Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Highlights of The Women of St. James’ Parish Meeting – Jan. 20, 2008

**Highlights of The Women of St. James’ Parish Meeting – Jan 20.
¨ Exploring purchasing mats for kitchen floor to help those who have to stand for long periods for the dinners.
¨ Exploring purchase of additional refrigerator to help with dinners since food is supposed to be prepared in kitchen only.
¨ Exploring fundraisers.

**Where…, Why …, Who…, How…?
Where does this go? Why is this in here?
The Women of St. James’ Parish (+2 able-bodied men!) recently completed a thorough inventory of the kitchen. We also discovered many items that were not put away in the cabinets where they belonged. Please help us by using the kitchen responsibly and putting all dishes, bowls, pans, and utensils back into the designated cabinets and drawers.

Who does this belong to? How long has it been in here?
Several dishes and a cake stand have been left on the counters in the kitchen. If these belong to you, please retrieve them by February 3rd. After that, they will be donated to SCAN or Goodwill.
It was also noted that food is being left in the refrigerators and freezer. If your group is leaving food in the refrigerators or freezer, please be sure all items are marked as belonging to your group. The refrigerators and freezer will be checked weekly. Any food items that are not identified, with the exception of condiments, will be discarded. Thank you,
Women of St. James’ Parish
Peggy Horn, President