Thursday, April 27, 2023
Parish Life and Outreach Coordinators
We are looking for anyone who might be interested in serving as coordinators for our Parish Life and Outreach ministry areas. To be clear: we are NOT looking for someone to head up every social or community service event that we do here at St. James', or to commit to a meeting every month! Instead, we're looking for people to serve as the "communications hub" for each of these ministry areas. For Parish Life, what that might look like is: coming up with ideas for new social events that will enrich our parish life; helping to identify a "project coordinator" for each event, so it's not just the same people doing the work for every event; and communicating with clergy, Vestry, and people involved in our parish life ministries to make sure we're all on the same page. For Outreach, we're similarly looking for someone to help us dream big about how we can serve the needy and vulnerable in our local communities. Reach out to Fr. Joe or Edlu if you feel the Holy Spirit pulling you towards one of these ministries!