Please join us via Zoom on Sunday, January 31, 2021, after the 10 AM service for the 329th St. James' Parish Annual Celebration. This annual event provides everyone an opportunity to enjoy fellowship and celebrate the parish activities and ministries of 2020. The participation of all parishioners, 16 years of age and above, will be important as we plan, along with our new Rector-Elect, the Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lenow, for the 2021 year in the life of our parish!
The 2021 parish budget will be discussed, and three new candidates (Greg Davis, Chandler Keys, and Kaitlin Wilding) who have been called to serve on the Vestry will be presented for ratification. We hope you will make plans to join us for this wonderful opportunity to celebrate our past and plan for our future in each other’s fellowship!
- St. James' Parish Vestry