Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sing Out for Others!, Salvation Army Carol Sing, December 9

Please bring the children and join with the Salvation Army's Brass Ensemble Sunday, December 9 (note the NEW date) to help less fortunate families and enjoy singing Christmas carols. The Carol Sing will be held at 3:00 PM in St. James' Church. The carols are accompanied by the Salvation Army Brass Ensemble and Patricia Tyndall on the organ.

But the focus of the night is the youth group's presentation of the toys and a gift of money to the officers of the Salvation Army. The money for the gifts comes from the Thanksgiving offering, the free-will offering at the Messiah Sing-Along, and from the sponsors who cover all the expenses of both events. You can help by making a financial donation for purchase of the toys (drop a check off at the Parish Office), or you can donate toys yourself! Just bring them to the Ticknor Parish Hall by December 7. Join us for fun, fellowship, and lots of Christmas caroling to benefit the important work of the Salvation Army!