Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Highlights of May 2008 Vestry Meeting

1. Confirmation went very smoothly.

2. Consecration of Bishop-Elect Eugene Sutton will be June 28 at the National Cathedral.

3. Thank you to all who have worked so hard getting the Assistant Rector’s home renovated.

4. As of April 30, 2008 we are $21,632.73 in the black.

5. Checking account operating balance is $32,697.82.

6. The inventory of St. Mark’s and St. James’is near completion. Still working on the balance sheet.

7. Exterior entrance to the Rector’s home is nearly complete.

8. Buildings and Grounds met with Realistic Builders in Annapolis about fixing the cornices in the Church.

9. Getting quotes from heating companies to replace baseboard heating in the parish hall.

10. Outreach Committee sponsored a Yard Sale and cleared $2000.

11. Parish Life Committee is having a church picnic on June 1st

12. The Editor of the “Shell” wants to retire and we need a new Editor.

13. Both of the choirs will sing at the Thanksgiving Day service.

14. The Spring Dinner went very well and the Women cleared almost $7000.