Friday, October 3, 2008

Coffee Hour Update!

Coffee Hour – We are going to try something a little different this year concerning the coffee hours so that any newcomers who attend either service will have an opportunity for fellowship with other parishioners. Therefore, we will continue the joint coffee hour (9:00 and 11:00 services) from 10:00 until about 10:45, and have a smaller coffee hour after the 11:00 service, also.

So that both groups would share in the responsibility of the coffee hours, we would like to have 2 people from each service (a total of 4) sign up to provide the refreshments. The people from the 9:00 service would be responsible for setting up and for a part of the clean up at 10:45. The people from the 11:00 service would need to be there a little before 10:00 to add their items to the table and help with the early clean up, reserving a small amount for a brief get-together after the 11:00 service. They would be responsible for finishing the cleanup after this final fellowship time. We hope that enough people will sign up so that no one will need to provide refreshments more than 2 or 3 times between now and when the summer services begin in June.

Please contact Brooke Steuart (9:00) or Peggy Horn (11:00) to sign up or if you have questions. See you at the coffee hour! Brooke Steuart 301-980-3920,; Peggy Horn 410-867-7499, Parish Life Committee, Linda Stewart, Chair