Tuesday, June 30, 2020

"Drive-Thru" Reading Camp South County

Reading Camp  
Reading Camp South County has begun on Tuesdays and this year it is a "drive-thru" camp! The camp began June 23 and will continue with sessions on June 30, July 21, and August 4 & 18. The students are assigned a time so they do not arrive all at once. When they arrive, they get out of the car and are given gloves. Then they go to the book tables where they self-select 4-6 books to keep. They proceed to the other tables: they received a shirt and a library log, a vocabulary game, an arts/crafts project, a Bare Book to write about the science project that also went home, a physical recreation item (playground ball the first week) and food. Each camp week they will receive something again for each category. We have 23 kids signed up this year!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Financial Donations for Food Needed

     During these challenging economic times, more and more families are in need of food,, many due to the loss of jobs. The SCAN Food Pantry housed at St. James’ Parish never knows just how many grocery items they will receive from the Anne Arundel Food Bank, so they can always use financial donations to support the purchase of additional items when needed to fill the food bags. If you are able, you can make a donation via the SCAN website at https://scanfoodpantry.org/ or by going directly to the PayPal donation window.
     The South County Assistance Network (SCAN) was established in 1997 for the purpose of providing supplemental, nonperishable food to those in need in the area. Currently the SCAN food pantry is distributing over 1,750 packages of food to 350 families annually. The pantry is located in the lower level of the Education Building at St. James Episcopal Church in Lothian. Food is distributed on Thursdays and Saturdays from 9AM to 12PM, excluding holidays. Bags of mostly nonperishable food are handed out based on household size. Eligible families and individuals may receive food once every 30 days.
     Although the parish provides operating space to the pantry, SCAN is a separate entity, incorporated in the State of Maryland, with a 501(c)(3) federal nonprofit, tax-exempt status. SCAN is staffed and operated by volunteers. Food is provided by the Maryland Food Bank, the Anne Arundel County Food Bank, businesses and individuals like you! Thanks for your generous support!