Saturday, December 31, 2016

The 325th Anniversary of the Establishment of our Parish in 1692

This year our Parish will celebrate the 325th anniversary of the establishment of our Parish as well as the 225th Anniversary of the Consecration of our 7th Rector, Thomas John Claggett, as the First Episcopal Bishop of Maryland and the first to be consecrated on American soil on September 17, 1792. On September 17, our Bishop will be visiting our Parish to celebrate with us. The Vestry has established an ad hoc committee to plan activities throughout the year in recognition of these important milestones. If you would like to lead or serve on the committee, please let Nancy Horkan know at

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Tree Thank You

The large outdoor decorated Christmas Tree is lit to honor all the ministries that St. James' Parish provides to the community. We appreciate Colonial Electric volunteering their staff and bucket truck to make decorating the tree possible.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Greening the Church, Thursday, December 22nd at 10 AM

Please join us on December 22nd at 10 AM and help decorate St. James' Church for Christmas! We need everyone's help, and you'll have lots of fun! For additional information, please contact Lillie Barrett at 301-855-7829.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Wreaths Across America at St. James' Parish

This year, St. James' Parish will participate in the Wreaths Across America program which started at Arlington Cemetery to honor some of the older, less visited, graves, and is now in over 1,000 locations across the country. Thanks to some very generous supporters, we have already raised enough funds to place up to 100 wreaths on gravesites in the parish churchyard.

Please join us for a wreath ceremony on December 17th at noon. These ceremonies all coincide with the laying of the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington, DC. Following the ceremony, we will need help placing the wreaths. We will also need help removing the wreaths at 10 AM on January 7th. For additional information, or to volunteer to help, please contact Ashley at

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Parish Christmas Caroling!

The St. James' Parish Chancel & Celebration Choirs invite you to join them for Christmas Caroling at Greenstreet Gardens on Sunday, December 11th at 1 PM. For more information, please contact Parish Music Director, Michael Ryan at

Friday, December 2, 2016

Salvation Army Carol Sing, December 7

Please join with the Salvation Army's Brass Ensemble December 7 to help less fortunate families and enjoy singing Christmas carols. The Carol Sing at 7:30 PM in the church is preceded by fellowship at 6 PM and a potluck supper coordinated by The Women of St. James' Parish at 6:30 PM in the parish hall.

The carols are accompanied by the Brass Ensemble and Patricia Tyndall on the organ. Two of the highlights of the evening are the three holy kings chosen from the audience for the carol, "We Three Kings," and the solo by St. James' Parish Music Director Michael Ryan who is often persuaded to sing "Good King Wenceslas."

Please join us for fun, fellowship, and Christmas caroling to benefit the important work of the Salvation Army.