Thursday, November 13, 2008

Safeway Stores Club Card Program

St. James' Church is now enrolled in the Safeway Stores Club Card program. All you have to do is designate St. James' as your recipient, and each month Safeway will donate a portion of your purchases directly to our Christian Education programs.

St. James' designation code is 1036858.

Three ways to sign up:

1) Bring your Safeway Club Card to church on Sunday: registration forms will be available during coffee hour,

2) Register at the customer service counter at your local Safeway store, or

3) Do it on-line: Go to Register. Enter the designation code--1036858 Fill in name, address, phone number, and Club Card number.

Once you have designated St. James' as your recipient, Safeway will donate up to 3% of your purchases to our Christian Education programs. This is an easy way to provide extra financial support for our classes and Youth Group activities during our Year of Christian Education.