Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fall Dinner - We Need YOUR Support!

St. James' Parish will hold the annual Fall Oyster and Country Ham Dinner and Festival on Saturday, October 19, from 1-5 PM. The menu will once again feature fried oysters, country and honey-baked ham, potatoes au gratin, homemade coleslaw, green beans, rolls and biscuits. The event will also feature a bake shoppe, garden shoppe, antique car show, attic treasure sales, and a book stall.

Sponsored by The Women of St. James' Parish, the dinner is one of the largest fundraisers for the Parish with the proceeds supporting the WSJP's generous financial pledge to the parish. Please donate your time and talents to support the event. Financial donations to help offset the cost of food for the dinners are appreciated and can be given to Lillie Barrett or Lesa Easer. We also need donations of baked goods, attic treasure items, plants, books and DVDs (see announcement in the newsletter for details).

For more information, to volunteer to help, or to make a financial donation, please contact Lesa Eser at lesaeser@gmail.com or Lillie Barrett at garylillie502@gmail.com.