Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Blessing

May Almighty God, who sent his Son to take our nature upon him, bless you in this holy season, scatter the darkness of sin, and brighten your heart with the light of his holiness. Amen.

May God, who sent his angels to proclaim the glad news of the Savior’s birth, fill you with joy, and make you heralds of the Gospel. Amen

May God, who in the Word made flesh joined heaven to earth and earth to heaven, give you his peace and favor. Amen.

And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with you forever. Amen.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Green Bishop

This Episcopal bishop's activism reflects an increasing involvement in environmental issues by religious organizations. Read more...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Upcoming Youth Events

With the birth of our Savior just around the corner, December is a month chalked full of events! Please mark your calendars now for these upcoming activities!

All youth from 6th-12th grades are invited to join us on our annual Christmas shopping spree on Dec. 7th at 12:00. We will meet at the church for lunch followed by shopping!

LUNCH WITH SANTA~December 13th
Lunch with Santa will take place in the parish hall from 12:30-2:30. All children are welcome! Sign-up sheets can be found throughout the Christian Education building!

Please join us for our annual Christmas caroling extravaganza! We will meet at the church following the 11:00 service for lunch followed by caroling! Everyone is invited!!

WINTER JUBILEE~December 28th-30th
Attention 6th-12th graders: Winter Jubilee is just around the corner. The diocesan retreat will take place at the Bishop Claggett Center. Cost is $125 (scholarships are available). Registration forms are outside of Amanda's office. Sign up today! If you have any questions please contact Amanda at

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Salvation Army Carol Sing - December 10, 2008

Salvation Army Carol Sing will be held on December 10 beginning with fellowship at 6 p.m., pot-luck supper at 6:30 p.m., and carol sing at 7:30 p.m. A free-will offering will be received and the toys presented.

Women’s Monthly Breakfast - December 13, 2008

The Women’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again on December 13 at 8:30. Bring something to do (or not) and join us. Any contribution to breakfast is welcome, but not necessary. Store-bought is encouraged. Contact: Linda Stewart – 443-203-6774.

Men’s Monthly Breakfast - December 20, 2008

The Men’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again on December 20 at 7:30 a.m. in the parish hall. The meal is free and there’s always good conversation. All men of the parish are invited.

“It’s a Wonderful Life” at Southern HS - December 5 & 6, 2008

Southern High School is putting on “It’s a Wonderful Life” on Friday, December 5 at 7 p.m. and on Saturday, December 6 at 2 and 7 p.m.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Observing Veterans Day at 9 AM Service - November 15, 2008

"We are going to observe Veterans Day at the nine o'clock service this Sunday, November 15th. All Veterans are welcome to the service which will feature patriotic hymns, and coffee hour immediately following. American flags will be placed on the graves of veterans resting in our cemetery."

If anyone has any questions they can call Claire Pickart or JoEllen Kelly.

Young Adult Group Singers

The “Young Adult Group,” singers from Friendship United Methodist Church, will be here this Sunday to sing at the 9 and 11 a.m. services. We have enjoyed their music in the past and are looking forward to enjoying them today.

January Shell Submissions

Shell Information, needs to be sent to by December 15. PLEASE NOTE: The next “Shell” will be for the month of January.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Safeway Stores Club Card Program

St. James' Church is now enrolled in the Safeway Stores Club Card program. All you have to do is designate St. James' as your recipient, and each month Safeway will donate a portion of your purchases directly to our Christian Education programs.

St. James' designation code is 1036858.

Three ways to sign up:

1) Bring your Safeway Club Card to church on Sunday: registration forms will be available during coffee hour,

2) Register at the customer service counter at your local Safeway store, or

3) Do it on-line: Go to Register. Enter the designation code--1036858 Fill in name, address, phone number, and Club Card number.

Once you have designated St. James' as your recipient, Safeway will donate up to 3% of your purchases to our Christian Education programs. This is an easy way to provide extra financial support for our classes and Youth Group activities during our Year of Christian Education.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

St. James' Web Site Calendar Help Needed!

Webmaster Douglas Ellmore would like some help with managing the Google calendar on the St. James' Web site. It is a pretty easy task if you know how to use email and surf the web, you can help with this online ministry.

The task requires reading the weekly bulletin and updating the online Google Calendar entries, then taking the monthly calendar from the Shell and updating the online Google Calendar. This takes about 1 hour per week. A training session can be provided, but is likely not needed. Yes, it is that easy!!!!

If you can help, please contact Douglas Ellmore, Sr. via email at

St. Stephen’s Holiday Bazaar and Silent Auction

St. Stephen’s Holiday Bazaar and Silent Auction will be held Saturday November 15th, 2008 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Crafts and holiday decorations, theme baskets, baked goods, etc. Lunch (chicken salad sandwiches, chili dogs, etc.).

Silent Auction items include: Toby’s Dinner Theater ticket, Kilarney Restaurant certificate, Ravens memorabilia, Jasper’s Restaurant certificate, etc.

Goodness Gracious

GOODNESS GRACIOUS will be taking place from January 5th to February 9th. We will be studying “JOY” from the Book of PHILIPPIANS. (The joy God has for us is more than a feeling of pleasure. It is characterized by an inner well of strength. It is a joy that cannot be shaken by our circumstances, regardless of how difficult they may become.)

Format: I will do some teaching, use lots of personal input (from my somewhat colorful background), for illustration of various principles. We will learn a lot from each other, by group participation, and discussion. The object, though, is to search and find what God offers us through His goodness and grace. And it’s all surprisingly relevant, humorous, helpful and practical for facing those everyday situations.

Time: Monday 12-2 p.m. and Monday 7-9 p.m. (if there are enough participants).

Course Material: This will be ordered at the close of the registration period (Dec. 7th), and handed out January 5th at an informal “kick off.”

Please contact: Nan Lewis to register or ask questions. 410-867-6059 or

Annual Meeting - January 11, 2009

The Annual Meeting of our parish will be held on Sunday, January 11, 2009. In preparation for this meeting, we will be holding Leadership Exploration Workshops on Saturday, November 22, from 10 a.m. until 12 noon in the library and also on Monday, November 24, from 7:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. You can attend either one or the other. Anyone who wishes to explore a possible calling to serve God either now or in the future as a Vestry member, Committee chair, Convention delegate or officer of the Vestry is invited to come to one of the workshops. We are asking you to RSVP so that we may have materials and refreshments for you. You may speak to any of the clergy or to one of the members of the Vestry who is rotating off (K. Donald Arthur, Susanne H. Smith, and Linda B. Stewart) for information or to RSVP.

Attention Teens!

Come Rock the 9 AM Fellowship by leading the Praise music. If you are interested in singing or playing contemporary Christian music during the 9 AM fellowship service – then WE NEED YOU. Please contact either Brooke Steuart –, Cynthia Steuart – or Brenda Boucher –

Atrium Fellowship for December

The Atrium Fellowship for December will be held on December 7 from 11:30 – 1:30. We will be making Christmas ornaments and decorating cookies. Contact Sharon McGlaughlin 301-261-9441.

Christmas Pageant 2008

Christmas Pageant 2008!! Attn: EVERYONE!!! It’s that time again to begin preparations for this year’s Christmas pageant!

If you are interested in sharing your time, gifts, and talents in making this year’s Christmas pageant the event to remember, please call Sharon McGlaughlin 410-991-6041 or Brooke Steuart 301-980-3920. Rehearsals will begin soon, so stay tuned for more details.

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings are available in a box in the foyer between the two buildings at St. James’ labeled “Stockings.” If we run out of stockings, you are welcome to put items in a bag and label it “boy” or “girl” with the appropriate age. When you have filled the stocking (or bag), you may place it in that same box in the foyer.

All stockings must be in by Sunday, December 7th. Some suggested items for the stockings are: small toys, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, comb, socks, scarves, hats, mittens, jewelry, stickers, books, small games, small play dough, school supplies, etc. Please do not wrap your items as they have to be able to see them for safety reasons. Please feel free to contact Nola Meyers with any additional questions at 410-798-4969 or

Come Sing the ‘Messiah’

Come Sing the ‘Messiah’ and prepare for Christmas on the first Sunday of Advent at 4 p.m., November 30, by singing the first section of Handel’s oratorio at St. James’ Church. A candlelight reception hosted by the Women of St. James’ Parish follows and features Trixie Ryan’s Famous Chili.

Michael S. Ryan directs the impromptu chorus and guest soloists with the help of a chamber ensemble, organ and trumpet. Singers bring a score, a snack or dessert. Some scores will be available for loan or purchase at $10. Although singers will have priority in seating, listeners are also welcome. Free will offering. Call Val Hymes at 410-224-2478 or email for additional information.

Women of St. James’ Parish

The next meeting of the Women of St. James’ Parish is scheduled for Sunday November 16, 2008 after the 11:00 a.m. service. We will be making preparations for the holiday season including final plans for the box lunches for the Salem Avery House Holiday House Tour fundraiser (Dec. 6), the Messiah Sing-along (Nov. 30), Salvation Army Carol Sing (Dec. 10), the Angel Tree, and gifts for our very special people (clergy). All women of St. James’ Parish are invited and encouraged to attend! Please come. This is an exciting time, and we need your ideas and support.

Thanksgiving Day Eucharist at 10 a.m.

On Thanksgiving Day we will gather again for the Eucharist at 10 a.m. The offering received from the Thanksgiving Day envelopes will go toward the purchase of toys and gifts for needy children and will be presented to the Salvation Army at the Carol Sing on December 10.

Young Adult Group Singer from Friendship United Methodist Church

The “Young Adult Group,” singers from Friendship United Methodist Church, will be here Sunday Nov. 16, 2008 to sing at the 9 and 11 a.m. services. We have enjoyed their music in the past.

Fundraiser for the Women of St. James’ Parish

As a fundraiser for the Women of St. James’ Parish, we are making box lunches for the Salem Avery House Holiday House Tour on December 6. We will be needing help in the kitchen at 9 a.m. on Friday, December 5, and again on Saturday, December 6. If you are available to help on either of these days, even for just an hour or so, please call Linda Brown at 410-867-2965 or Peggy Horn at 410-867-7499. We are also going to need help with cleanup after the Messiah Sing-along on November 30, and again after the Salvation Army Carol Sing on December 10. If you are available to help, please call Peggy Horn.

The Scallop Shell and the Sword

Surely we are all familiar with the Saint James’ seal, found throughout our Church and Parish Hall, and in our parish communications. Now, you can find the two most recognizable symbols from the St. James’ seal featured prominently on the newly designed “St. James’ Cross.”

The limited edition silver cross is currently available for purchase, with proceeds dedicated to support the St. James’ Celebration and Youth Choirs. The simple, yet elegant design features both the scallop shell (a biblical symbol for pilgrimage) and the sword (representing St. James, who was executed for refusing to render to Caesar).

The new “St. James’ Cross” will be sold during the coffee hour on Nov. 16 for $65 each, and is available either as a necklace or a lapel pin.

The tasteful and artistic design was created by St. James’ member and jeweler, Claude Dickinson. Those who purchase the St. James’ cross could find that it will become a keepsake for members and friends of the parish to cherish for generations. It likewise will serve as a wonderful way to raise money for the beautiful music at St. James

Please send in your pledge for 2009!

Already, we have received 144 pledges totaling $306,000. In order to balance our budget, we need additional pledges. Please give this your prayerful thought.

Time Is Running Out!

Don’t miss your chance to own a beautiful, heirloom quality, hand-quilted, Christmas Tree Skirt created and donated by Barbara Howard! Second Place winner will receive four tickets to our Annual Spring Crab Cake and Ham Dinner. Drawing will be held NEXT SUNDAY at the 10 a.m. Coffee Hour. The Christmas Tree Skirt is displayed on a table in the Parish Hall during coffee hour. What a unique Christmas gift this would make for someone special! Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

St. James’ Parish Stewardship Drive 2009

Every ministry in which we serve and everything we do at St. James’ Parish is possible because of the financial support of our generous parishioners. The Vestry, Officers and Clergy request your prayers and support as our 2009 Stewardship Pledge Campaign is going on.

We need everyone to be sure to return their completed pledge forms No Later than Saturday, November 1. Without your written pledge, the Finance Committee is unable to accurately budget for our Parish to operate in 2009. Thanks to everyone who has submitted their pledge already. Dwayne Crawford, Stewardship Committee

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings

Salvation Army Christmas Stockings will be available beginning next Sunday at all three services. After that date they will be put in a box in the foyer between the two buildings at St. James’ labeled “Stockings.” If we run out of stockings, you are welcome to put items in a bag and label it “boy” or “girl” with the appropriate age. When you have filled the stocking (or bag), you may place it in that same box in the foyer. All stockings must be in by Sunday, December 7th. Some suggested items for the stockings are: small toys, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, comb, socks, scarves, hats, mittens, jewelry, stickers, books, small games, small play dough, school supplies, etc. Please do not wrap your items as they have to be able to see them for safety reasons. Please feel free to contact Nola Meyers with any additional questions at 410-798-4969 or

Monday, October 20, 2008

Clergy Conference - October 19-21, 2008

The clergy will be leaving for their Clergy Conference the afternoon of October 19, 2008 and will return on Tuesday afternoon October 21, 2008.

United Thank Offering (UTO) - October 29, 2008

The United Thank Offering (UTO) Ingathering will be held at St. Luke’s, Eastport on October 29 beginning with registration at 10:30 a.m. and the Eucharist is at 11 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Caroline Chisum 410-257-2208 is our UTO representative, and if you need a blue box or have questions, please call her. You need to empty your blue box, count the proceeds, and then you make your check out to St. James’ Parish and indicate in the memo part of the check that it is for the UTO. Your donations need to be in BY October 26.

Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular

Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular starring the Rockettes on Saturday, December 6, at 1 o’clock at 1st Mariner Arena, Baltimore. Cost: $73 per ticket. Contact Lillie Barrett – 301-855-7829.

St. Stephen’s Annual Fall Dinner - November 1, 2008

St. Stephen’s Annual Fall Dinner will be held November 1 from 3 – 6:30 p.m. Roast Turkey, parsleyed potatoes, green beans, candied sweet potatoes, sauerkraut, apple or pumpkin pie, etc. Carryouts from 3 – 6 p.m. Adult Advance tickets: $15; Adult at the door: $17; Children 5-12 yrs.: $6; Children under 5: free.

Parent Workshop - October 22, 2008

Parent Workshops will be held THIS WEDNESDAY from 6:30 – 8:30 in the Southern Middle School media center. Topics offered will be: Schoolhouse and Cyberbullying: What Can a Parent Do?, Communicating with Your Child’s School: Keeping the Lines Open, and MegaSkills for Success in School and Beyond. Parent only event. RSVP BY Monday, October 13th to Ms. Marlene Arkin at

St. James’ Book Club

The St. James’ Book Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 8 pm at Brooke Steuart’s house 301-855-2842.

Family Fellowship Night - November 14, 2008

The Family Fellowship Night will take place again Friday, November 14. Call Laura Miller 410-798-1826 for more information or to let her know that you will be attending as they need to know to have enough food.

Women’s Monthly Breakfast - November 8, 2008

The Women’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again on Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 8:30. Bring something to do (or not) and join us. Any contribution to breakfast is welcome, but not necessary. Store-bought is encouraged. Contact: Linda Stewart – 443-203-6774.

Men’s Monthly Breakfast - November 15, 2008

The Men’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again November 15 at 7:30 a.m. in the parish hall. The meal is free and there’s always good conversation. All men of the parish are invited.

Women of St. James’ Parish

The Women of St. James’ Parish are preparing bag lunches for the Lighthouse Shelter on the third Wednesday of each month. They will be doing this again November 19. Please call Pat Rehling 410-867-4709 if you can help. Please sign up for desserts for the Lighthouse lunches on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the Rector’s office.

Cursillo Ultreya for October

The Cursillo Ultreya for October will not be held. It will resume in November.

Choir Groups

The Celebration Choir rehearsals are at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday in the Parish Hall. All are invited to join and have a good time.

The Youth Choir rehearsals take place after Church School in the choir room. All children between the ages of 4 and ?? are invited. A lot of good music will be available for all to enjoy.

Senior Choir Rehearsals are held on Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m. in the music room. If you like to sing, come and join us. No experience necessary.

Labyrinth Crusade – Become a POET!!

Join us in honoring the memory of Eileen C. House+ by joining Pals Of Eileen’s Together and contributing to a memorial labyrinth. The labyrinth will be the centerpiece of a larger “healing garden” dedicated to our loved ones. It will have beautiful landscaping and benches for rest and contemplation here on the grounds of St. James’.

The first stage in the project is preparing the site and installing the labyrinth. Our budget for the first stage is $16,000, “a drop in the bucket compared to what she gave us.” We will purchase our labyrinth from the Labyrinth Co., of Baltimore. The “Chelsea a la Chartres” pattern has been chosen for its simplicity and traditional pattern. So let’s TOGETHER make this happen! Make your contribution payable to St. James’ Parish, with Eileen House Memorial Fund in the memo line. And thanks!

Are a CPA or PA?

If you are a CPA or PA, and would like to volunteer your time and talent, the Audit Committee could use your expertise. If interested, please contact Don Collins at 410-867-4826.

Fellowship Potluck Dinner and Wine Tasting Event - October 24, 2008

THIS Friday, October 24th. Our annual campaign will be closing with a Fellowship Potluck Dinner and Wine Tasting Event this Friday, from 6 – 9 p.m. This will be a wonderful evening of fun and family fellowship, with absolutely delicious food supplied by the best cooks around. There are no presentations, just a great Fellowship Dinner event and a very BIG Thank You to you, our loyal St. James’ parishioners. We hope everyone will mark their calendar and join us for this wonderful evening in the company of your fellow St. James’ Parish family.

If you have not made your pledge before then, please bring your completed pledge card with you to the Fellowship Potluck Dinner. You may, if you so choose, place your pledge in the basket on an altar that will be set up in the hall during the meal. Everyone who has already made their pledge prior to this dinner, may do so again symbolically or write a prayer card and place it on the altar. Invite your neighbors, family and friends to join us. This is an all age event and we have special activities planned for the youth. Please RSVP to Dwayne and Wendy at, or call the parish office at 410-867-2838.

St. James’ Parish Stewardship Drive 2009

Every ministry in which we serve and everything we do at St. James’ Parish is possible because of the financial support of our generous parishioners. The Vestry, Officers and Clergy request your prayers and support as our 2009 Stewardship Pledge Campaign is going on.

The Stewardship Pledge letter is found under the links to the left of the web site.


Remember to see one of the several Women of St. James’ Parish who is selling raffle tickets for the Hand-Quilted Christmas Tree Skirt. First Place winner will own a beautiful Hand-Quilted Tree Skirt, donated by Barbara Howard.

Second Place winner will receive four tickets to our Annual Spring Crab Cake and Ham Dinner.

Tickets are only $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. No more than 1,000 tickets will be sold. Drawing will be held on November 16 at the 10 a.m. Coffee Hour. A photo of the quilt is posted on the information board in the hallway of the Parish Hall.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fall Festival Dinner Update

Our Fall Festival Dinner was a great success. The Women of St. James’ Parish extend their thanks to the over 150 volunteers who made it an overwhelming success. We were blessed with beautiful weather and we served 515 diners. Compliments are still being received on the quality of this year’s meal. Because of the help of our Volunteers, we cleared approximately $9,000.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Corn Maze Trip Was Great!

The 2008 Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze Trip was held on SUNDAY, October 19th. Twelve very excited atrium level youth and their families went to Greenstreet Gardens for the Pumpkin Patch and Corn maze. The cost was subsidized by the Christian Education Committee to a maximum cost of $5.00 per child.

We began our adventure in the parish hall for a delicious Pizza lunch which was supplied by the St. James' Parish Stewardship Committee.

Before we left, one of our YAC senior's Charlie Groce gave 16 of our Atrium age children a demonstration of his actual firemans turn-out gear, including letting the children try out his face mask and breathing gear. Charlie is a volunteer at the Dunkirk Fire Dept, and they supplied each child with their own play firemens helmet and bag full of fire prevention materials. (Helping young children learn not to be afraid of firemen while wearing their full protective gear has commonly been identified as a serious need, and teaching young ones not to be afraid is now a national fire prevention training initiative)

Several of our senior high youth joined volunteered to join us for the afternoon including Fireman Charlie Groce, Miss Julie Crawford and Miss Lauren Crawford. Thanks to everyone who made this event such a success, especially Miss Sharon and Mrs Norma. We are already making plans for an even bigger and better Pumpkin Patch Day in 2009 and hope more St. James' family of all ages will join us next year.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Cursillo Ultreya to Meet on October 24, 2008

The Cursillo Ultreya will meet again on Friday, October 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall.

Maryland Episcopal Cursillo Weekend #96 Application Deadline October 13, 2008

Maryland Episcopal Cursillo Weekend #96 - Nancy Horkan is the Rector for MD #96 that will take place November 6-9. Also serving on the team are Marjie Mack, Renée Wilson, Nancy and Woody Wooddell, Pat Arey+, and our rector. Information brochures are available in the rack opposite the parish office and information may be found at If you would like to attend, please speak to the rector. The deadline for applications is October 13.

Men’s Monthly Breakfast - October 18, 2008

The Men’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again Saturday, October 18, at 7:30 a.m. in the parish hall. The meal is free and there’s always good conversation. All men of the parish are invited.

United Thank Offering (UTO) to Meet on October 29, 2008

**The United Thank Offering (UTO) Ingathering will be held at St. Luke’s, Eastport on October 29 beginning with registration at 10:30 a.m. and the Eucharist is at 11 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Caroline Chisum at (410) 257-2208 is our UTO representative, and if you need a blue box or have questions, please call her. You need to empty your blue box, count the proceeds, and then you make your check out to St. James’ Parish and indicate in the memo part of the check that it is for the UTO. Your donations need to be in BY October 26.

The Stewardship Committee Need Your Input!

We Need You, Please Join Us – The Stewardship Committee needs your input. Short hours/excellent working environment and friendly co-workers. Apply within. For more information email Dwayne at, or call 410-257-7009.

Coffee Hour Update!

Coffee Hour – We are going to try something a little different this year concerning the coffee hours so that any newcomers who attend either service will have an opportunity for fellowship with other parishioners. Therefore, we will continue the joint coffee hour (9:00 and 11:00 services) from 10:00 until about 10:45, and have a smaller coffee hour after the 11:00 service, also.

So that both groups would share in the responsibility of the coffee hours, we would like to have 2 people from each service (a total of 4) sign up to provide the refreshments. The people from the 9:00 service would be responsible for setting up and for a part of the clean up at 10:45. The people from the 11:00 service would need to be there a little before 10:00 to add their items to the table and help with the early clean up, reserving a small amount for a brief get-together after the 11:00 service. They would be responsible for finishing the cleanup after this final fellowship time. We hope that enough people will sign up so that no one will need to provide refreshments more than 2 or 3 times between now and when the summer services begin in June.

Please contact Brooke Steuart (9:00) or Peggy Horn (11:00) to sign up or if you have questions. See you at the coffee hour! Brooke Steuart 301-980-3920,; Peggy Horn 410-867-7499, Parish Life Committee, Linda Stewart, Chair

Women of St. James’ Parish to Meet on October 15, 2008

The next meeting of the Women of St. James’ Parish will be held on Wednesday, October 15, at 1 p.m. Please plan to attend as we will be reviewing the success of the Fall Dinner and will be making plans for the events coming up during the holidays.

Discerning Our Call Together: Town Hall Conversations with Bishop Sutton

We are joined in Christ, as one body …

This fall, Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton will hold several town hall conversations with the people of the diocese. Members of the community are invited to join the bishop in a conversation about faith and the role of the Church in society today. He will also urge those attending to consider what God may be calling us to do as faithful followers of Jesus and as members of the Diocese of Maryland. The Town Hall Conversations will begin with Bishop Sutton leading a session of quiet, contemplative prayer. Light refreshments will be served.

In our area the meeting will be Wednesday, October 8, at All Saints’ Church, Sunderland, 6:30 p.m.

CPAs and PAs Needed!

If you are a CPA or PA, and would like to volunteer your time and talent, the Audit Committee could use your expertise. If interested, please contact Don Collins at 410-867-4826.

Raffle at Annual Spring Crab Cake and Ham Dinner!

Remember to see one of the several Women of St. James’ Parish who is selling raffle tickets for the Hand-Quilted Christmas Tree Skirt. First Place winner will own a beautiful Hand-Quilted Tree Skirt, donated by Barbara Howard. Second Place winner will receive four tickets to our Annual Spring Crab Cake and Ham Dinner.

Tickets are only $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. No more than 1,000 tickets will be sold. Drawing will be held on November 16 at the 10 a.m. Coffee Hour. A photo of the quilt is posted on the information board in the hallway of the Parish Hall.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Stewardship Annual Pledge Campaign 2009

St. James' Parish Stewardship Drive 2009

Every ministry in which we serve and everything we do here at St. James' Parish is possible because of the financial support of our generous parishioners. Thank You! The Stewardship Committee requests your prayers and support as our 2009 Stewardship Campaign operates through October 24th, 2008.

Your pledge is an affirmation of your relationship to God. It demonstrates your gratitude for all the blessings in your life, and your acknowledgement of the reality that all we have and all that we experience are God's gifts to us. Your support for the ministries of our Parish returns a portion of God's gracious gifts so that the work we are called to do can effectively be accomplished, and so that our individual relationships with God can nurture and grow.

To allow our Finance Committee to more accurately prepare our 2009 operating budget, we request that you PLEASE submit your 2009 Pledge no later than November 1, 2008. Our heartfelt Thanks goes to everyone who has already submitted their 2009 Pledge.
“Stewardship is
everything we do after we say we believe.”

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sunday's Christian Education Kick-Off Schedule, Sunday September 7, 2008

We have a lot to do in one hour (10 to 11) so please read carefully:

Adult Christian Education Forum: At 10:30, we will present an adult CE forum in the Parish Hall. All scheduled adult classroom leaders will speak briefly, present their material, and answer questions. Please take the time to attend this forum. If you attend at St. Mark's, please come down to the Parish Hall for coffee hour and attend the forum. If you attend the 11 o'clock service, please come early to attend.

Parents (Atrium Levels through Middle School): At the conclusion of the 9 o'clock service, please bring your children to the Christian Education building lobby to register them for Sunday School. Then join us in the Parish Hall at 10:30 for an Adult Christian Education Forum (see above).

Ages 3 - Kindergarten (Atrium Level 1- upper level Education Building)
Grades 1, 2, 3 (Atrium Level 2 - upper level)
Grades 4, 5 ,6 (Atrium Level 3 - upper level)
Grades 7 & 8 (Middle School room - lower level)

High School: All high school students should report to the High School room on the ground floor of the Christian Ed building. Juniors and seniors will be leaving this class to form their new YAC class toward the middle of the hour. ALL high school students report to the High School room today.

Grades 9 & 10 (High School room - lower level)
Grades 11 & 12 (will meet regularly at the Assistant Rector's home EXCEPT FOR TODAY--report to the high school room)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Get Connected With Middle School Youth!

Have you ever considered teaching in our Christian Education program, but were afraid of the time commitment and the training necessary? If you answered yes, there is a place in our program for you!

This year, we are going to kick-off the new school year with an alternative program for our Middle School class which may be taught on a rotational basis, using a contemporary lectionary-based curriculum. Two adults will share teaching responsibilities for four to six consecutive Sundays. Preparation is reduced because all curricular materials are accessible via the internet and are designed to be taught using this method.

We welcome all adults to share their faith with the youth of our Parish by volunteering for a four to six week teaching rotation.

It is also a great way to get connected with more families and make new friends in the Parish.

For more information, please contact Tricia Hurlbutt at

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Christian Formation Strategic Planning Team

At its planning retreat in January 2008, the Vestry, Clergy and Officers of St. James’ Parish committed their efforts to twenty initiatives which they rated from most important to least important. The first initiative, to hire an assistant rector, was accomplished in swift order. The second initiative, to conduct a review of all youth programs and develop a strategic plan for improvement, is now viewed as the most important initiative before the Vestry, the Christian Education and Formation Committee, and the Parish at large.

In the spring of 2008, the Christian Education and Formation Committee (CEC) was tasked by the Vestry to develop a strategic plan for all education programs under the aegis of the CEC, including youth group and adult classes. The CEC members considered whether they should prepare the plan themselves, or commission a team to independently develop a strategic forecast.

The Douglas Ellmore, Renee Wilson and Steve Dorsey from the CEC reviewed various approaches to preparing strategic plans and visited St. John's Norwood Parish in Chevy Chase, Maryland which had recently developed a strategic plan for their parish, see Although St. John’s focus was broader, the plan itself was identified as a model for understanding the purpose and focus of strategic planning. The meeting helped clarify how the strategic planning process could be used by the CEC at St. James’.

In April 2008, the Christian Education Committee recommended to the Vestry that Douglas Ellmore, Sr. chair an independent team to develop the CEC strategic plan. Mr. Ellmore, who has a professional background in strategic planning, felt a strong calling toward this project. Because he is not a Sunday school teacher but a parent leader on the CEC, it was hoped the team would seem empowered and independent from any specific agenda. The CEC hoped to get individuals who were not currently involved with Christian Education at the Parish, as well as those who are or have been in the past, in order to gather an independent Parish-wide view on the current programs. It was hoped they would be committed to analyzing what was in place and have the skills to make recommendations as to a path forward.

Douglas Ellmore put out a call to the Parish to form an independent team to solicit Parish input to develop the strategic plan based on all input. The scope of the plan was to address Christian Education of all ages, as well as youth group and young adult formation activities. The timeline outlined called for the group to be formalized by June, with a formal draft document, including recommendations by Thanksgiving 2008. The Vestry approved the Committee’s recommendation.

The members of the team are:

• Douglas Ellmore, Sr., Chair
• Rev. Amanda Finkenbinder, Asst. Rector
• Claire and George Pickart
• JoEllen Kelly
• Tricia Hurlbutt
• Diocesan Deacon Carl Rehling

The Christian Formation Strategic Planning Team began meeting Monday evenings in July. They have openly discussed a number of issues, the first was to suggest some short term suggestions to the Christian Education Committee. They are now working on plans for a fall set of focus groups to gather input from the Parish Community at large.

If you are interested in being a part of this team or would like to provide any feedback or input on current education programs under the aegis of the CEC, including youth group and adult classes and activities, please contact Douglas Ellmore via email at

Summer at Claggett

Aug 3 – 7 Special Challenge $360 Adults
Aug 22 – 24 Family Weekend $375 Intergenerational

Registration forms available in office.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Shell Updates Due August 15!

Shell Information, needs to be sent to by August 15.

PLEASE NOTE: The next “Shell” will be for the month of September.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Scouting God and Me Program

Our parish is blessed by sponsoring Cub Scout Pack 840 and Boy Scout Troop 840!

Our rector met with seven Cub Scouts on the nights of June 3, 10, 17, and 24 for an hour each session. This was to complete the “God and Me” program. The four sessions were entitled: God Created Me, Jesus is God’s Gift to Me, I Can Talk With God, and Because God Cares for Me, I Can Care for Others.

The Scouts’ names are as follows:

Paul Balsley
George Carney
Griffin Hynes
Jacob Smith
Austin Tibbs
Grady Willson
Tony Zabala

Also, we thank the adult leaders who accompanied them at each session.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Vacation Bible School - July 7-11, 2008

Friendship TREK Vacation Bible School is scheduled from July 7 - 11, 2008 at St. James'. Children from the community ages 4–11 are invited to attend our Friendship TREK program from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm--with snacks provided.

Kids discover new friends and build a powerful relationship with their Forever Friend, Jesus Christ!

Please email forms to Sharon McGlaughlin at or drop them off at the Parish Office.

Your prayers are appreciated for our Friendship Trek VBS. Please pray God will send us children to hear about Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day Bell Ringing - July 4th, 2008

Ryan Munson, 11, from Boy Scout Troop 741, Deale, MD and his brother, Christopher, 7, of Cub Scout Pack 840, St. James' Parish, took turns ringing the church bell on July 4th, 2008 to mark the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Churches across the nation tolled their bells 13 times at 2 PM for the 13 original colonies.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sponsor Katie McGlaughlin - Our Representative To The Episcopal Youth Event

Katie McGlaughlin will be attending the Episcopal Youth Event this July in San Antonio, TX. She along with 30 other young people from our Diocese will be going. Amanda Finkenbinder, out new Assistant Rector will be a chaperone for the Diocese. Together, they will represent all of us.

St. James' congregation helped finance this trip for Katie. The cost per person was $857. Many thanks for the donations. The Diocese is paying for Amanda as a Diocese chaperone.

Our young people have participated in the past and as you can imagine, it is always a life-changing event.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Summer Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed!

We are in need of volunteers to provide a simple coffee hour now. There is a signup sheet in the Parish Hall on the bulletin board. Please consider volunteering. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Stewart, 443-203-6774, or email to

Acolyte Training and Refresher - August 11 - 12, 2008

Acolyte Training and Refresher will be held at St. James' Parish Hall on Monday and Tuesday, August 11 and 12 (9 am to noon). All currently serving acolytes and those wishing to join the acolyte team are strongly encouraged to attend. Rising first graders are welcome to be trained to carry the Gospel Book or the church school banner.

Lost Ice Cream Canister

Lost – An empty ice cream canister, about one gallon, last seen in the kitchen after the brunch on June 15. This is very important to its owner, Cathy Stasny, and also to Caroline Chisum, who needs all her donors for the Fall Festival.

Highlights of the Women’s Meeting

At the June 21st meeting, we reviewed the problems and successes of the Spring Dinner. The profit from the dinner was $6,875.92. Thanks to all of the pie bakers, the pie table contribution increased this year. It was noted that approximately 2/3 of the diners also bought pie. Some problems with the potatoes will be addressed for the fall dinner, and the decision was also made to return to the original recipe for the cole slaw. We decided that the jewelry and crafts/white elephants tables need to be in separate areas to allow customers to see all that is available. We hope to be able to expand and use a couple of the classrooms on the upper level.

The memorial fund for Eileen has a balance of $795 after funeral expenses. The women voted to purchase a bench as a memorial that will go beside the labyrinth. Peggy Tucker will work with Patti Sachs to confirm and implement a suitable design.

The women voted to donate $100 towards Katie McGlaughlin’s EYE expenses. They also voted to purchase two longer mats for the kitchen to go on each side of the long prep tables.

As we needed to borrow a few tables from another church, and several of ours are either missing or broken, the Women decided to look into the possibility of replacing the tables for dinners with round ones.

The Women acknowledged the donation of a warmer from Michael and Trixie Ryan. We also noted that the Finne family is moving away and agreed that this will be a huge loss to the Women and to the Parish. We wish them all the best.

The next meeting is Sunday, August 24, following the 10:00 service.

Summer Choir

Summer choir has begun with no robes and no evening rehearsals. Come at 9 am for a short rehearsal and sing an anthem that day. If you like to sing, come and join us. No experience necessary.

Note Reading for Dummies

Our music director, Michael Ryan, will offer this 10-session course two nights per week for 5 weeks starting in July. It is the same course he teaches at St. Mary’s College. The difference is that there is no homework, no tests and all work is done in class. Speak to him for details or leave a message at 410-956-6157.

Parish Life Committee Members Needed for Newcomers’ Program

At the Vestry Retreat, held on February 16, the Vestry defined the top three priorities for the next year. One of those was to “expand and enrich our Newcomers’ Program” to support development of on-going programs and to welcome and retain new members. People are needed to help define and formalize a framework of measurable goals and objectives, gather information, and to develop a plan to present to the Vestry. It would be especially helpful if recent newcomers would share with us why they chose St. James’ and why they have stayed with us.

If you feel called to help with this ministry, please contact Linda Stewart by email at or phone 443-203-6774.

Cursillo Ultreya - July 25, 2008

The Cursillo Ultreya will be held on July 25 beginning with a social time at 7 pm and the Ultreya itself begins at 7:30 pm. An Ultreya is not scheduled for August. Then the normal schedule will begin again on September 26.

St. James’ Women’s Book Club

The St. James’ Women’s Book Club is meeting on the 3rd Tuesday in each month at 8 p.m. at Brooke Steuart’s house (301-980-3920). Everyone is invited to come to the Book Club.

Lighthouse Shelter - July 16, 2008

The Women of St. James’ Parish are preparing bag lunches for the Lighthouse Shelter on the third Wednesday of each month. They will be doing this again July 16. Please call Pat Rehling 410-867-4709 if you can help. Please sign up for desserts for the Lighthouse lunches on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the Rector’s office.

Women’s Monthly Breakfast - July 12, 2008

The Women’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again on July 12 at 8:30. Bring something to do (or not) and join us. Any contribution to breakfast is welcome, but not necessary. Store-bought is encouraged.

Contact: Linda Stewart – 443-203-6774.

Help B.I.G.

Books for International Goodwill needs volunteers to sort books for developing countries, Indian reservations and communities struck by natural disasters. Help sort on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 8 – 12. Earn HS community service credit.

They will be having a big sale July 26, 8 - 2 at the Triangle Tobacco Warehouse, 1325Marlboro, Wayson's Corner, Lothian. Over 90,000 good used books for sale. Profits pay for shipping costs to developing countries. For $50, send a box of books to a Peace Corps volunteer. 24 hour drop off at warehouse in Lothian, MD.

Contact: or

Summer 2008 at Claggett

The following summer programs are being offered at Claggett:

July 13 – 18 Middle High 320 Grades 6-8
July 13 – 18 Youth Adventure 360 Grades 4-6
July 20 – 25 High School 330 Grades 9-12
July 27 – Aug 1 Mid-Adventure 360 Grades 6-9
Aug 3 – 7 Special Challenge 360 Adults
Aug 22 – 24 Family Weekend 375 Intergenerational

Registration forms available in Parish office.

Must have completed the grades listed.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Consecration of the XIV Bishop of Maryland - June 28, 2008

The Consecration of the Rt. Rev. Eugene T. Sutton took place on Saturday, June 28, at the Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C. More than 3,000 people, including 30 bishops from throughout the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion, attended. This festive occasion featured a combined choir of nearly 300 voices and a grand procession of more than 100 banners, representing churches and organizations from across the diocese.

You may read more at .

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fund Raising Update

The Outreach Committee’s Yard Sale provided enough funds to send $2000 to the Lighthouse Shelter in Annapolis.

The African Team Ministries Sale raised $1800. Thank everyone for their generosity.

The United Thank Offering (UTO) proceeds totaled $429.25.

Youth Groups' Crop Walk earned more than $220.

Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship Awarded to Cody L. Buffaloe

Cody L. Buffaloe is the recipient of the $2000 Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship for 2008. In the fall she will be attending St. Mary’s College.

Highlights of May 2008 Vestry Meeting

1. Confirmation went very smoothly.

2. Consecration of Bishop-Elect Eugene Sutton will be June 28 at the National Cathedral.

3. Thank you to all who have worked so hard getting the Assistant Rector’s home renovated.

4. As of April 30, 2008 we are $21,632.73 in the black.

5. Checking account operating balance is $32,697.82.

6. The inventory of St. Mark’s and St. James’is near completion. Still working on the balance sheet.

7. Exterior entrance to the Rector’s home is nearly complete.

8. Buildings and Grounds met with Realistic Builders in Annapolis about fixing the cornices in the Church.

9. Getting quotes from heating companies to replace baseboard heating in the parish hall.

10. Outreach Committee sponsored a Yard Sale and cleared $2000.

11. Parish Life Committee is having a church picnic on June 1st

12. The Editor of the “Shell” wants to retire and we need a new Editor.

13. Both of the choirs will sing at the Thanksgiving Day service.

14. The Spring Dinner went very well and the Women cleared almost $7000.

Vestry Meets on June 16, 2008

The Vestry will meet on June 16, 2008 evening at 7:30 PM in the Library.

Sunday Brunch on June 15, 2008

Come for Brunch! TODAY is the first Sunday of our summer schedule. It’s also Father’s Day! The Women of St. James’ Parish invite you to a complimentary Sunday Brunch in the Parish Hall immediately following the 10:00 service. Please come …. and bring Dad!

July/August Shell Information Due June 15, 2008

Shell” Information, needs to be sent to Claire Pickart at by June 15, 2008.

PLEASE NOTE: The next “Shell” will be for the months of July/August.

New Acolyte and Refresher Training - August 11-12, 2008

New Acolyte and refresher training will be held at St. James' Parish Hall on Monday and Tuesday August 11 and 12, 2008 from 9 am to noon.

All currently serving acolytes and those wishing to join the acolyte team are strongly encouraged to attend.

Rising first graders are welcome to be trained to carry the Gospel book or the church school banner.

Youth may join at any time through their senior year in high school. Most acolytes find this a wonderful ministry and a great way to serve their church. Parents must recognize that when their child is scheduled to serve, it is the parents' duty to see that the child is at church ready to participate at the appointed hour.

Contact: JoEllen Kelly at

Disasters in Burma and China

Want to learn how to help out with the recent terrible disasters in Burma and China? The Anglican Communion is just about everywhere in the world, and that means that we have sisters and brothers already on the ground in these stricken areas, whose work we are supporting right now.

Over the past weeks, we have been privileged, through Episcopal Relief and Development’s partnering with churches there, to embody God’s love for people in Burma and in China whose lives have been shattered. What is God doing about it? We ourselves are the answer to that one. To make a donation, visit or telephone 1-800-334-7626.

Vacation Bible School - July 7-11

We are asking each family to donate $ 5.00 and a white tee shirt for each child attending. The tee shirt will be returned to the child with a logo on it to be worn during Vacation Bible School. The registration and health forms are found outside of each Atrium or online in the complete announcement above.

Contact Sharon McGlaughlin at 301-261-9441 or Sharon Angel at 410-798-0037 for additional information.

Maryland Episcopal Cursillo Weekend #96

Maryland Episcopal Cursillo Weekend #96 - Nancy Horkan is the Rector for MD #96 that will take place in November. Information brochures are available in the rack opposite the Parish Office and information may be found at

Feed A Family For Life

Do you have old athletic shoes just sitting in your closet? Would you like to help Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope provide training in sustainable agriculture and farming to the village of Akramaman in Ghana, West Africa? With every 600 pairs of adult “used but not abused” athletic shoes, Perpetual Prosperity Pumps, a nonprofit organization in Delaware, will provide agricultural training for one of our families in Akramaman village. This is the village where Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope has just built a pre-school and playground and broken ground for a new health clinic. Twelve thousand pairs of used shoes will train 20 families and also provide a mini-farm at our school. There is a box in the foyer between the two buildings to collect the shoes, or contact Marjie Mack at 410-956-4351 or for pick up or more information.

Family Fellowship Night on June 20

The Family Fellowship Night will take place again on June 20 in the Parish Hall. Call Laura Miller 410-798-1826 for more information or to let her know that you will be attending as they need to know to have enough food.

Women’s Monthly Breakfast on June 14 at 8:30

The Women’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again on June 14 at 8:30. Bring something to do (or not) and join us. Any contribution to breakfast is welcome, but not necessary. Store-bought is encouraged. Contact: Linda Stewart – 443-203-6774.

Lighthouse Shelter Help Needed on 3rd Thursdays

The Women of St. James’ Parish are preparing bag lunches for the Lighthouse Shelter on the third Wednesday of each month. They will be doing this again on June 18. Please call Pat Rehling 410-867-4709 if you can help. The Women of St. James’ Parish cover the cost of these meals. Please sign up for desserts for the Lighthouse lunches on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the Rector’s office.

St. James’ Women’s Book Club

The St. James’ Women’s Book Club is meeting on the 3rd Tuesday in each month at 8 p.m. at Brooke Steuart’s house (301-980-3920). Everyone is invited to come to the Book Club.

Parish Life Committee Members Needed for Newcomers’ Program

At the Vestry Retreat, held on February 16, the Vestry defined the top three priorities for the next year. One of those was to “expand and enrich our Newcomers’ Program” to support development of on-going programs and to welcome and retain new members. People are needed to help define and formalize a framework of measurable goals and objectives, gather information, and to develop a plan to present to the Vestry. It would be especially helpful if recent newcomers would share with us why they chose St. James’ and why they have stayed with us. If you feel called to help with this ministry, please contact Linda Stewart by email at or phone 443-203-6774.

Sunday School Restarts September 7, 2008

June 7th was our last Sunday of Church School for the summer. Next Sunday, June 15, we will begin our summer schedule with the 8 AM service at St. Mark’s Chapel and the 10 AM service at St. James’ Church.

If you are interested in being on the Christian Formation Committee, Christian Formation Strategic Planning Team, or involved in anyway with these programs, please contact Steve Dorsey at 410-867-3679.

Camp Amazing Grace Needs Sleeping Bags For The Children

Camp Amazing Grace needs sleeping bags for the children. We are collecting now and asking for any donations for the sleeping bags. This camp will stand out in these children’s lives as a very positive motivation to succeed. Thank you for your donation. Please put a note on your checks that it is to go to the camp for sleeping bags. God bless all of you for helping.

Middle School Teachers Needed for 2008-2009 School Year & Beyond

The Christian Formation Committee is looking for two volunteers (male and female) who are interested in teaching Sunday school next year. If you think you are interested in this rewarding experience, and would like more information, please contact Steve Dorsey at 410-867-3679.

Summer Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed!

Next Sunday we go to our 10:00 AM Sunday service, and our casual summer coffee hour “Lemonade on the Lawn.”

We are in need of volunteers to provide a simple coffee hour starting June 22nd. There will be a signup sheet in the Parish Hall on the bulletin board. We have had a wonderful and dedicated group of volunteers providing a delicious coffee hour since September, and they are taking a break for the summer.

Please consider volunteering, as we have all “grown” accustomed to our Sunday goodies. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Stewart, 443-203-6774, or email to

Parish Picnic

On behalf of the Parish we extend a big thank you to Linda Stewart and all of the volunteers who helped her prepare the wonderful picnic last Sunday.

A special thank you to Steve Dorsey and Jerry McGlaughlin for enduring the heat of the day as well as the grills that they manned to provide the hamburgers and hot dogs.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Parish Wide Picnic - June 1, 2008

Everyone in the Parish is invited to attend an end-of-the year picnic NEXT Sunday, June 1st beginning at noon until 3 pm. This event, co-sponsored by the Parish Life & Christian Formation Committees, will be held on the west lawn of the Parish Hall, or inside if it rains. All newcomers to the Parish are especially encouraged to attend as we welcome them, plus Amanda Finkenbinder and her fiancé, John Knouse. Amanda will be joining the staff as assistant rector on June 1.

The sponsoring committees will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, chips & drinks for the occasion. We would appreciate if attending families and individuals would donate salads, side dishes and desserts. Linda Stewart, chair of the Parish Life Committee, will post a list of what is needed and a sign-up sheet. Please email Linda ( or call (443-203-6774) her with your questions, or just to let her know if you are attending. For parents of children attending church school that day, be advised that we will keep the younger children for their fellowship meeting between 11 and noon; while the older middle school and high school students will be asked to help with set-up.

Eleven o’clock parishioners are advised to wear picnic clothes to church that day, as the croquet and potato sack races could get a little strenuous! Come out for some fun, to meet new people, to welcome our new assistant.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Christian Formation Strategic Plan Team - May 25, 2008


A meeting will be held after the 11 AM service on May 25, 2008 for those interested in participating on the Christion Formation Strategic Planning Team. Location to be determined. If you are interested please contact Doug Ellmore, Sr. via phone or email. A team blog site has been setup at


The Christian Formation Committee was asked in February to create a strategic plan for christian formation. In March, the Christian Formation Committee discussed issues and ideas for creating the strategic plan. In April we presented a framework to the Vestry.

We are now organizing a team of 8 to 12 members. The draft scope for the strategic planning team is as follows:
- Christian Education for "All Ages"
- Youth and Young Adult Pastoral Care
- Youth Groups
- Christian Youth Service Learning and Leadership

The tentative framework for the processes is as follows:

1. Solicit membership for the team, with an understanding of a commitment for 1-4 hours per week during peak periods from June to November.

2. Hold a formal Church Service to Commission the team and its members on June 1st.

3. Organize and hold 10 or more facilitated focus groups. With Parish membership during the summer, starting first with general topics and then later specific topics for more in depth discussions.

4. Formalize a draft outline of the strategic plan goals and objectives.

5. Gather input on the draft from a few final focus groups.

6. Finalize the plan.

7. Formally deliver the plan to the Parish. We are coming to the end of the school season, which means Parish membership will be taking vacations. Therefore, given the framework of the process, the season of activities before us, it only seemed reasonable to me for the team to have as a goal to work to deliver a high quality and completely communicated plan just before Thanksgiving 2008.

This timeline gives us time to solicit the broadest parish input, time to develop and formalize measurable goals and objectives, and time to define the required resources before the peak of the budget process.

To ensure sustained success, I've proposed that a Vestry member be appointed to continually monitor the execution over the lifespan of the plan.

While this may seem to be a lengthy process, I have also proposed that when and where there is early Parish consensus to implement ideas along the way, the team should introduce and help facilitate the implementation of such recommendations sooner than later, with an understanding that the full plan must capture the strategic view of all goals, objectives and activities within the scope of the team.

If you have a deep interest and time to help us with our mission, I pray you will consider joining our team. You may contact me, Doug Ellmore, Sr. by email at

Peace in Christ,

Doug Ellmore, Sr.

Vestry Meeting - May 19, 2008

The Vestry will meet May 19, 2008 at 7:30 pm.

Katie McGlaughlin Fund Raiser - May 18, 2008

A Bake Sale will be held May 18, 2008 to raise money for Katie McGlaughlin to attend E.Y.E. in San Antonio, Texas. It will be held during the Coffee Hour.

Assistant Rector’s House Walk Through - May 25, 2008

With the completion of the refurbishment of the Assistant Rector’s house, the Buildings and Grounds Committee will hold a walk-through on Sunday, May 25.

The house will be open after the 8:00 a.m. service at St. Mark’s and the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services at St. James’ for the members of the Parish to see the house and all that has been done to have it ready for the arrival of our new Assistant Rector, Amanda Finkenbinder.

Amanda will be moving into the Assistant Rector’s house on May 26th and will begin her duties with St. James’ on June 1st. At the time of the walk-through, we will have a basket available so anyone who wishes to make a contribution toward a Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift certificate for Amanda, may do so. There will also be a welcome card for everyone to sign.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Blood Drive - May 14, 2008

SAA Lions Club Red Cross Blood Drive will be held THIS WEDNESDAY from 1 – 7 pm in Christ Episcopal Church, West River, Parish Hall. Please call 410-867-2274 to schedule your Life-Saving donation.

Parish Sponsors Needed for Cub Scout Pack 840 And Boy Scout Troop 840

St. James’ Parish sponsors Cub Scout Pack 840 and Boy Scout Troop 840. We need a member of our parish to be the Chartered Organization Representative. This person will serve as a liaison between the Scouts and our parish.

EfM: Education for Ministry

EfM: Education for Ministry Classes Every Christian receives the call to Christ’s ministry at baptism, EfM (Education for Ministry) provides the basics of a theological education in order to develop knowledge and confidence about the ministry we all share.

You will find that EfM deepens your faith and your understanding of our Christian heritage, provides you with a new confidence to be Christ’s minister, teaches you how to think theologically, and provides the support of a small group of friends throughout the process. EfM is for the laity of the church. It is a distance-learning program of the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. Participants commit one year at a time to meet regularly in seminars led by a trained mentor to study the Bible, church history, and twentieth century theology.

Completion of the entire EfM program takes four years, and there is a cost for each year. Continuing education credits are also available. The seminars follow an academic year and will begin in September. We hope to conduct one seminar during the day and another in the evening or on the weekend.

We are seeking those interested in this kind of serious religious study – St. James’ members or others. For more information, please contact Linda Stewart ( or 443-203-6774) or Marjie Mack ( or 410-956-4351). A general information session will be scheduled soon.

Feed A Family For Life

Do you have old athletic shoes just sitting in your closet? Would you like to help Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope provide training in sustainable agriculture and farming to the village of Akramaman in Ghana, West Africa? With every 600 pairs of adult “used but not abused” athletic shoes, Perpetual Prosperity Pumps, a nonprofit organization in Delaware, will provide agricultural training for one of our families in Akramaman village. This is the village where Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope has just built a pre-school and playground and broken ground for a new health clinic. Twelve thousand pairs of used shoes will train 20 families and also provide a mini-farm at our school. There is a box in the foyer between the two buildings to collect the shoes, or contact Marjie Mack at 410-956-4351 or for pick up or more information.

Maryland Episcopal Cursillo Weekend #96 - November 6-9, 2008

Maryland Episcopal Cursillo Weekend #96 will take place November 6-9, 2008- Nancy Horkan is the Rector. Information brochures are available in the rack opposite the parish office and information may be found at

Family Fellowship Night - May 16, 2008

The Family Fellowship Night will take place again on May 16 at Dunkirk Park including a potluck cookout. Meats will be provided. Call Laura Miller 410-798-1826 for more information or to let her know that you will be attending as they need to know to have enough food.

Women’s Monthly Breakfast - June 14, 2008

The Women’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again on June 14 at 8:30. Bring something to do (or not) and join us. Any contribution to breakfast is welcome, but not necessary. Store-bought is encouraged. Contact: Linda Stewart – 443-203-6774.

Brunch for the Parish - June 15, 2008

The Women of St. James’ Parish voted to host a brunch for the parish on June 15 after the 10:00 o’clock service.

Help Lighthouse Shelter - May 21, 2008

The Women of St. James’ Parish are preparing bag lunches for the Lighthouse Shelter on the third Wednesday of each month. They will be doing this again May 21. Please call Pat Rehling 410-867-4709 if you can help. The Women of St. James’ Parish cover the cost of these meals. Please sign up for desserts for the Lighthouse lunches on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the Rector’s office. Pat Rehling

St. James’ Women’s Book Club - 3rd Tuesdays

The St. James’ Women’s Book Club is meeting on the 3rd Tuesday in each month at 8 p.m. at Brooke Steuart’s house (301-980-3920). Everyone is invited to come to the Book Club.

Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship Due May 31, 2008

Scholarship Applications for the $2,000 Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship Award are available in the parish office. The deadline for submission is May 31 and requires not only the application but a letter saying why the scholarship is wanted and needed for tuition, two letters of recommendation (other than relatives and clergy), a list of activities and work in and outside of school. The award was established by a $25,000 gift given by Dorothy W. Kostanecki in loving memory of her husband. For information, call the parish office at 410-867-2838.

Library Committee - May 19, 2008

The Library Committee will meet again on May 19 at 9:30 am for a Work Day.

Crafts Table at the Spring Dinner

The Crafts Table at the Spring Dinner will contain jewelry again this year. Please suggest a good price for the jewelry you donate. Contact: Joy Wiley 410-867-8504.

Parish Wide Picnic - June 1, 2008

Parish Wide Picnic! Everyone in the Parish is invited to attend an end-of-the year picnic on Sunday, June 1st beginning at noon until 3 pm. This event, co-sponsored by the Parish Life & Christian Formation Committees, will be held on the west lawn of the Parish Hall, or inside if it rains. All newcomers to the Parish are especially encouraged to attend as we welcome them, plus Amanda Finkenbinder and her fiancé, John Knouse. Amanda will be joining the staff as assistant rector on June 1.

The sponsoring committees will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, chips & drinks for the occasion. We would appreciate if attending families and individuals would donate salads, side dishes and desserts. Linda Stewart, chair of the Parish Life Committee, will post a list of what is needed and a sign-up sheet. Please email Linda ( or call (443-203-6774) her with your questions, or just to let her know if you are attending. For parents of children attending church school that day, be advised that we will keep the younger children for their fellowship meeting between 11 and noon; while the older middle school and high school students will be asked to help with set-up. Eleven o’clock parishioners are advised to wear picnic clothes to church that day, as the croquet and potato sack races could get a little strenuous! Come out for some fun, to meet new people, to welcome our new assistant.

Spring Ingathering - May 28, 2008

The Spring Ingathering of the United Thank Offering will take place on May 28 at Severn Parish, St. Stephen’s Church, Crownsville. Offerings should be submitted by May 25. Blue boxes in which to save money and envelopes for the offering are available in the rear of the church and chapel. Contact Caroline Chisum at 410-257-2208 for more information. Write out a check to St. James’ Parish for your offering, note UTO in the memo part of the check and place it in the offering plate. The blue boxes are not to be turned in.

Please help with Amanda’s Garden

Our new Assistant Rector, Amanda Finkenbinder, will be moving in late May. We are making good progress working in the yard and getting commitments to donate plants. Thank YOU to so many who have signed up. Please bring your plant donations to Amanda's front porch on or before May 24. We will do most of the planting Memorial Day weekend and hope that many will arrive to help us. Two hours from many people will make the work go very quickly. Please contact Linda Rines (, 443-534-8791) if you want to donate a plant (herb, perennial, annual, vegetable) or if you have time to do some garden preparations or move perennials before May 24. We are looking forward to having fun and surprising Amanda with this rewarding, short-term ministry.

Cursillo Ultreya - May 23, 2008

The Ultreyas start at 7 pm with fellowship and then at 7:30 pm with the actual Ultreya. The next Ultreya will meet on May 23 in the Parish Hall.

Nurse Practitioner Visiting J2A - May 18, 2008

Nurse Practitioner Nancy Long will be visiting the J2A Class (Senior High) next Sunday, May 18, to discuss and answer questions concerning teen sexual activity, STD’s, and the benefits of abstinence. For additional information, please contact Renée Wilson or Steve Dorsey.

Middle School Teachers Needed for 2008-2009 School Year & Beyond

The Christian Formation Committee is looking for two volunteers (male or female) who are interested in teaching Sunday school next year. If you think you are interested in this rewarding experience, and would like more information, please contact Steve Dorsey at 410-867-3679.

Spring Dinner Is Rapidly Approaching

May 17th, the date of our Spring Dinner is rapidly approaching. If you have been responsible for any function using the kitchen and left anything in the refrigerators, freezers, or cabinets, we ask that you remove any leftovers, condiments, etc. on or before Monday, May 12. We also need to have you reclaim any dishes you may have left in the kitchen. We appreciate your cooperation as we will be needing every square inch of space!

We have had many parishioners who have graciously volunteered their time and talents to help with the dinner. But we can always use more help! Please call Wendy Crawford at 410-741-5679 or Peggy Horn at 410-867-7499 and they will put you in touch with the appropriate person.

See you on May 17th!

Women of St. James’ Parish Meeting Highlights

The Women of St. James’ Parish met on April 20 after the 11:00 am service. We received updates concerning the purchase of floor mats for the kitchen and continued the discussion about an additional refrigerator.

Wendy reported that the plans for the Spring Dinner were on track. She is still in need of volunteers for various areas. We made arrangements for the purchase and delivery of the potatoes, slaw, hams and crabmeat for the dinner.

Peggy discussed the plans for the May 4th Confirmation reception. Several of the women volunteered to help and/or bring food.

The women decided that the next meeting will be held Sunday, June 1 after the 11:00 am service at which time they will finalize the plans for the June 15th Brunch.

Worship and Music Committee Meeting - May 12, 2008

The Worship and Music Committee will meet May 12, 2008 at 7:30 pm.

Acknowledgement Graduates - June 8, 2008

Acknowledgement of high school and college graduates has been reschedule for June 8th.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Parish Life Committee Members Needed For Newcomers Program

At the Vestry Retreat, held on February 16, the vestry defined the top 3 priorities for the next year. One of those was to "expand and enrich our Newcomer’s Program" to support development of on-going programs and to welcome and retain new members. People are needed to help define and formalize a framework of measurable goals and objectives, gather information, and to develop a plan to present to the Vestry. It would be especially helpful if recent newcomers would share with us why they chose St. James' and why they have stayed with us. If you feel called to help with this ministry, please contact Linda Stewart by email at or phone 443-203-6774.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Parish Wide Picnic! - June 1st, 2008

Everyone in the Parish is invited to attend an end-of-the year picnic on Sunday, June 1st beginning at noon until 3 pm. This event, co-sponsored by the Parish Life & Christian Education Committees, will be held on the west lawn of the Parish Hall, or inside if it rains. All newcomers to the Parish are especially encourage to attend as we welcome them, plus Amanda Finkenbinder and her fiancé, John Knouse. Amanda will be joining the staff as assistant rector also on June 1. In addition, we will take a few moments to recognize Deacon Bob McCoy who has helped us so greatly over the past, often difficult, year.

The sponsoring committees will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, chips & drinks for the occasion. We would appreciate if attending families and individuals would donate salads, side dishes and desserts. Linda Stewart, chair of the Parish Life Committee, will post a list of what is needed and a sign-up sheet. Please email ( or call (443-203-6774) Linda with your questions, or just to let her know if you are attending.

For parents of kids attending church school that day, be advised that we will keep the younger children for their fellowship meeting between 11 and noon; while the older middle school and high school students will be asked to help with set-up. Eleven o-clock parishioners are advised to wear picnic clothes to church that day, as the croquet and potato sack races could get a little strenuous!

Come out for some fun, to meet new people, to welcome our new assistant and to say thanks to our deacon.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Regional Confirmation - May 5, 2008

Regional Confirmation will be held May 5, at 4 p.m., in St. James’ Church.

The following people will be confirmed: Kenneth Donald Arthur, Sandra Kay Brigman Ashley, Casey Margaret Buffaloe, Dwayne Ray Crawford, Julie Marie Crawford, Wendy Marie Crawford, Hailey Morgan Davis, Zachary Sunderland Dowell, Brittney Lynn Foster, William Douglas Galebach, Catherine DeVote Garretson, Robert Grey Hoffman, Pierce Sanborn Hurlbutt, James “Jay” Henry Hurtt VI, Madeline “Maddie” Ray Hurtt, Margaret Connolly Johnson, Woodruff Barnes Johnson, Jr., Dawn Louise Kilheffer, Anna Dearing Milbradt, Allison Jane Parker, George Anthony Pickart, William Anthony Pickart, Tyler Wayne Poss, and Katelyn Jessica Rozenbroek.

The following individuals will be received from the Roman Catholic Church: Lucy Lee Dorr Arthur and Jeffrey William Parker.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hike with Arundel Habitat for Humanity - May 17, 2008

Hike with Arundel Habitat for Humanity! Saturday, May 17, starting at Marley Station Mall; 7 miles. Ask family, friends, etc. to sponsor you, and then come hike with us. All monies raised will go directly to Arundel Habitat to support the Ecumenical Build on Freeman St.; Registration – 7 am to 8:30 am. $25 for each hiker over age 12. Free t-shirts (adult-sizes) will be available to all hikers at registration. Contact Sarah Moseley 410-384-9212 x124. By e-mail at Contact David Schultz 410-757-5505.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Help Prepare Lighthouse Shelter Bag Lunches - May 21, 2008

The Women of St. James’ Parish are preparing bag lunches for the Lighthouse Shelter on the third Wednesday of each month. They will be doing this again May 21. Please call Pat Rehling 410-867-4709 if you can help. The Women of St. James’ Parish cover the cost of these meals. Please sign up for desserts for the Lighthouse lunches on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the Rector’s office.

Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship - May 31, 2008

Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship – Scholarship Applications for the $2,000 Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship Award are available in the parish office. The deadline for submission is May 31 and requires not only the application but a letter saying why the scholarship is wanted and needed for tuition, two letters of recommendation (other than relatives and clergy), a list of activities and work in and outside of school. The award was established by a $25,000 gift given by Dorothy W. Kostanecki in loving memory of her husband. For information, call the parish office at 410-867-2838.

Yard Sale 8 AM to 2 PM - May 3, 2008

All of your TREASURES that are sitting in the garage or the attic or basement are needed. The yard sale is NEXT Saturday from 8 am until 2 pm. Grilled chicken dinners will also be sold. Tables are available for $20. If raining, the sale will be held in the parish hall. As we get closer I will print the numbers you can call to get stuff picked up. If you want to help, we need you. Please call Shay Hall (410-956-3351) or anyone on the Outreach Committee. It will be fun and all money goes to the Lighthouse Shelter in Annapolis.

SAA Lions Club Red Cross Blood Drive - May 14, 2008

SAA Lions Club Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on May 14 from 1 – 7 pm in Christ Episcopal Church, West River, Parish Hall. Please call 410-867-2274 to schedule your Life-Saving donation.

EfM - Education for Ministry

EfM: Education for Ministry Classes Every Christian receives the call to Christ’s ministry at baptism, EfM (Education for Ministry) provides the basics of a theological education in order to develop knowledge and confidence about the ministry we all share. You will find that EfM deepens your faith and your understanding of our Christian heritage, provides you with a new confidence to be Christ’s minister, teaches you how to think theologically, and provides the support of a small group of friends throughout the process. EfM is for the laity of the church. It is a distance-learning program of the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. Participants commit one year at a time to meet regularly in seminars led by a trained mentor to study the Bible, church history, and twentieth century theology. Completion of the entire EfM program takes four years, and there is a cost for each year. Continuing education credits are also available. The seminars follow an academic year and will begin in September. We hope to conduct one seminar during the day and another in the evening or on the weekend. We are seeking those interested in this kind of serious religious study – St. James’ members or others. For more information, please contact Linda Stewart ( or 443-203-6774) or Marjie Mack ( or 410-956-4351). A general information session will be scheduled soon.

Old Athletic Shoes for Ghana

FEED A FAMILY FOR LIFE Do you have old athletic shoes just sitting in your closet? Would you like to help Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope provide training in sustainable agriculture and farming to the village of Akramaman in Ghana, West Africa? With every 600 pairs of adult “used but not abused” athletic shoes, Perpetual Prosperity Pumps, a nonprofit organization in Delaware, will provide agricultural training for one of our families in Akramaman village. This is the village where Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope has just built a pre-school and playground and broken ground for a new health clinic. Twelve thousand pairs of used shoes will train 20 families and also provide a mini-farm at our school. There is a box in the foyer between the two buildings to collect the shoes, or contact Marjie Mack at 410-956-4351 or for pick up or more information.

Yard at Assistant Rector’s House - May 4, 2008

Please consider donating some Time, Talent or Treasure to help us improve the yard at the Assistant Rector’s house. Our goal is to clean it up and plant some colorful spring flowers before Amanda arrives in late May. Please join us in the garden on Sunday, May 4, from 1 – 4 pm. If you want to donate money or plants, these will also be greatly appreciated. Linda Rines ( or 443-534-8791) is coordinating this project, so contact her with your suggestions and/or to volunteer to help. We are looking forward to having fun with this rewarding, short-term ministry.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Vestry Highlights - April 21, 2008

1. The work on the Assistant Rector’s home is coming along beautifully. Our thanks to everyone who has worked so hard.

2. The Buildings and Grounds Committee is working with the contractor who installed the baseboard heating around the walls of the auditorium. The job was not done well and we are trying to correct the situation.

3. The recent youth trip to Amish country was a big success.

4. Plans are being made for a picnic on Sunday, June 8.

5. The Human Resources Committee, consisting of Earl Buffaloe, JoEllen Kelly, Cal Steuart, and Brenda White, is working hard preparing Letters of Agreement for all salaried employees and other details regarding compensation and review.

6. The Rector expressed his thanks to the Library Committee that hosted the wonderful coffee hour in celebration of his 35th anniversary as Rector of St. James’ Parish.

7. A memorial labyrinth and garden in memory of Eileen C. House+ and other loved ones are in the planning stages.

8. The Vestry reviewed the Initiatives which were drawn up at the annual Vestry retreat. A presentation was made by JoEllen Kelly
showing which initiatives have been met, and how we may work on better defining our goals.

9. Annual meeting is set for Jan. 11, 2009.

10. Susanne Smith and Patti Sachs will begin to organize and maintain a list of parishioners who, through sickness, age or disability, can no longer attend church so we may keep up pastoral visits.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bishop Elected on Historic Day - Promises Action, Reconciliation

By Val Hymes

March 29 was a gray and chilly day in Baltimore, but one that was historic for the Diocese of Maryland.

That day, the St. James’ Parish delegation to the election convention of the 14th bishop of Maryland joined an estimated 450 fellow Episcopalians in historic St. James’ Church on Lafayette Square.

They filled the pews, the choir loft and folded chairs for a Eucharist celebrated by Bishop John L. Rabb and then they voted on the first ballot. While they waited, they visited and drank gallons of coffee in the fellowship hall. They expected more ballots to select one of the remaining five nominees. But there was no second ballot.

Bishop Rabb stood and announced, “We have an election.” Clergy and lay delegates leaped to their feet, shouting, throwing their hands up in the air and applauding. The Rev. Canon Eugene T. Sutton, 54, pastoral associate at the Washington National Cathedral, had received 210 of the 370 ballots cast, needing a majority in the same ballot from both clergy and laity.

The bishop-elect responded to the news with a prayer. “May our life together be infused by the grace of truth and the spirit of reconciliation; in times of celebration may we freely rejoice, and in times of distress may we listen to and forgive one another in love, always eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

The election of the first African American elected bishop of the Diocese of Maryland was held in the first black parish established south of the Mason/Dixon line in Baltimore. The election on the first ballot for diocesan bishop was only the second time that has happened in the diocese’s 227-year-old history.

The first time was for the Rt. Rev. Thomas John Claggett, the first bishop consecrated on American soil in 1792. Two years earlier, the first American census of 1790 showed that the overwhelming majority of clergy and lay delegates to the convention of the Diocese of Maryland owned slaves. They included Claggett, who was listed as owning seven slaves while serving as rector of St. James’ Parish. The archives also show, “The Lay Delegate from the parish, Richard Harwood, Esquire, owned 35 …” Bishop-elect Sutton was born in segregated Washington, D.C. He said of Bishop Claggett, “As spiritual and gifted as he was, I think on March 29 he was rejoicing in heaven, saying, ‘Thank God, they are finally getting it. They are undoing some of the injustices that even I was a part of’ and that he is resting in peace a bit better.

“Just as the Thomas Claggett ordination was an occasion for bringing about reconciliation in the Episcopal Church in his day,” said Sutton, “I want my ordination and ministry to be characterized by Maryland leading the way toward more reconciliation in the Anglican Communion between traditionalists and progressives, black and white, rich and poor.”

The bishop-elect plans to be proactive in the often-violent community surrounding the diocesan center. “When a young person is killed on the streets of Baltimore,” he said, “these are our people living in our diocese. As bishop, I want to be there praying with the family, to be present, I want our people to know the Diocese of Maryland cares; that the church is there and God cares.”

He also plans to be an advocate for the environment. “More than being known as the first black bishop of Maryland, I’d like to be known as the ‘green bishop.’” He said he wants to initiate discussions on a statewide level about what the diocese and congregations can do to protect the Chesapeake Bay for future generations.

The youth of the diocese are vital to its health, he said. “I came to my commitment to Christ as a 17-year-old through the ministry of Young Life.” he said. “I will make myself available to young people, sharing my faith with them.”

On the issue of gays and lesbians, Sutton said, “We have to welcome all people. I’ve had a conversion. I used to believe that gay people were going to hell; that they chose to remain in sin. I’ve had to repent of that bigotry and that I used the Bible to justify my own prejudice. But the Gospel agenda is not a bigotry agenda,” he said.

Reconciliation, he said, is the key to the health of the diocese – and the church. “It begins with prayer, reconciling each individual to God, and then it spreads out into all the world. There is no situation in the church – however toxic, distrustful or destructive – that cannot be redeemed.”

Canon Sutton will be consecrated by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori June 28 in Washington National Cathedral. He succeeds Bishop Robert W. Ihloff who retired in April 2007. Bishop-in-charge John L. Rabb will resume his former position as bishop suffragan of the diocese.

Sutton’s, wife, Sonya S. Sutton, is director of music at St. Alban’s Parish in Washington. They have four children and stepchildren.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Goodness Gracious Bible Study for Women - April 7, 2008

Goodness Gracious Bible Study for Women 2008 will not meet again until April 7. The Monday afternoon class is scheduled from 12–2 PM. The Monday evening class meets from 7–9 PM. If there are any questions contact Nan Lewis at

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Adult Study Forum - April 6, 2008

Adult Study Forum welcomes everyone to finish up the year with us as wedo a quick study of C.S. Lewis’ The Four Loves. The FourLoves summarizes the four kinds of human love - affection, friendship, romantic love, and the love of God. Each week we will start off listening to a portion of a recording of The Four Loves (read by C.S. Lewis himself), followed by a discussion of the material. Join us on a fascinating journey beginning April 6th! Class meets in the Library at 10:00 AM.

Please contact Rick Downs or Patti Sachs for more information.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Attention Parents of Graduating High School and College Seniors

Do you have a child graduating from high school or college this spring? High school graduates will receive a personalized Bible, and college graduates will receive a personalized Book of Common Prayer from the Parish. These gifts will be presented during the 9:00 service on Sunday, June 8.

Please email Sharon Angel at by March 31 to be sure that your child's gift will be ordered and received in time for this recognition ceremony.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Update on High School Youth Activity - March 30, 2008

The high school youth will NOT be going bowling on Holy Saturday, March 22, as was previously announced in “The Shell.” Instead, there will be a joint Middle/High School Youth gathering on Sunday, March 30 from 11:00 – 1:00.

Combined Middle and High School Youth Group - March 30, 2008

There will be a combined middle school/high school youth group this Sunday, March 30.

We will meet in the high school classroom from 11:30 - 1:30. Lunch will be served. Hope to see you there.

For further information, please don't hesitate to contact Steve Dorsey at 410-867-3679.

Steve Dorsey

Saturday, March 29, 2008

New Diocesan Bishop Election - March 29, 2008

The Electing Convention for the Diocesan Bishop will be held March 29 at St. James’, Lafayette Square, in Baltimore from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Members are encouraged to inform St. James' Parish delegates to the Electing Convention about their Bishop preferences prior to the election. If you have read material about the candidates or attended the walk-about on March 7th at St. James’ (or, one of the other sites), please express your ideas and preferences. Remember, however, that delegates vote their conscience---but your input is sought, considered and valued greatly. Please note that The Very Reverend Peter Eaton (St. John’s Cathedral, Denver) has withdrawn his candidacy.

Please feel free to contact St. James' Parish delegates by e-mail (preferably), by letter, or telephone prior to March 29. Addresses and phone numbers are in the Parish directory.

St. James’ Parish Delegates and email addresses are as follows:

- Rev. Bill Ticknor -
- Deacon Bob McCoy -
- Marjie Mack -
- Charlie Wolf -

The consecration of the new Bishop will be held June 28 at Reid Temple, an AME Church in Glenn Dale in Prince George’s County.

Additional information on the Diocesan Bishop search is available at

Friday, March 28, 2008

Cursillo Ultreya - March 28, 2008

The next Cursillo Ultreya will meet on March 28, 2008. The Ultreya will start at 7 PM with fellowship and then at 7:30 PM with the actual Ultreya.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Parish Life Committee

Newcomers & Fellowship Committee and Pastoral Care Committee are now Parish Life Committee. Linda Stewart is the chair and can be reach via email at

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt - March 23, 2008

Lisa Arneson and Kathy Dickenson have volunteered to Chair the Easter Egg Hunt to be held after the 8:30 AM & 9:15 AM services on Easter Day!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Manresa - March 21, 2008

Can you spare a half day in the next week to help clean and plant Station V at Manresa entrusted to the care of St. James’ Parish? We will walk the Stations of the Cross there on Good Friday at 11:45 a.m. Contact Caroline Chisum if you can help.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Japanese Wrapped Ornaments - April 12, 2008

Learn to make Japanese Wrapped Ornaments! Joy Wiley has graciously volunteered to teach us how to make these beautiful ornaments at the next Women’s Breakfast on April 12. If you are interested in learning how to make Japanese Wrapped Ornaments, you will need to collect the following supplies and bring them with you:

- Lightweight cardboard (file folder)
- Scotch tape
- Ruler
- Glue
- Paper scissors
- Sharp long needle if you have one
- Thread – 1 skein of No. 5 perle cotton will make a 2" ornament. There will be some thread available for use as well.
- 5 Large head pins. There will be some available, but please bring some if you have any.

Please email Joy at or call her at 410-867-8504 if you have questions or to let her know if you will be coming.

Thank you and DON'T forget to mark your calendars!

- The Women of St. James Parish.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

EfM: Education for Ministry

EfM: Education for Ministry Classes Every Christian receives the call to Christ’s ministry at baptism, EfM (Education for Ministry) provides the basics of a theological education in order to develop knowledge and confidence about the ministry we all share.

You will find that EfM deepens your faith and your understanding of our Christian heritage, provides you will a new confidence to be Christ’s minister, teaches you how to think theologically, and provides the support of a small group of friends throughout the process.

EfM is for the laity of the church. It is a distance-learning program of the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. Participants commit one year at a time to meet regularly in seminars led by a trained mentor to study the Bible, church history, and twentieth century theology.

Completion of the entire EfM program takes four years, and there is a cost for each year. Continuing education credits are also available. The seminars follow an academic year and will begin in September. We hope to conduct one seminar during the day and another in the evening or on the weekend.

We are seeking those interested in this kind of serious religious study – St. James’ members or others. For more information, please contact Linda Stewart ( or Marjie Mack ( A general information session will be scheduled soon.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Making Crosses for Palm Sunday - March 15, 2008

We will be making the crosses for Palm Sunday on Saturday, March 15, in the kitchen at St. James’ from 9 AM until Noon. Please come and join us – young and old. All are welcome. The fellowship is great. Any questions, contact Linda Brown.

Men’s Monthly Breakfast - March 15, 2008

The Men’s Breakfast will meet at 7:30 a.m. on March 15 in the Parish Hall. All men of the parish are invited.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Family Fellowship Night - March 14, 2008

The Family Fellowship Night will take place again on March 14. Call Laura Miller for more information or to let her know that you will be attending as they need to know to have enough food.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Highlights of the Women of St. James’ Parish Meeting

The Women of St. James’ Parish met on Saturday, March 8, at 10:00. It had been noted that we need to purchase floor mats for the kitchen to ease the strain of having to stand for long periods of time, especially during dinner preparations. We also became aware of the need for additional refrigeration. Two committees were formed to research the possible solutions to these problems and bring a recommendation to the next meeting.

The group discussed preparations for the Spring Dinner. Flyers will be available by April 1, and we will ask parishioners to take at least one home and post it in a place of business. We also plan to use the internet more for advertising in addition to the more traditional methods.

Several problems concerning the dinners were discussed as well. We need to have a lot more baked goods for the Bake Shoppe, and we need more homemade pies for the pie table in the dining room. The price of a piece of pie at the dinner has been raised to $2.00/slice. In addition, children coming to the Spring Dinner and eating in the dining room with their parents may receive a reduced price for the dinner. This year each waitress/waiter must collect the ticket before serving the dinner.

The Women of St. James’ Parish are also inviting all the committees to set up a display at the dinner to advertise the various ministries that take place at St. James’ Parish. The Parish Life committee has already volunteered to set up a display.

The women voted to host a brunch for the parish on June 15 after the 10:00 o’clock service.

The next meeting will take place on April 20 after the 11:00 o’clock service.

Lenten Luncheon at Friendship United Methodist Chruch - March 12, 2008

A Lenten Luncheon will be held at Friendship U.M. Church on March 12 at 11:45 a.m. Price: $10.

Menu: Fried chicken, ham, etc. For more info. call 301-855-6359.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Food Safety Training Workshop - March 10, 2008

Since food safety is a high priority for all of us, especially those working in our new kitchen, the Women of St. James’ Parish are sponsoring a two-hour Food Safety Training Workshop which will give you valuable information about controlling the spread of harmful bacteria.

Everyone is welcome to attend one of the sessions. The workshops are scheduled for this Thursday from 9:30 – 11:30 am, and next Monday from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

While registration is not required, it would be helpful to know how many plan to attend to ensure that there are enough materials for everyone at the workshop. Please email Peggy Horn at for further information.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Senior High Youth Group Fellowship - March 9, 2008

Senior High Youth Group will be meeting on Sunday from 11 - 1 to go to Sam's club and purchase food with the money collected from the Souper Bowl of Caring Super Bowl Sunday (and eat lunch).

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Women of St. James’ Parish - March 8, 2008

The Women of St. James’ Parish will be meeting after the Women’s Breakfast this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. in the Library. All women are invited and encouraged to attend as we will be discussing plans for the Spring Dinner and ideas for additional fundraisers. Please come and bring your creative ideas!

Women’s Monthly Breakfast - March 8, 2008

The Women’s Monthly Breakfast will meet again Saturday March 8th at 8:30 a.m. in the Family Life Room located downstairs next to Scan. Bring something to do (or not) and join us. Any contribution to breakfast is welcome, but not necessary. Store-bought is encouraged. If you have any questions, contact Linda Stewart (

Ruritan Spaghetti Dinner - March 8, 2008

All You can Eat Spaghetti Dinner sponsored by Lothian Ruritan Club will be held March 8 from 3 – 7 p.m. at Mt. Zion Methodist Church. Adults: $8, Children: $4.

The dinner is to benefit Tony Scoglio, Tom Smith & the family of Maria Turner. For phone numbers, check your Sunday Bulletin or call the Parish Office.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Diocesan Bishop Walk-About, March 7, 2008

In an effort to allow people throughout the Diocese to meet the nominees for the next Diocesan Bishop, four sites have been selected for meet-and-greet sessions commonly known as Walk-Abouts. The format is small-group question-and-answer sessions. To submit questions to be asked of the nominees, write to or to Bishop Walk-About Questions, 4 E. University Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21218. Or give them to the moderators at the Walk-About.

Voting delegates from St. James’ to the Electing Convention are: Bill Ticknor, Bob McCoy, Marjie Mack and Charlie Wolf. Members are encouraged to inform the delegates about their preferences. We will be distributing feedback questionnaires to our members.

The Dicesan Electing Convention will be held on Saturday, March 29, at St. James’, Lafayette Square, in Baltimore from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration as a delegate, alternate, youth member or guest is $35 at

The consecration of the new bishop will be held on June 28 at Reid Temple, an AME church in Glenn Dale in Prince George’s County.

The dates of the Walk-About are as follows:

March 4 - 6:00 to 9:30 PM, All Saints’ Parish, Frederick, MD
March 5 - 6:00 to 9:30 PM, Emmanuel Church, Cumberland, MD
March 7 - 6:00 to 9:30 PM, St. James' Parish, Lothian, MD
March 8 - 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM & 2:30 to 6:00 PM, Trinity, Towson, MD