Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Christian Formation Strategic Planning Team

At its planning retreat in January 2008, the Vestry, Clergy and Officers of St. James’ Parish committed their efforts to twenty initiatives which they rated from most important to least important. The first initiative, to hire an assistant rector, was accomplished in swift order. The second initiative, to conduct a review of all youth programs and develop a strategic plan for improvement, is now viewed as the most important initiative before the Vestry, the Christian Education and Formation Committee, and the Parish at large.

In the spring of 2008, the Christian Education and Formation Committee (CEC) was tasked by the Vestry to develop a strategic plan for all education programs under the aegis of the CEC, including youth group and adult classes. The CEC members considered whether they should prepare the plan themselves, or commission a team to independently develop a strategic forecast.

The Douglas Ellmore, Renee Wilson and Steve Dorsey from the CEC reviewed various approaches to preparing strategic plans and visited St. John's Norwood Parish in Chevy Chase, Maryland which had recently developed a strategic plan for their parish, see Although St. John’s focus was broader, the plan itself was identified as a model for understanding the purpose and focus of strategic planning. The meeting helped clarify how the strategic planning process could be used by the CEC at St. James’.

In April 2008, the Christian Education Committee recommended to the Vestry that Douglas Ellmore, Sr. chair an independent team to develop the CEC strategic plan. Mr. Ellmore, who has a professional background in strategic planning, felt a strong calling toward this project. Because he is not a Sunday school teacher but a parent leader on the CEC, it was hoped the team would seem empowered and independent from any specific agenda. The CEC hoped to get individuals who were not currently involved with Christian Education at the Parish, as well as those who are or have been in the past, in order to gather an independent Parish-wide view on the current programs. It was hoped they would be committed to analyzing what was in place and have the skills to make recommendations as to a path forward.

Douglas Ellmore put out a call to the Parish to form an independent team to solicit Parish input to develop the strategic plan based on all input. The scope of the plan was to address Christian Education of all ages, as well as youth group and young adult formation activities. The timeline outlined called for the group to be formalized by June, with a formal draft document, including recommendations by Thanksgiving 2008. The Vestry approved the Committee’s recommendation.

The members of the team are:

• Douglas Ellmore, Sr., Chair
• Rev. Amanda Finkenbinder, Asst. Rector
• Claire and George Pickart
• JoEllen Kelly
• Tricia Hurlbutt
• Diocesan Deacon Carl Rehling

The Christian Formation Strategic Planning Team began meeting Monday evenings in July. They have openly discussed a number of issues, the first was to suggest some short term suggestions to the Christian Education Committee. They are now working on plans for a fall set of focus groups to gather input from the Parish Community at large.

If you are interested in being a part of this team or would like to provide any feedback or input on current education programs under the aegis of the CEC, including youth group and adult classes and activities, please contact Douglas Ellmore via email at

Summer at Claggett

Aug 3 – 7 Special Challenge $360 Adults
Aug 22 – 24 Family Weekend $375 Intergenerational

Registration forms available in office.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Shell Updates Due August 15!

Shell Information, needs to be sent to by August 15.

PLEASE NOTE: The next “Shell” will be for the month of September.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Scouting God and Me Program

Our parish is blessed by sponsoring Cub Scout Pack 840 and Boy Scout Troop 840!

Our rector met with seven Cub Scouts on the nights of June 3, 10, 17, and 24 for an hour each session. This was to complete the “God and Me” program. The four sessions were entitled: God Created Me, Jesus is God’s Gift to Me, I Can Talk With God, and Because God Cares for Me, I Can Care for Others.

The Scouts’ names are as follows:

Paul Balsley
George Carney
Griffin Hynes
Jacob Smith
Austin Tibbs
Grady Willson
Tony Zabala

Also, we thank the adult leaders who accompanied them at each session.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Vacation Bible School - July 7-11, 2008

Friendship TREK Vacation Bible School is scheduled from July 7 - 11, 2008 at St. James'. Children from the community ages 4–11 are invited to attend our Friendship TREK program from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm--with snacks provided.

Kids discover new friends and build a powerful relationship with their Forever Friend, Jesus Christ!

Please email forms to Sharon McGlaughlin at or drop them off at the Parish Office.

Your prayers are appreciated for our Friendship Trek VBS. Please pray God will send us children to hear about Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day Bell Ringing - July 4th, 2008

Ryan Munson, 11, from Boy Scout Troop 741, Deale, MD and his brother, Christopher, 7, of Cub Scout Pack 840, St. James' Parish, took turns ringing the church bell on July 4th, 2008 to mark the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Churches across the nation tolled their bells 13 times at 2 PM for the 13 original colonies.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sponsor Katie McGlaughlin - Our Representative To The Episcopal Youth Event

Katie McGlaughlin will be attending the Episcopal Youth Event this July in San Antonio, TX. She along with 30 other young people from our Diocese will be going. Amanda Finkenbinder, out new Assistant Rector will be a chaperone for the Diocese. Together, they will represent all of us.

St. James' congregation helped finance this trip for Katie. The cost per person was $857. Many thanks for the donations. The Diocese is paying for Amanda as a Diocese chaperone.

Our young people have participated in the past and as you can imagine, it is always a life-changing event.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Summer Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed!

We are in need of volunteers to provide a simple coffee hour now. There is a signup sheet in the Parish Hall on the bulletin board. Please consider volunteering. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Stewart, 443-203-6774, or email to

Acolyte Training and Refresher - August 11 - 12, 2008

Acolyte Training and Refresher will be held at St. James' Parish Hall on Monday and Tuesday, August 11 and 12 (9 am to noon). All currently serving acolytes and those wishing to join the acolyte team are strongly encouraged to attend. Rising first graders are welcome to be trained to carry the Gospel Book or the church school banner.

Lost Ice Cream Canister

Lost – An empty ice cream canister, about one gallon, last seen in the kitchen after the brunch on June 15. This is very important to its owner, Cathy Stasny, and also to Caroline Chisum, who needs all her donors for the Fall Festival.

Highlights of the Women’s Meeting

At the June 21st meeting, we reviewed the problems and successes of the Spring Dinner. The profit from the dinner was $6,875.92. Thanks to all of the pie bakers, the pie table contribution increased this year. It was noted that approximately 2/3 of the diners also bought pie. Some problems with the potatoes will be addressed for the fall dinner, and the decision was also made to return to the original recipe for the cole slaw. We decided that the jewelry and crafts/white elephants tables need to be in separate areas to allow customers to see all that is available. We hope to be able to expand and use a couple of the classrooms on the upper level.

The memorial fund for Eileen has a balance of $795 after funeral expenses. The women voted to purchase a bench as a memorial that will go beside the labyrinth. Peggy Tucker will work with Patti Sachs to confirm and implement a suitable design.

The women voted to donate $100 towards Katie McGlaughlin’s EYE expenses. They also voted to purchase two longer mats for the kitchen to go on each side of the long prep tables.

As we needed to borrow a few tables from another church, and several of ours are either missing or broken, the Women decided to look into the possibility of replacing the tables for dinners with round ones.

The Women acknowledged the donation of a warmer from Michael and Trixie Ryan. We also noted that the Finne family is moving away and agreed that this will be a huge loss to the Women and to the Parish. We wish them all the best.

The next meeting is Sunday, August 24, following the 10:00 service.

Summer Choir

Summer choir has begun with no robes and no evening rehearsals. Come at 9 am for a short rehearsal and sing an anthem that day. If you like to sing, come and join us. No experience necessary.

Note Reading for Dummies

Our music director, Michael Ryan, will offer this 10-session course two nights per week for 5 weeks starting in July. It is the same course he teaches at St. Mary’s College. The difference is that there is no homework, no tests and all work is done in class. Speak to him for details or leave a message at 410-956-6157.

Parish Life Committee Members Needed for Newcomers’ Program

At the Vestry Retreat, held on February 16, the Vestry defined the top three priorities for the next year. One of those was to “expand and enrich our Newcomers’ Program” to support development of on-going programs and to welcome and retain new members. People are needed to help define and formalize a framework of measurable goals and objectives, gather information, and to develop a plan to present to the Vestry. It would be especially helpful if recent newcomers would share with us why they chose St. James’ and why they have stayed with us.

If you feel called to help with this ministry, please contact Linda Stewart by email at or phone 443-203-6774.

Cursillo Ultreya - July 25, 2008

The Cursillo Ultreya will be held on July 25 beginning with a social time at 7 pm and the Ultreya itself begins at 7:30 pm. An Ultreya is not scheduled for August. Then the normal schedule will begin again on September 26.

St. James’ Women’s Book Club

The St. James’ Women’s Book Club is meeting on the 3rd Tuesday in each month at 8 p.m. at Brooke Steuart’s house (301-980-3920). Everyone is invited to come to the Book Club.

Lighthouse Shelter - July 16, 2008

The Women of St. James’ Parish are preparing bag lunches for the Lighthouse Shelter on the third Wednesday of each month. They will be doing this again July 16. Please call Pat Rehling 410-867-4709 if you can help. Please sign up for desserts for the Lighthouse lunches on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the Rector’s office.

Women’s Monthly Breakfast - July 12, 2008

The Women’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again on July 12 at 8:30. Bring something to do (or not) and join us. Any contribution to breakfast is welcome, but not necessary. Store-bought is encouraged.

Contact: Linda Stewart – 443-203-6774.

Help B.I.G.

Books for International Goodwill needs volunteers to sort books for developing countries, Indian reservations and communities struck by natural disasters. Help sort on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 8 – 12. Earn HS community service credit.

They will be having a big sale July 26, 8 - 2 at the Triangle Tobacco Warehouse, 1325Marlboro, Wayson's Corner, Lothian. Over 90,000 good used books for sale. Profits pay for shipping costs to developing countries. For $50, send a box of books to a Peace Corps volunteer. 24 hour drop off at warehouse in Lothian, MD.

Contact: or

Summer 2008 at Claggett

The following summer programs are being offered at Claggett:

July 13 – 18 Middle High 320 Grades 6-8
July 13 – 18 Youth Adventure 360 Grades 4-6
July 20 – 25 High School 330 Grades 9-12
July 27 – Aug 1 Mid-Adventure 360 Grades 6-9
Aug 3 – 7 Special Challenge 360 Adults
Aug 22 – 24 Family Weekend 375 Intergenerational

Registration forms available in Parish office.

Must have completed the grades listed.