Saturday, November 21, 2009

Advent Program, December 2, 6-9pm

Please mark your calendars for St. James’ Parish Christian Formation Committee's first Advent Program on Wednesday, December 2 in the Parish Hall. Homemade Soup Supper will be 6-7 p.m. with separate adult and children's programs from 7-9 p.m. The Children’s program will take place in the Christian education building for children ages 3 yrs-5th grade. The children will be making an Advent craft as well as hearing the advent story!

The adult program will be a Biblical Musical Drama called “Ariella’s Journey to Bethlehem” and will be led by Christian singer and songwriter, Sam Kauffman. Ariella, the crippled daughter of Balthazar, one of the three kings, is called to Bethlehem to worship Jesus, the new king. As Ariella struggles with how to get to Bethlehem and what gift to bring, she experiences the miracle of Christmas. You can learn more about this Program in the November Shell Newsletter or by visiting Sam's website: In order to ensure we have enough soup for everyone, please RSVP to the parish office (410-867-2838) by November 30.