Monday, April 22, 2019

2019 Reading Camp - We Need YOUR Help!

It is time to assemble our team for the 2019 year. Camp will be held August 5 - 9 at St. James' Parish. We need several kinds of volunteers. To run the instructional groups, we need teachers current or retired. We also need adults who were not teachers, and we need several teenagers.

There is no expense to the students who attend camp. However, the camp costs about $8,000, which is about $200 per student. We exist only on donations! You can donate to either the general camp fund or to a specific area of our budget (ask our coordinator for details). You can also donate $200 and sponsor a child for the camp. Checks should be written to St. James' Parish with "Reading Camp donation" on the memo line. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Reading Camp Coordinator Paula Davis at