Friday, August 31, 2012

Spring Bulb Fundraiser

It has been a long hot summer but before you know it, fall will be here and you will be thinking of planting flower bulbs for spring. If you are planning on planting flower bulbs this fall, the Women of St. James' Parish will be taking orders for Dutch Mill Bulbs from August 23 through September 30. The profit from this fundraiser will go to the Outreach projects of the Women of St. James' Parish.

A representative of the Women of St. James' will be available to take orders during the coffee hours; the bulbs will be delivered to St. James' by mid October. Be sure to come by and see the color brochure showing the flower bulbs that are available. For more information, please contact Kelly Richard at

Monday, August 27, 2012

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Training Classes, October 3rd

Parish AED (Automated External Defibrillator) training classes will be held at St. James' Parish on October 3rd at 9:00am and 6:30pm to train parishioners on the proper use of our AEDs. Our AEDs are located in St. James' Church, the Parish Hall, and St. Mark's Chapel. We would like to have trained personnel who attend each service and who participate in the various committee meetings. The cost is $35.00 per person. Please bring your check to the class made payable to "Mary Houlihan." If you have any questions, please contact Ken Howard at

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pew Editions of the Book of Common Prayer

Pew editions of the Book of Common Prayer are available for purchase ($22.00 per book) to be placed in the pews of St. Mark's Chapel and St. James' Church. If you would like to give one or more in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for something, please provide your dedication information to one of the clergy.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday School Starts September 9th

Sunday School will begin on September 9th at 10am in the Church School Building. It is important that we have your child's registration information. The registration form is currently posted on the St. James' web site:
You may also register you child on the first day of class; registration will take place in the foyer between the Parish Hall and the Christian Education building beginning at 10am. For information, please contact Dawn Campbell+ at or Diana Doswell at