Saturday, December 31, 2011

St. James' Foyer Groups

Foyer Groups are a fun and easy way for parishioners to get together on a regular but informal basis for purely social reasons – to enjoy each other's company, to strengthen bonds of community, to meet new people. Foyer Groups provide a means to develop new friendships and deepen old ones and are a way to make our parish feel smaller and warmer. Click here for more information on how you can join a St. James' Parish Foyer Group.

Friday, December 16, 2011

2012 St. Mark’s Chapel and St. James’ Church Flower Charts

The St. Mark's Chapel and St. James' Church Flower Charts for 2012 are posted in the Chapel and the Church. If you are interested in giving flowers in memory of or in celebration of someone’s birthday, please sign your name next to the date that you would like to do this. The cost of the flowers at St. Mark's is $25 per Sunday. Someone will contact you when you sign up. Altar Guild members purchase, arrange, and place flowers on the altar. If you sign up for flowers at St. James' Church, Lillie Barrett will contact you in advance of your date. The cost of the flowers at St. James' Church is $50 per Sunday.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2012 Offering Envelopes

Offering Envelopes for 2012 are available on a table in the parish hall. If you do not find one for you, please speak to one of the clergy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2011 Pictorial Directories

Pictorial Directories are available in the parish hall. Please consider making a donation to cover the cost of the printing. There is a box provided for your gift.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Lunch with Santa! December 10th

Santa will be coming to St. James’ Parish on Saturday, December 10th from 12 Noon to 2 p.m.! Children ages 3 years through the 5th grade are invited to join us for lunch, games, crafts, and a visit from Santa and his helper who will hand out goody bags to the children of our Parish and gifts for the children attending from the community. Please sign up outside of Amanda’s office and join us for lots of fun !

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Salvation Army Sing-Along, December 7th

Get in the spirit of Christmas with a Sing-Along! A potluck dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the Sing-Along will begin at 7:30 p.m. in St. James' Church. During the Sing-Along, the toys purchased by our youth during their annual Toys-R-Us shopping trip will be presented to the Salvation Army. Everyone of every age is invited to attend!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas Baskets, December 17th

Christmas is just around the corner and we need your help with preparing baskets for the needy. We will be providing food for 75 south county residents on Saturday morning, December 17. There are three ways in which your help is needed: 1) Donate a 10-20 pound turkey by Thursday, Dec. 13; 2) help us pack and distribute 75 meals between 7-11a.m. on Sat, Dec. 17; and/or 3) make a monetary donation that will help the Outreach Committee acquire all the "fixings" for a great Christmas feast. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Linda Rines ( or Shay Hall ( Thanks in advance for your generosity of time, talent and treasure!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Partners In Care - Volunteers Needed

Partners In Care, a local community non-profit organization, has been helping older adults remain independent in their own homes since 1993. The demand for services is increasing and additional volunteers are needed. Drivers are needed to transport members to doctors’ appointments and grocery stores, and help with errands. Handymen, office workers, computer technicians, and workers for the upscale-resale boutique are also needed. Just two hours per month can make a difference to a person in need. It often provides relief to caregivers, and can be a rewarding experience. Partners In Care is a unique service-exchange program where members volunteer their time and may receive services when needed. Call 410-544-4800 to obtain a volunteer application and make a reservation for the next volunteer orientation.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Salvation Army Stockings, Available November 6th

Salvation Army Stockings will once again be available during the Sunday services beginning on November 6th. St. James’ Parishioners will be filling 150 red mesh stockings - and we need YOUR help!

A list of suggested items for stuffing the stockings will also be available. Ideas include: small toys, hygiene items, or school supplies. Please do not wrap the items (they will just have to be unwrapped before they can be given to the children). And don’t forget to label your stocking (or bag!) so we know for whom it is intended (boy, age 6-8 years; girl, age 10-12 years, etc).

Please remember that stockings must be returned to the church no later than Sunday, December 4th. For more information, please contact Nola or Nicole Meyers at

Thanks to your generosity, these stockings make a huge difference in the lives of many, many children. Thank you for supporting this important ministry!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Holiday Food Baskets

The Outreach Committee will coordinate distribution of Holiday meals on Saturday, November 19th from 8 - 11 a.m. and again on a Saturday in December. Please contact Linda Rines at if you can help! Donations of frozen turkeys are needed as well as cash contributions to purchase the other food items for the baskets.

Thanks for supporting this St. James' Parish ministry and helping to provide holiday meals to those members of our community in need.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Christmas Pageant 2011

It's that time again to begin preparations for this year's Christmas pageant! The pageant will be held on Sunday, December 18th at the 9 a.m. service. If you are interested in sharing your time, gifts, and talents in making this year's Christmas pageant the event to remember, please e-mail Amanda at All children are invited to sign up outside of Amanda's office. Rehearsals will begin this month!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Altar Guild Training, November 12th

The Altar Guild at St. James' Church needs your help! Members of the Altar Guild prepare and maintain the altar for the weekly services. We currently need volunteers for the months of March, June, September, October, and November.

Please join us on November 12th at 8:30 a.m. for a training/refresher session that will be held in St. James' Church. Please give this prayerful consideration. For more information, contact Paula Davis at

Monday, October 31, 2011

St. James' Cooks II

St. James' Cooks II is currently looking for some of your favorite recipes to share. We will keep the recipes from the first St. James' Cooks and spice it up with some new dishes. If you would like to share a few recipes with us, we promise to publish it. Please submit the recipe(s) along with your name or the person's name who will be given credit for it to Nola Meyers or e-mail her at Proceeds of the sale of the new cookbooks will benefit the Outreach Committee. Deadline for submission is Sunday, November 27th.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New College Ministry

Beginning in November we will be collecting goodies for Care packages for all our college students from St. James' Parish. If you would like to contribute to this ministry, please e-mail If you have a student in college, please send their address to Taylor Milbradt at Thanks for your support.

Monday, October 24, 2011

WSJP flower arranging demonstration, November 20th

Ladies! Mark your calendars for the Women of St. James’ Parish meeting on November 20 after the 11:00 service. Sande Wolf will present a flower arranging demonstration for the women present. Everyone in attendance will make a small arrangement to take home just in time for the holidays! Since we will need to know how many to provide supplies for, please e-mail Peggy Horn or Wendy Crawford to let us know to expect you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Come to the Adult Forum, 10am Sundays

Come to the Adult Forum, 10 a.m. each Sunday in the Library for a stimulating discussion at the moment centered on Francis Collins' book, "Belief." Last week we discussed a selection from Desmond Tutu, on a subject dealing with evil and suffering, especially in the context of South Africa; this week we will be discussing a selection from Elie Wiesel. Come put your toe in the water and just listen or...join in the discussion. Contact Dean Lewis for more information -

Monday, October 17, 2011

Advent Conspiracy study, beginning November 22nd

The story of Christ's birth is a story of promise, hope, and a revolutionary love. So, what happened? What was once a time to celebrate the birth of a savior has somehow turned into a season of stress, traffic jams, and shopping lists. And when it's all over, many of us are left with presents to return, looming debt that will take months to pay off, and this empty feeling of missed purpose. Is this what we really want out of Christmas?

*What if Christmas became a world-changing event again?*

Welcome to Advent Conspiracy. A four week study that will take place Tuesday evenings begin November 22 from 7-8:30pm. To sign up please e-mail Amanda+ at by November 8th.

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Time to Update the Parish Photo Directory!

Join us this fall as we update the faces of St. James' and St. Mark's! All parishoners are invited to the parish all on
  • Sunday, October 16th from 10am-1pm
  • Sunday, October 23rd from 10am-1pm
to have your photo taken for the new directory (no vendors involved - we're doing our own directory in-house!). Having an updated Photo Directory not only helps in our efforts to be more welcoming, it also helps parishioners connect with one another.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Planning for the End of Life

On September 18th, The Rev. Charles Cloughen from the Diocese of Maryland preached at St. James' and St. Mark's on end-of-life planning/preparedness. You can access the Diocese of Maryland's guide/workbook Planning for the End of Life at the following link:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blessing of the Animals – October 2nd

There will be a “Blessing of the Animals” service on October 2nd at 4:00 p.m. at the parish. Everyone and their pets are welcome to attend! Please remember that all pets should be either on a leash or in a carrier.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Foyer Groups Now Forming at St. James' Parish

Foyer Groups are a fun and easy way for parishioners to gather together on a regular but informal basis for purely social reasons – to enjoy one another’s company, to strengthen bonds of community, to meet new members and just to get to know other people who share a common interest in Grace but with whom they might not otherwise interact. Foyer Groups provide a means to develop new friendships and deepen old ones and are a way to make our parish feel smaller and warmer.

There is no program or presentation – just casual fellowship and a refreshing meal. Groups are made up of singles, couples, young people, retired folks - a cross section of the parish - and meet once a month in the home of one of the members of the group. The focus is on Christian fellowship, a refreshing meal and relaxed conversation. The groups are put together randomly so that everyone has the opportunity to get to know others in the parish who may be outside their normal circle of acquaintance.

The St. James’ Parish Foyer Groups are now being formed and will begin meeting in October. For more information, or to sign up for a Foyer Group, please click here.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Messiah Sing-Along Sponsors Needed

Sponsors are now being sought for our 25th Annual Messiah Sing-Along on Sunday, November 27th. Our sponsors make it possible for all donations collected at the Sing-Along and the December Salvation Army Carol Sing to be added to our parish-wide Thanksgiving Offering, all of which is donated to the Salvation Army in support of their ministries in the community. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, there is no cost to St. James' Parish for these events; sponsors will be recognized in the printed program. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact St. James' Parish Music Director, Michael Ryan -

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Acolyte Training, September 24-25

Come brush up on your acolyte skills, teach others the tricks of the trade, and learn the importance of this ministry!!! We will meet at the church at 9am on Saturday, Sept. 24th. We'll have a surprise for the acolytes after church on Sunday the 25th. If you’d like to serve God while serving your church, this is the ministry for you! Sign up today outside Amanda's office.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Calling all lectors: (and anyone else interested in reading Scripture during worship)

Proclaiming God’s Word stands at the heart of our worship. Please join us Saturday, September 24th at 9am for a training/refresher course on the public reading of Scripture. We will meet in the choir room. Anyone of any age who is interested in this ministry is encouraged to attend!

Monday, August 1, 2011

EfM Registration for the 2011-2012 School Year

If you would like an opportunity to dig deeper into the Christian faith, study the Bible, Church history, and theological ideas, and reflect on connecting faith with life experiences, Education for Ministry (EfM) might be the way for you.

This program, originating from the University of the South, is lead by trained mentors and follows the academic year, meeting every week beginning in September and ending in May. At its core, EfM is a seminar group of 6-10 students and 1-2 mentors, who, together, review course materials and relate Scripture and Tradition to our lives by methods of Theological Reflection.

Now is the time to consider registering for the coming school year! EfM at St. James' meets on Sunday evenings from 5:00 to 7:30. There is a fee for tuition each year - scholarships are available. If you are interested or for more information, check the EfM website ( or contact the mentors (Marjie Mack and Linda Stewart).

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Library Committee Trip to Niagara Falls, October 17-21, 2011

The Library Committee is sponsoring a trip to Niagara Falls, Ontario, on October 17-21, 2011. The travel package includes:

* 4 nights lodging in Niagara Falls, Canada.
* 4 breakfasts and dinners.
* All day tour of Niagara, including Niagara-on-the-lake.
* All day tour of Toronto, featuring Casa Loma.
* Maid of the Mist boat ride and tour of the Falls.
* Visit to the Welland Canal and the beautiful Floral Clock.
* Much much more.

Cost is $595.00 per person (double occupancy). For more information and reservations please contact Lillie Barrett -

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Welcome to our new deacon, the Ven. Kerry J. Smith

We welcome our new deacon, the Ven. Kerry J. Smith, Archdeacon for the Diocese of Maryland and his wife, A. Kelly Richard. Kelly and Kerry have been members of our parish in the past until Kerry was ordained a deacon. Following his ordination, he was assigned to Christ Church, West River and All Saints Parish, Sunderland before leaving to serve as one of two chaplains to Bishop Sutton. Kerry will continue serving as Archdeacon and chaplain to Bishop Sutton while serving as deacon at St. James' Parish.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

An Anonymous Note of Thanks

A note of thanks from an anonymous member of the community to whom we had given assistance. It reads as follows: "Thank you for helping us with our BGE in March. Most churches would only give us a promise to pay until we were able to collect the balance needed. A few churches, like yours, had faith in us that we only needed assistance until we get things under control. We were able to get enough money together for BGE to work out a payment plan. Thank you for believing in us. Please find a donation enclosed to be used to help someone else in need. God bless you."

Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Choir Starts June 26th

Our first Sunday of Summer Choir will be June 26th with rehearsal in the church at 9 a.m. followed by the Service at 10 a.m. NO ROBES! Anyone who attends St James' Parish is welcome to participate on any Sunday. If you have been thinking about giving Choir a try, this is a perfect time to explore this joyful and rewarding ministry. For more information about choir activities, please contact St. James' Parish Music Director Michael Ryan at

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ledo's Pizza Night Fundraiser, June 6th

Christian Formation is sponsoring a Ledo's Pizza Night fundraiser. You can have lunch and/or dinner and help raise money for Christian Formation. All you need to do is dine in or order to go on Monday, June 6th at Ledo's Pizza in Edgewater. We get a percentage of their above normal profits. It is a fun way to earn money for our youth and feed our families at the same time. You do not need the flyer so please pass the information on to your friends, coworkers and family. For more information, please contact Nola Meyers.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Schwan's Home Delivery Foods Fundraiser

The children of St. James’ are sponsoring a fundraiser with Schwan's Home Delivery Foods. Food delivery will be on June 11 in the parking lot of the church. Phone orders may be made until June 10 by calling 1-888-724-9267 and giving them the campaign #35024 so that we may get credit for the purchase. Catalogs will be available for you to review in the Parish Hall along with order forms. If you choose to turn in the order forms to Sharon McGlaughlin, she must have them by June 4 at the latest.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Message from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has sent us the following statement: "Thank you for your contribution of $1,500 representing proceeds from the Lenten dinners at St. James' Parish. We appreciate your choosing the CBF to receive these funds. Your gift will support CBF's field education programs, on-the-ground restoration activities, and our work to urge the State and Federal governments to allocate more funds to Bay clean-up and pollution prevention. This is so special! Thank you very much."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Graduation Sunday, June 5th

Join us June 5th at 10am for Graduation Sunday! We’ll announce the recipient of the Senior Leadership Award, recognize all graduates, and celebrate with the EfM graduates!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship

Scholarship Applications for the $2,000 Raymond George Kostanecki Scholarship Award are available in the parish office. The deadline for submission is May 31 and requires not only the application but a letter saying why the scholarship is wanted and needed for tuition, two letters of recommendation (other than relatives and clergy), a list of activities and work in and outside of school. The award was established by a $25,000 gift given by Dorothy W. Kostanecki in loving memory of her husband. For information, call the parish office at 410-867-2838.

Friday, May 6, 2011

St. James' Historic Photo Galleries

On Easter Day, I released photo galleries on the St. James' web site history page. There are four galleries: St. James' Church, St. Mark's Chapel, Churchyard and Other Buildings, and Artwork. These galleries resulted from an extended effort searching through parish photo archives and library committee albums, scanning selected photos, and labeling/categorizing them. The resulting images span a period from the 1890's to the present.

Please, if you have any information about any of these photos that would make the labeling more accurate or informative, e-mail me at

- Rick Downs

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Trip to Stratford Hall, May 17th

A Trip to Stratford Hall (the home of four generations of Lees of Virginia and birthplace of Robert E. Lee) is being sponsored by the Library Committee on Tuesday, May 17. The bus will leave St. James’ at 8:00 a.m. and return around 4:30 p.m. We will have a tour of the Great House and then lunch at 11:30 a.m. After lunch you can enjoy the gardens, outbuildings, and the Gift Shop. After we leave Stratford Hall, we will be stopping at the birthplace of George Washington and leave for home at 2:30 p.m., arriving at St. James’ around 4:30 p.m. The total cost of the trip is $70 which includes the tour of the home, bus, taxes and gratuity. For reservations call Lillie Barrett at 301-855-7829.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Youth Fellowship - Miniature Golf & Bowling, May 1st

Atrium Fellowship will take place on May 1st at 5pm. 3yrs-4th grade and 5th-8th graders are invited to a night of miniature golf at the Severna Park Golf Center. Cost is $6.00 per person.

Also on May 1st at 5pm, the Senior High Youth Group will go bowling. Cost is $10.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Labyrinth and Memorial Garden Dedication and Blessing, May 1st

Please mark your calendar. The Labyrinth and Memorial Garden Dedication and Blessing will be held on Sunday, May 1, after the 11 a.m. service. A light brunch will be provided by POETs (Pals of Eileen’s Together). For more information please contact Patti Sachs.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Save the Date: Time and Talent Silent Auction, June 5th and 12th

Help raise money to support The Women of St James'! Silent auction bidding will begin during coffee hour on Sunday June 5th and concludes after the Parish Brunch on Sunday June 12th. Parish Brunch begins following the 10am service, sponsored by The Women of St. James' Parish.

Auction items will be listed on prior to the auction.

If you are able to make a donation to the auction of your time or talent please contact Wendy Crawford.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt, April 24th 10am

Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for 10am on Easter Day, April 24th. All children up through 5th grade are invited to bring their baskets and join in the fun! Please meet in your classroom at 10am!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Parents of Church School Children: Gift Cards Needed

Christian Education is sponsoring a basket for Basket Bingo on April 29th. The theme for the basket is "gift cards galore." If you can please send in a gift card of any denomination for any location on Sunday, April 17th that would be fantastic. They can give it to their Sunday School teacher.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Save the Date: Spring Dinner, May 21st 2pm-6pm

Prices: $20.00 Adults eat in and carry out orders, $10.00 children 10 and under, children 2 and under eat free.

Menu items: Crab Cakes, Country Ham, Honey Ham, Green Beans, Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes, Homemade Coleslaw, Rolls and Biscuits, Homemade Pie @ $2.00 Slice. Many activities and shoppes for all ages.

If you are interested in making a donation to the dinner or if you are available to volunteer in preparing or serving the day of the dinner please contact Wendy Crawford or Peggy Horn.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Parish Wide Clean Up the Bay Day, April 17th

Join the entire parish on Sunday, April 17th at 1pm for our first ever clean up the bay day. We'll adopt a cove and some shoreline and clean up God's creation. We'll work from 1-5pm and then meet back at the church for a cookout. Everyone is encouraged to lend a hand! Contact Amanda+ for more details.

Please wear/bring:
  • suitable clothing (we will get dirty!)
  • boots (if you have them)
  • gloves
  • sunscreen
  • water bottles

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lenten Program #5: Land Creatures, April 13th 6:00pm

On the sixth day of creation God created land creatures and when God saw all that was made God called it very good. This week we’ll consider humanity as part of creation that needs as much care as the rest! We’ll also examine how the two creation accounts are in tension and complement one another.

6pm Fellowship, 6:30pm Soup Supper, 7:30pm Program

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Basket Bingo, April 29th

We are having a Basket Bingo at St. James' featuring filled Longaberger baskets and pottery on April 29 to benefit Christian Education/Outreach. Doors will open at 6pm; games start at 7pm. Tickets are $15 in advance and $18 at the door.

We need lots of help to make this a success. We are looking for people to sponsor a basket ($100) or 1/2 basket ($50), donate items towards the baskets, bake items for the dessert table, donate food items to be sold and/or help with set-up/clean-up of the event. For more information or to help out, please contact Nola Meyers ( or Shay Hall (

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Crosses for Palm Sunday

Crosses for Palm Sunday will be made in the Parish Hall kitchen on Saturday, April 16th at 9am. Everyone is invited to come and help!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Walking the Way of the Cross

The annual Good Friday ecumenical service of the stations of the cross will be held at 12 noon on the grounds of Atria at Manresa, an assisted living home on the banks of the Severn River in Annapolis. For over 10 years, 13 local churches and the Kiwanis Club have participated in a common challenge to restore the 14 stone Stations of the Cross to their original beauty. St. James' is the caretaker of Station V (Simon helps Jesus carry his cross), and about 30 parishioners of all ages, as well as our clergy have participated in the initial vegetation removal, the follow-up planting and gardening, and the planning and conducting of the Good Friday service in the past. We still need volunteers to plant some colorful flowers, read the short liturgy and carry the cross from Station IV to Station V for this year's service. Any age is welcome to help and many children and teens attend the service. If you would like to help or need directions to get to the Manresa, please contact Marjie Mack at

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lenten Program #4: Birds and Fish, April 6th 6:00pm

On the fifth day of creation, God created birds and sea creatures that interrelate with their surroundings and with each other, needing water to survive, air to breathe and vegetation for nourishment. This week we consider our interdependence with the earth, our Christian community and God our Creator.

6pm Fellowship, 6:30pm Soup Supper, 7:30pm Program

Friday, March 25, 2011

Weeky Youth Group Gatherings, starting April 3rd

Beginning in April we will have weekly gatherings for 6-12 graders. Both Junior and Senior High Youth Groups will meet every Sunday from 5-7pm beginning Sunday, April 3rd.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lenten Program #3: Land and Plants, March 30th 6:00pm

On the third day of creation, God created land and vegetation to grow on it. This week we’ll look at how diverse the land is and God's intended relationship between humanity and the land. We'll close by considering how this relationship has been marred and what we might do to change it for the better.

6pm Fellowship, 6:30pm Soup Supper, 7:30pm Program

Monday, March 21, 2011

Goodness Gracious! - The Prodigal God, May 2nd through June 6th (Co-ed)

Mondays from 7 to 9 p.m.

In 6 captivating DVD video sessions, Pastor and New York Times best-selling author Tim Keller, opens your eyes to the powerful message of Jesus’ best known and least understood parable. The "Prodigal God" is a revelation of the very heart of the Gospel, God’s radical love for sinners of every kind. This presentation will challenge the devout and the skeptic alike to see Christianity in a whole new way.

Each session, Nan and Dean will lead a discussion following the presentation. Please register by April 18th by contacting Nan Lewis at

Friday, March 18, 2011

A working NURSERY, starting April 3rd

Starting April 3rd, the nursery will be available from 9-11am. If you have children under age 3 and would like to drop them off at the nursery during worship a staff member will be present. The nursery is located on the second level of the Christian Education Building and is the second door on the right.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lenten Program #2: Sea and Sky, March 23rd 6:00pm

On the second and fourth days of creation God separated the waters to make sky and made the sun, moon and stars. This week we'll discuss the importance of water in the Bible, how our views of the universe impact our view of God, and how we might better conserve and preserve today's creation elements.

6pm Fellowship, 6:30pm Soup Supper, 7:30pm Program

Monday, March 14, 2011

Food Safety Workshop, April 4th

Everyone is welcome to attend, including youth, but whether you help out in the kitchen for the pancake supper, the Lenten dinners, coffee hour, the annual dinners, or youth group activities, we urge you to attend this 2 hour workshop. Food safety is a high priority for all of us both here at the church and at home. Cathy Stasny will again present the Food Safety Workshop on Monday, April 4, beginning at 6:30 pm. Many participants discovered some very interesting, enlightening and surprising facts when the workshop was presented before! While registration is not required, it would be helpful to know how many plan to attend to ensure that there are enough materials for everyone. Please e-mail Peggy Horn,, to sign up or for more information. Don’t miss it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lenten Program #1: Light, March 16th 6:00pm

In a literal and figurative sense, light and dark permeate our lives. This week we’ll consider the first day of creation when God created light, how light and dark are used in the Bible, what it means to be enlightened and how humanity has used and abused light and energy over the centuries.

6pm Fellowship, 6:30pm Soup Supper, 7:30pm Program

Friday, March 4, 2011

SCAN Food Pantry

The Outreach Committee asks that you please remember to bring canned food to church for the Food Pantry. Donations can be left during each service on Sundays in the food basket located at the entrances to the church and chapel. Thanks for your support of this important ministry.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fifties Flapjack Function - March 8th, 6:00 p.m.

Join us on Tuesday, March 8th at 6pm for our Annual Pancake Supper! Cost is a donation.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Adult Forum - "Belief"

The Adult Forum is meeting in the Library at 10 a.m. each Sunday and will begin discussing Francis Collins' book "Belief" on March 6th. The book covers reasons for rational belief as expressed by many individual writers over time. It is especially relevant to those troubled by questions concerning the case for atheism and others with skeptical notions. Please come, join into a lively discussion with sound minds and limited seating :). See you there on March 6th.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Come Celebrate! SPIRIT OF GHANA!

Come celebrate five years of Ghanaian Mothers' Hope working in Ghana. The Spirit of Ghana event will be 2/27, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Kaufmann’s Tavern in Gambrills Maryland. It will be great fun, with dinner, an auction, entertainment, and guests from the Ghana Embassy. The easiest way to get tickets for the Spirit of Ghana is to get them on-line at or by calling GMH 410-215-9543.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Goodness Gracious! - Jesus of Nazareth, March 14th through April 18th (Women)

Mondays from 12 to 2 p.m.

Beginning before the Nativity and extending through the Crucifixion and Resurrection, the movie, JESUS OF NAZARETH, brings to life all the majesty and sweeping drama of the life of Jesus, as told in the Gospels. With a star- studded international cast, we can experience the depth and humanity of the saints, sinners, and ordinary people who walked in the footsteps of the Lord.

This wonderful film provides the setting and background for the birth, childhood, baptism, teaching and many miracles of the Messiah, culminating in the Divine Resurrection. Acclaimed by critics and religious leaders worldwide, it offers a perfect reflection for the Lenten period. In only 6 hours, it tells the greatest of all stories with tremendous emotion and splendor.

Insights and discussion will follow each week’s viewing of a one-hour segment of the film. Please register by February 28th by contacting Nan Lewis at

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

EfM Movie Night, February 27th - "UP"

Everyone is invited to join us for a potluck dinner and to see and discuss for the movie "UP" 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. in the St. James' Parish Hall

Appropriate for all ages. The film is rated PG, for some peril and action. UP shows us that our biggest and best adventures aren’t necessarily the ones we start out looking for! Lots of life lessons are revealed through children, dogs, and the elderly.

So we can prepare for you, R.S.V.P. to: Linda Stewart at or Marjie Mack at You are invited to bring a dish to share. Sponsored by the St. James' Parish EfM Group.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Souper Bowl Sunday, February 6th

On Sunday February 6th, 140 million Americans will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be parties with abundant food, friendship and fellowship. At the same time, there will be people worrying about staying warm, finding shelter and a warm meal. Please join young people around the country as they demonstrate God’s love by loving their neighbors through the Souper Bowl of Caring. It’s a simple, yet significant act of caring for others. Drop $1 (or more!) in the soup pot as you leave worship on February 6th. THANKS!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Clothing Mission

The clothing mission is alive and well at St. James’ Parish. Please continue to drop off clean, season appropriate, gently used clothes downstairs in the Education wing. We also are in desperate need for another one or two helpers to sort and put away the clothing as it comes in. If you could help for 1-2 hours a week on Friday, Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, please contact Taylor Milbradt -

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Worship Service - Wednesdays at 9 a.m.

Please join us every Wednesday at 9 a.m. for Morning Prayer followed by an informal Bible Study. We’ll pray the Daily Office and delve into the four Gospels. We’ll begin January 19th. If you would like more information, please see Amanda.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Conversations about Ordination with Bishop Sutton, January 26th

Bishop Sutton and the Commission on Ministry are holding a "listening session" about the ordination process in the Diocese of Maryland at St. James' Parish on Wednesday, January 26th from 7-9pm. As they are discussing certain changes in the discernment process for the diaconate and priesthood, they want to hear from others about the current process and to share ideas for possible improvement. Bishop Sutton will also share his concerns about the challenges before the whole Church regarding holy orders. All interested persons, lay or clergy, are invited.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

St. James’ Parish Book Club, January 12th

The St. James' Parish Book Club will meet on Wednesday, January 12th at 7:30 p.m. (and the 2nd Wednesday of every month). The selection for January is The Last Child, by John Hart. Please join us - both new members and suggestions for books are welcome! For more information, please contact Adrianne Day -