Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Reading Camp South County at St. James' Parish July 27-31!

The camp is a week-long, tuition-free summer program for children who need a "boost" to help them improve their reading skills and will include 15 hours of reading instruction alongside fun activities such as swimming, arts and crafts, and games. A nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks will be served daily.

Paula Davis has agreed to coordinate the camp, but volunteers are needed! Current or retired teachers are invited to contact Paula for more information about how they can help to provide the reading instruction from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM each day. The program ends at 4 PM, so teachers (who are able) as well as other adult and youth volunteers will be needed to assist with the afternoon activities.

For more information about this exciting program, or to volunteer, please contact Bill Ticknor+, Paula Davis and Nancy Horkan at southcounty.md.readingcamp@gmail.com. Reading Camp South County is part of The Reading Camp Network.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Come Sing With Us!

Singing in the choirs offers the opportunity for very enjoyable fellowship, and the music contributes greatly to our Sunday Worship experience. If you have any calling to this important ministry, but have held back because you think "they already have so many," or "they probably don't need me," or "I'm not a good singer," please think again! We do need you!

For more information on how you can participate in one of the choirs, please contact Parish Music Director, Michael Ryan at mryansings@verizon.net, or speak with any of our choir members. We would love for you to join us!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Pie Baking Workshop, May 9th

One for You and One for Us! - Are you a person who is hesitant to make a pie crust and pie filling? Why not join us on Saturday, May 9th at 9 AM in the Parish Hall Kitchen for a Pie Baking Workshop. At this workshop, you will be making a pie to bring home and one to donate to the Spring Dinner. We will be making fruit pies. All you will need are the ingredients for the crust and the filling and the desire to bake a homemade pie. If you are interested, please contact Kelly Richard at akellyrichard@aol.com; she will give you a list of ingredients to bring. Persons with experience baking pies are welcome and encouraged to join us.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Project Prom Dress 2015

Saturday, April 11th from 9 AM - noon, the senior high youth will be giving dresses to girls in the community who may be in need. The senior high youth are collecting gently used and cleaned prom style dresses, as well as accessories and shoes. The senior high youth believe this is a terrific opportunity to recycle prom dresses and to minister to a need in the community.

Please drop off your donations in the Parish Hall. If you have no clothes to donate, we are accepting cash donations to help cover the cost of additional dresses, accessories, and shoes. Cash donations will also contribute to purchasing prom tickets to six high schools.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Sports and Drama Camp - Registration Open

Registration for South County Churches Partnership's Sports and Drama Camp (July 13th-17th) has begun! Sign up now! Spaces are limited! Registration for participants and volunteers can be done online here: eventbrite.com/event/15913039329/.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Clothing Mission

We are now accepting spring and summer clothing. Please drop off clean, gently used clothes in the clothing room downstairs in the education building. Big thanks to Leslie Clark, and Laura McGowan who are assisting with this ministry! If you would like to help, please contact Taylor Milbradt at tayfm@aol.com.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

March Community Assistance Fund

The Community Assistance Team helped six families in the amount of $1,761 in the month of March. A special thank you for the contributions given to the Community Assistance Fund through the sale of the Hand Painted Easter Eggs, the offering from the Easter Messiah Sing-Along and from the Lenten Suppers!