Saturday, October 26, 2019

Parish Leadership Workshops

The 2020 Annual Parish Celebration will be held on Sunday, January 26. At that time, three members will be rotating off the Vestry and will be replaced with new parishioners. In addition to a Vestry Open House at the November 18 meeting, a Leadership Workshop has been scheduled in order to provide information to those who might be interested in learning more about what it is like to serve in a leadership position on the Vestry or as the parish representative to the Southern Maryland Regional Council or the Diocesan Convention. The workshop will be held in the Parish Library on Wednesday, November 6, 7PM with an additional session scheduled in response to demand. Interested persons need attend only one of these sessions. Please give prayerful thought to a call to serve. For additional information, or to register for one of the workshops. please contact the Rev. John Keydel at or 410-867-2838.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

All Saints Sunday Prayers for the Deceased

On All Saints Sunday (Nov 3), the services at both St Mark's and St James' will combine several liturgical elements important for that day and our common life as a community of faith. We will observe the culmination of the Stewardship Campaign with the Pledge ingathering; we will reaffirm our own Baptismal Covenants; and on that Sunday we will use Eucharistic Prayer D, which incorporates the Prayers of the People within the Eucharistic Prayer. One prominent feature of that service will be the traditional reading of the Necrology, or remembrance of friends, family members and those of our extended community who have died since the last All Saints Sunday. Please notify the church office of the full Christian Name of your friend or family member by October 28.

Friday, October 18, 2019

2019-20 Stewardship Campaign

This year's St. James' Stewardship theme is "Shining Our Light." Click on the link below to read this year's stewardship letter and see how this theme speaks to us as a faith community: 2019-20 Stewardship Cover Letter and Pledge Card. Please take some time and reflect on the letter and the blessings in our lives and Parish. You're invited to bring your pledge with you for a Parish ingathering during the services on November 3.