Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What does St. James' mean to you - in 25 words or less

You never get a second chance to make a first impression, and today many people's first impression of a church is the church's web site. We need your help in making a good first impression. We are looking to add brief statements from people to various pages on the - statements about what being part of the St. James' community means to you.

Please consider taking a few minutes and write a brief note describing a meaningful part of your relationship with the parish; for example:
* Why do you feel more at home or what moves you at a particular service?
* Has there been a particular Christian Ed. class that changed the way you looked at things?
* Has your involvement in a particular St. James' ministry made an impact in your life?

Please e-mail your statement to Rick Downs - Quotations will not be attributed to you by name when they appear on the web site.