Thursday, February 23, 2017

Live Auction on Saturday, March 25 and We Can Use Your Help!

The Women of St. James’ Parish will be hosting a live auction on March 25th in our parish hall! Preview starts at 4 PM, with the auction at 5. We also plan to have food, beverages, and homemade desserts available for purchase. Cash or check only.

How can you help? 1) Attend the auction and bring your friends! 2) Help with set-up or clean-up! 3) Make and donate homemade desserts for us to sell! 4) Donate items to auction off!

Items that have sold well in the past include: quality household goods, antiques, fine jewelry, vacations, furniture, art, collectibles, homemade items. Pickup for donated items is available. For questions or donations, contact Lillie Barrett at or Lesa Sipes-Eser at