Monday, March 27, 2023

Maundy Thursday Vigil

This year during Holy Week, we'll be bringing to St. James' a tradition common at many Episcopal Churches: a Maundy Thursday prayer vigil, through the night. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, his disciples couldn't stay awake for him even one hour. Out of this moment of Scripture, the custom developed of keeping a "Holy Hour" of prayer in a garden-like setting with the consecrated wafers, the Body of Christ, between our Maundy Thursday service and the noon Good Friday service. We'll have slots for signing up every hour, all through the night and morning. Be praying about whether you're being called to spend part of your Holy Week in this special devotion!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Stations of the Cross

Our Stations of the Cross are again up along the road in the New Cemetery. We'll be using these as a congregation during Holy Week, but please know they're available for private devotional use (and handicap-accessible!) throughout the season of Lent!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Hand Painted Easter Eggs To Benefit Community Assistance

Once again, Barbara Howard's beautiful hand painted wooden Easter Eggs will be on sale beginning Sunday, March 12th. Proceeds from these beautiful eggs, which are offered for only $10 each, support the St. James' Parish Community Assistance Program. Through your generous support, we hope to top last year’s contribution! For additional information, please contact Barbara Howard at

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Parish Clean-Up, Saturday, March 4

In advance of the Bishop Candidate Meet-and-Greet, we're having a parish clean-up day! Saturday at 1:00PM we'll be sprucing the place up - cleaning cobwebs out of the corners, getting dried leaves out of the outdoor stairs, and so on. Let's show the diocese our best face!