM to 10:30 AM, Treasure (cash donations for groceries or a 10-12 pound ham (labeled) in the Parish Hall refrigerator by Wednesday, April 17th), and/or Talent (join us for a fun time loading grocery bags). This is an excellent family service opportunity. For additional information, to volunteer to help, or to identify a family in need, please contact Cindy Carrier at

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Lenten Series - An Instructed Eucharist, April 9

This session will be a celebration of the Eucharist with instruction and commentary, ranging from the overall structure of the service to some of the liturgical options and their sources; we will also discuss various devotional practices and their underlying values and origins. This session will be of particular interest to Acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers, Choir Members, Altar Guild Members, and all who want to know more about our weekly celebration of Holy Eucharist.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Lenten Series - Contemporary Issues Facing the Episcopal Church, April 2

This session will recap some highlights of the 19th and 20th Century history of The Episcopal Church and some of the social and theological issues that have arisen, including Civil Rights, the "New" Book of Common Prayer (1979) and Hymnal (1982), the Ordination of Women, human sexuality/marriage/divorce, gay marriage & SCOTUS ruling and other topics as may arise!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

We Welcome Bishop Sutton, March 24

The Right Reverend Eugene Taylor Sutton+, Bishop of Maryland, will attend the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM services on March 24! The loose collections will go the Bishop's discretionary fund; please be generous. Following the 10:00 AM service, Bishop Sutton will attend the Coffee Hour to meet and greet parishioners.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Lenten Series - The Historical Development of Anglican Christianity and The Episcopal Church, Part II, March 26

This session will begin with the proto-church of the 1st Century and follow a historical and geographical path to 20th Century North America, by way of western Europe and the British Isles. Along the way we will identify some of the processes involved in the formation of many modern denominations, and consider some of the unique qualities of the progression of the Elizabethan Church of England to the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States (PECUSA) to The Episcopal Church, including Henry VII, the English Civil War, Colonization, The Book of Common Prayer & the birth of PECUSA at 1789 General Convention, political structure of the church.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Spring Auction, May 18

The Women of St. James' Parish are sponsoring a live auction to be held Saturday, May 18. This event will be replacing our traditional Spring Dinner. There will be a preview of items beginning at 3:00 PM and the auction will begin at 4:00 PM. We are requesting donations of quality items to be auctioned. Pick up is available. Items can be left in the parish library beginning the week of May 11. Questions or to make arrangements for pickup of items, please contact Lillie Barrett at or Lesa Sipes Eser at Let us all work together to make this event a success!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Lenten Series - The Historical Development of Anglican Christianity and The Episcopal Church, Part I, March 19

This session will begin with the proto-church of the 1st Century and follow a historical and geographical path to 20th Century North America, by way of western Europe and the British Isles. Along the way we will identify some of the processes involved in the formation of many modern denominations, and consider some of the unique qualities of the progression of the Elizabethan Church of England to the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States (PECUSA) to The Episcopal Church, including Henry VII, the English Civil War, Colonization, The Book of Common Prayer & the birth of PECUSA at 1789 General Convention, political structure of the church.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Men's Monthly Breakfast & Bible Study

This month, the Men’s Monthly Breakfast & Bible Study will meet on Saturday, March 23rd, at 7:30 AM at the Dockside Restaurant in Deale. Please join us!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Lenten Series - The Old Testament: Historical, Theological and Literary Development, March 12

This session will provide a fast overview of the elements, challenges and sources throughout the centuries-long development of the received form of the Christian Old Testament. Spoiler alert: see for a preview of some of our topics!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Youth Fellowship Annual Ice Skating Outing!, March 17, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Atrium and Middle School age youth are invited to join us for ice skating on Sunday February 10! Parental supervision is required for children in Pre-K through 5th grade. Youth in 6th through 12th grade must complete a Youth Fellowship Registration Form and a signed permission slip (available in the parish office). For additional information, please contact Sharon McGlaughlin at Join us for lots of fun!!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, March 5

Please join us for fellowship 6 PM, followed by dinner from 6:30 - 8 PM. Cost: Donations support the Christian Formation Committee.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Hand-painted Wooden Easter Eggs To Benefit Outreach Committee Ministries

Once again, Barbara Howard's beautiful hand-painted wooden Easter Eggs will be for sale during the Coffee Hour beginning Sunday, March 3rd! Proceeds from these beautiful eggs, which are offered for only $10 each, support the many important ministries of the St. James' Parish Outreach Committee. Through your generous support, we hope to top last year's contribution! For additional information, please contact Barbara Howard at

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Clothing Donations

Due to the overwhelming volume of clothing donations being offered, we would appreciate only one bag of clothing per week, per donor. Help us help our clients by ensuring that your donations are clean, free from damage, in-season and less than five years old. Please be mindful of these guidelines which enables us to make better use of our volunteers' time. If you would like to help sort and fold clothes in support of this outreach mission, even for just two hours one day a week or one day a month, please contact Taylor Milbradt at Thank you for your generosity to our community.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Souper Bowl Sunday - February 3

On Sunday, February 3, millions of Americans will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be parties with abundant food, friendship and fellowship. At the same time, there will be other people worrying about staying warm, finding shelter and a warm meal. Please join young people around the country as they demonstrate God's love by loving their neighbors through the Souper Bowl of Caring.

St. James' Parish Youth will be standing at the doors after the service collecting donations in large soup bowls. They will donate the money collected and work at the Soup Kitchen. Please generously support their efforts - Thank you!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Valentine's Dinner & Dance, February 9

The Parish Life Committee is sponsoring a Valentine’s Dinner and Dance on Saturday, February 9th, from 6:30 – 9:30 pm in the Ticknor Hall. The dinner will be catered by Mission BBQ and music is provided by DJ Randy Ward. Tickets, $18.00 per person, will be on sale after the 8AM and 10AM services. If you have any questions, please contact Jean Davis at

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Donations for Easter Linens

    The Altar Guild is in need of new Easter Linens! A new set costs $2,600. The new linens will honor the memory and service of Pat Rehling, who led the Altar Guild for a number of years, and the memory of Florence Estes.
    Donations can be placed in the offering plate at any service or given to the Parish Office. Please note "Easter Linens" in the memo line on your check. Thank you!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Christmas Food Baskets - THANK YOU

    Thanks to all who volunteered their time, talent, and money to help distribute approximately 70 Christmas Dinners to families in our community on December 22nd! This ongoing food ministry is made possible through a partnership between St. James' Parish and the Friendship United Methodist Church.
    Easter Dinners will be distributed this Spring. For additional information, or to volunteer to help, please contact Cindy Carrier at

Thursday, January 3, 2019

$3,273 Donated to The Salvation Army! - THANK YOU

Thanks to the generosity of the sponsors who covered event costs, all of the contributions received from the offerings at the Thanksgiving Day service, the Messiah Sing-Along, and the Salvation Army’s Carol Sing-Along, were donated to support the work of the Salvation Army. Thanks to everyone for their generous support!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Salvation Army Stockings - THANK YOU

Thank you to everyone who helped fill a stocking or two for the local Salvation Army. It was greatly received. The Annapolis Salvation Army is so appreciative of the generosity of St. James' Parish. We filled and returned approximately 90 stockings this year. Our church is one of the largest donors. Your generosity has made a real difference in many children's lives.